The strongest player in history

Chapter 1756 The Demon Emperor Appears

The white-robed old man sternly shouted: "Tell him to get out, I want to see, what kind of decent master can you mortals produce?"

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help being speechless, she took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "My husband has gone to Tianzhou for the time being, and he will be back in a few days. There are many planes in the world of the heavens, you should know this. I Husband is called Chen Yang, I don’t know if you’ve heard of him. Even if you haven’t heard of him, then you must have heard of his father, Devil Emperor Chen Tianya, right?”

"Devil Emperor?" The white-robed old man then sneered, and said, "Devil Emperor is just a younger generation. It is a joke for them to call themselves emperor. How can I be afraid of him!"

Shen Murong said: "You..." She felt that these guys in front of her really didn't know the heights of heaven and earth!I always feel that I am number one in the world!

Shen Mo Nong said: "I...Your Excellency is an ancient god. I thought you knew the height of the sky and the depth of the earth. What about the younger generation? Is the cultivation base older than the age? , It’s not a defeat. The name of the Devil Emperor is tied with the God Emperor. Do you really think that the Devil Emperor is nothing more than that? I can be sure that fortunately the Devil Emperor is not here. If he is here to hear your words , even ten of you, your body has already been smashed to pieces, and there are no bones left!"

The white-robed old man's eyes were cold, and he said: "Baby maid, how dare you despise this old man? I haven't seen such a master before, how can I be frightened by these illusory people you talk about. What a **** devil emperor, you let him come over, This old man has learned his tricks." He paused, and said: "Also, don't mention such nonsense to this old man here. Hurry up and hand over the source of your supernatural powers, otherwise, this old man will absorb all your vitality , and then dig out your supernatural powers. The old man’s patience is limited, so immediately hand over your supernatural powers.”

Shen Murong hesitated.

Ye Fan hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry about my life or death. The death of a disciple is not a pity. If you are hurt by the disciple, the disciple will not feel at ease even if he dies. What face does the disciple have to see the master?"

Shen Mo Nong gritted her teeth and said, "I can't leave you alone." She paused and said, "But Ye Fan, I'll leave now, and I'll try to rescue you later!"

It's not that Shen Murong is not loyal, only if she leaves, can Ye Fan have a chance to survive.

If she insisted on taking Ye Fan away, both of them would die here today.

Ye Fan said: "Master, it should be like this. If the disciple really wants to die here, it will be the disciple's life."

Shen Mo Nong immediately allocated a share of the original seeds of the three supernatural powers in his brain, the Great Devouring Technique, the Great Sealing Technique, and the Great Teleportation Technique.She said to the old man in white robe, "Go!"

Three pills were ejected.

The old man in white robe laughed loudly, and with a big wave of his hand, he put the three supernatural power seeds into his hand.

"Now, can I go?" Shen Mo Nong asked the old man in white robe.

The old man in white robe rolled his eyeballs, and suddenly he laughed bitterly.

Shen Murong and Ye Fan couldn't help but change their expressions.

Shen Mo Nong was startled and said angrily: "Don't tell me you want to go back on your word?"

The old man in white robe said: "Haha, why do you think I threatened you? Because the seeds of supernatural powers cannot be dug away. This old man is just threatening you with empty words. I never thought of letting you go. You have such a cultivation base, And so beautiful. I haven’t had a woman like you by my side for a long time. If you come and serve this old man well, then this old man can still give you a way out!”

"You are shameless!" Shen Mo Nong was furious.

"Damn it!" Ye Fan's eyes were bloodshot and he was furious.This is his mistress!

The enemy insulted his mistress right in front of his eyes, how could he bear it.

What Ye Fan respects most in his heart is his master, and now he also respects his wife very much.He will never tolerate someone insulting his wife in front of him, which is also an insult to his master.

"Death!" Ye Fan roared, and immediately cast the Great Sky Eye Technique!

Lihuo's golden pupils flickered in his eyes.

Two fierce slashes from the Lihuo Shenmang aimed at the old man in white robe, as fast as lightning!

"Haha, it's actually another three-thousand road. The old man's fortune is coming today!" The white-robed old man was ecstatic.

He laughed loudly, but he didn't dodge at all, and let Li Vulcan's light kill him.

That Lihuo Shenmang is fierce and unparalleled, he kills gods when he sees gods, and kills Buddhas when he sees Buddhas.

But at this moment, the Lihuo Shenmang killed the white-robed old man, but the white-robed old man was not injured at all.Not even the slightest bit of damage was done to his clothes.

"Ah?" Ye Fan was shocked.

The white-robed old man said coldly: "Such a wonderful technique, it is a great shame for you. Boy, come here!"

He suddenly grabbed it with his big hand!

In an instant, a big golden handprint appeared on top of Ye Fan's head, covering Ye Fan's whole body.Before Ye Fan could struggle, he was caught in the big golden handprint.

Ye Fan couldn't even use the Blood-devouring Sword.

Shen Mo Nong's eyes were filled with anger, she had never been so humiliated in her life.

"The Great Sealing Technique!" Shen Mo Nong quickly cast a thousand silk threads around the big golden handprint of the old man in white robe.

The old man in white robe just shook his handprint, and immediately sent all the thousands of silk threads of Shen Mo Nong's Great Sealing Technique flying away.He sneered, and said: "The old man said that you are not worthy of performing such profound and wonderful spells. No matter how powerful the spells are in the hands of mediocre people like you, they are nothing but chickens and dogs!"

Shen Mo Nong was helpless to the extreme.

The glazed jade pot is gone. Although the Three Thousand Ways are powerful, what she has learned is indeed too limited.

She can't even escape!

Shen Murong could only watch helplessly as Ye Fan was caught by the old man in white robe.

She can't do anything.

That Wu Jianhong was at the side, his eyes were full of cruelty.He said: "Shen Mo Nong, you should know by now that everything is just your Guoan's self-importance. In fact, in our eyes, you are not bullshit. If you want you to go, go, if you want you to go, go!"

Shen Mo Nong gritted her teeth and bled. At this moment, the situation is stronger than others, what can she say?How much she wished that Chen Yang could suddenly fall from the sky.

But...Chen Yang is far away in Tianzhou, so he doesn't know the danger here.

Everything is nothing but a fool's dream!

And what about so many miracles?

Shen Mo Nong was extremely annoyed, after all, she still underestimated the enemy.

The big golden handprint imprisoned Ye Fan tightly, and Ye Fan was in extreme pain.The golden handprint was roasting him like a melting pot, and his entire face was flushed.

He felt like his skin was burning. "Little brat, how can you have such supernatural powers as the Great Heavenly Eye Technique with your meager skills. Hurry up and hand it over, as long as you are willing to hand it over, the old man will let you die quickly!"

"Dog thief!" Ye Fan scolded angrily, his eyes were about to split open, and he said, "You kill me, you kill me, when my master comes back, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

The white-robed old man slapped Ye Fan's cheek, and said, "Don't say I don't know what your master is, even if the devil emperor that bitch said is coming, I still don't pay attention to it. I don’t know how high the heavens are and the earth is thick, but at such a young age, he dares to be called an emperor, who gave him the face?”

Ye Fan's cheeks were suddenly red and swollen, and he spit out a tooth with blood.

It was at this moment, when Shen Murong and Ye Fan were helpless, at this most desperate moment, a cold voice came in from outside.

This voice was icy cold, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hells.

"You mean, what is the Devil Emperor?" The voice asked coldly.

"Who?" The old man in white robe looked around and asked coldly.

Shen Mo Nong was overjoyed when he heard the voice.

Because the person who came was none other than... the Devil Emperor!

Although in the past, Shen Murong, like Chen Yang, hated the Devil Emperor to the core.But since the last battle against Tianbru, Shen Murong, like Chen Yang, also had a change in his feelings towards the Devil Emperor.

Moreover, Shen Mo Nong did not have Chen Yang's mother feud.

What Shen Murong could feel was the Devil Emperor's love for her son.

"Huh!" Shen Monong came to God immediately, snorted coldly, and said, "He is the Devil Emperor, aren't you just pretending to be arrogant and don't take the Devil Emperor seriously? Now, you are ready to bear the Devil Emperor's wrath Bar!"

"Haha!" The old man in white robe laughed loudly. "Is it the devil emperor? Well, the old man wants to see what you are capable of as a junior. Now that you are here, hurry up and get out!"

Ye Fan was pleasantly surprised.

He was going to meet the legendary devil emperor, and he had the reputation of listening to the devil emperor during his trip to Mount Tai.Now it is said that the devil emperor is the master, how can he not want to see the demeanor of such a big man.

Chen Tianya's voice came in again: "I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

At this time, how could the white-robed old man give in, and said: "What are you talking about, if you have the ability, come and save your grandson!"

"Good!" Chen Tianya simply said a good word.

In the next second, he directly cut through the void, and walked out of the empty air.

He was dressed in black, stern and handsome, and he appeared in front of the white-robed old man just like that.

"You are the Devil Emperor?" The old man in white robe looked at Chen Tianya coldly.

Wu Jianhong and the others also stared at the Devil Emperor closely.

At this time, Wu Jianhong and others felt the pressure.As soon as the devil emperor appeared, although he didn't show the mountains or show water, there was no reason to make people feel scared from the bottom of his heart.

This is where the Devil Emperor's prestige comes from!

In pain, Ye Fan also looked at the Devil Emperor.

"Disciple and grandson pay homage to master!" This kid was not stupid, he did such a trick at this time.

"Okay, since you are calling Shigong, how can Shigong not save you!" Chen Tianya looked at the old man in white robe, and said, "Let him go!"

"You want me to let him go?" The white-robed old man sneered and said, "Won't you come to rescue yourself?"

"Crack!" Suddenly, Chen Tianya raised his hand.

A crisp slap hit the face of the old man in white robe.

Suddenly, a clear palm print appeared on the face of the white-robed old man, and half of his cheeks became red and swollen.

"This..." The old man in white robe seemed to have seen a ghost. At that moment just now, he didn't notice anything and was...

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