"Well, Ye Fan, I'll take you to Yanjing first. Then I'll go to the Tianwu Sect. I'll let someone investigate the matter of the mysterious man and Wu Fei!" Shen Mo Nong said.

"No, Mistress, I'm really worried. Let me go with you on the Tianwu Sect trip." Ye Fan said.

"You..." Shen Mo Nong also knew Ye Fan's mood, she thought for a while, and then said: "Well, then, play by ear, don't be impulsive."

Ye Fan said: "Yes, I will, Master!"

Shen Mo Nong knew in his heart that there was a big problem in it.Even the leader of Tianwu Sect should not have such a fast speed.After all, not everyone knows how to teleport.

Moreover, Ye Fan's mother should not be on the side of Tianwu Sect.

But right now, Ye Fan is impatient.After thinking about it, Shen Monong went to the Tianwu Sect, and clarified the context of the matter with the leader of the Tianwu Sect, so as not to cause misunderstandings.

Shen Mo Nong just wanted to help Ye Fan find peace of mind when he went to the Tianwu Cult.

Of course, Shen Mo Nong also knew that going to the Tianwu Cult might not go so smoothly.But now, Shen Murong has a high level of cultivation and has a glazed jade pot in his hand.She is confident that she can solve all problems!

At that moment, Shen Murong cast the Great Teleportation Technique, captured Ye Fan, and ran directly to Tianwu Cult.

Shen Murong has always been a general who stands alone.You will not completely lose your wisdom and edge just because you have a child and become a mother.

She knew that there might be some conspiracies on the side of the Tianwu Sect, but she was confident that she would be able to reduce it by a single effort.Worst of all, there is no problem with self-protection.

The headquarters of the Tianwu Sect is hidden in the cave in the Yungui Mountains, where the miasma is dense and the Gu insects are rampant.It can be said to be a forbidden place for living people!

It is impossible for ordinary people to discover the existence of Tianwu Sect.

But the Tianwu Sect was recorded in Guoan.

Guoan in the past was not as strong as it is now.But the previous Tianwu Cult was not as strong as it is now.

Killing and robbery is also luck.

As the saying goes, if you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.

Under the killing and calamity, many people have ushered in the opportunity, and their cultivation base has been greatly improved.

In the Tianwu Sect, due to the arrival of its ancestors, new opportunities have also ushered in.

Shen Mo Nong took Ye Fan directly to the periphery of the Tianwu Sect.

That is, in the mountains of Yunnan and Guizhou.

Dark night.

In the dense jungle, Ye Fan and Shen Mo Nong stood on the ground.

Ye Fan saw the mist and snow in front of him.

"Follow me!" Shen Mo Nong said.

"Master, there is a lot of fog ahead, which is very unusual. My disciple thinks it might be the poisonous miasma of the Heavenly Witch Sect," Ye Fan said.

Shen Monong said: "Of course I know, just follow me!"

"Yes, Master!" Seeing that Shen Mo Nong was confident, Ye Fan didn't say any more.

Shen Mo Nong suddenly sacrificed the glazed jade pot, and she pinched the seal with her hands to urge luck.

In an instant, endless seawater sprayed out from the glazed jade pot!

There was a radius of ten li in the sky, and suddenly there was a torrential downpour.This torrential rain is like an arrow, urgent and ruthless.

Moreover, there are auras and laws in the rain.

In just a moment, all the fog in the air disappeared.

The extremely fresh air exudes from the woods, and it also carries the smell of salty sea water.It's like being by the sea.

The night wind blows, which is extraordinarily comfortable.

With a big move, Shen Murong put the glazed jade pot into the ring sumeru.

Ye Fan was stunned again.

"Master...you are amazing!" Ye Fan couldn't help but said.

Shen Mo Nong smiled faintly and said, "Let's go!"

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan said.

Go forward, hundreds of meters up and down, and you will see a cave.

Around the cave, many houses have been built, and there are water sources next to the houses.

The green mountains and green waters are so beautiful.

On the top of the cave, there are two gold-plated characters, Tianwu!

"I am Shen Murong, Director of the Sixth Division of National Security, and I am here to visit Wu Jianhong, the leader of the Tianwu Sect!" Shen Murong stood up with cupped fists and shouted loudly.

Ye Fan stood aside respectfully.

In the silent night, Shen Murong's voice spread in all directions.

It also alarmed many masters in the Tianwu Sect.

Including those bungalows, many congregants also came out.

"Please come in!" Right here, a man's steady voice came from inside the cave.

Shen Murong saw that the front of the cave was already filled with dense Gu worms.Among them are flying Gu worms!

But just after the man inside made a sound, all these Gu worms receded like the tide.

Shen Murong and Ye Fan stepped into the cave.

Inside the cave, there are naturally other caves.

The inside is very wide and tall, and the dome is [-] meters high, which has the meaning of a cave of heaven and earth.

In the hall of the Dongfu, the lights are bright.

However, there is electricity here, and this electricity is generated by themselves with a huge generator.

In the hall of the cave mansion, many people from the Tianwu Sect have already gathered.

Among these people, there are many masters.There are even more elders!

Among them, Wu Fei's elder brother Wu Xiang and second brother Wu Tian were there.

And at the top is the leader Wu Jianhong.

Wu Jianhong was dressed in black and looked about forty years old, with a gloomy face.

In the middle of the hall, lay a dead body.At that time, it was covered by a white cloth.

But both Ye Fan and Shen Mo Nong could feel its breath, it was Wu Fei!

This Wu Fei was brought back by Wu Jianhong.

There is some kind of wonderful connection between Wu Jianhong and Wu Fei.As soon as that connection was severed, Wu Jianhong knew that something had happened to his beloved youngest son.

So, Wu Jianhong, who was in seclusion, forcibly left the seclusion and went to bring Wu Fei back.

Wu Jianhong already had the ability to fly, so he could come and go so quickly.Although his flying skills are inferior to Shen Mo Nong's, it doesn't take long to come and go.

After Wu Jianhong saw Ye Fan, the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly became intense.

"Good thief, how dare you send it to your door?" Wu Jianhong slammed the case with a bang.The killing intent erupted in his eyes, and this killing intent was so angry that Ye Fan's chest felt tight immediately, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

This is the power of power.

Ye Fan couldn't bear Wu Jianhong's anger at all.

Shen Murong took a step forward and stood in front of Ye Fan.

For a moment, Ye Fandun felt less pressure.

Shen Mo Nong withstood all Wu Jianhong's anger.

"Master Witch, I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding." Shen Mo said in a deep voice.

"Misunderstanding? How could there be a misunderstanding!" Wu Jianhong said sharply, "I saw this kid kill my son with my own eyes. Could it be possible that what I saw with my own eyes could be fake?"

"Seeing it with your own eyes?" Shen Mo Nong said: "How is this possible? I have been following Ye Fan and have never seen him kill your son. How did you see it with your own eyes? Since you saw it, with your ability, Why don't you stop it?"

Wu Jianhong laughed sharply, and said, "So, this is the reason you came here. I thought it was impossible for me to see the scene with my own eyes, but you never dreamed that the memory witch has already been planted in my son's brain." Everything that happened before his death was clearly seen by the Memory Witch Gu. This seat has already seen the scene clearly from the Memory Witch Gu."

Both Shen Murong and Ye Fan were taken aback.

Shen Monong said: "Master Wu, are you sure that what you saw on Wu Gu's body was Ye Fan who killed your son?"

Wu Jianhong said: "It's absolutely true, do I still have the mood to joke with you at this moment?"

Shen Monong said: "There is a misunderstanding in the middle! I only ask you, the shaman, can the memory voodoo make mistakes? If someone wants to plot, will the memory voodoo provide wrong information?"

"Impossible!" Wu Jianhong said, "The only ones who know how to manipulate memory witches are me and the Harajuku Presbyterian Church. Are you trying to tell me that all of this is caused by the Harajuku Presbyterians?" What the hell?"

"Is there no such possibility?" Shen Mo Nong said: "The reason why Wu Fei went to find Ye Fan was also instigated by the mysterious person. Otherwise, why would he suddenly go to Ye Fan?"

Wu Jianhong snorted coldly, and said, "You still have to argue, Director Shen, I respect you three points, but don't think you are smart and treat everyone else as fools. Elder Harajuku has already done it three years ago. died!"

"What?" Shen Mo Nong was stunned.

Ye Fan couldn't help but stood up from behind you, Shen Monong, and said to Wu Jianhong, "Master Wu, I never killed Mr. Ling. If I really did, why should we cast ourselves into the net. We came here this time, It's because my mother was arrested, and the person left a note that we should get here within an hour. If not, my mother will be killed. I also want to ask you, the leader, if you See my mom?"

"What a mess, don't turn the truth upside down here and confuse the public!" Wu Jianhong's eldest son, Wu Xiang, scolded coldly.

"I have that note here as proof!" Ye Fan touched the note from the Jie Sumeru, but when he reached out to find it, he was stunned.

Because the note has disappeared without a trace.

"This..." Ye Fan was speechless.

Wu Tian asked coldly, "Where's the note?"

"The note is gone." Ye Fan said honestly.

Wu Tian sneered and said, "What a clumsy trick!"

"It's really clumsy!" Shen Mo Nong said lightly.She then said: "Master Wu, do you think that Ye Fan and I would come to do such a clumsy thing if there is nothing wrong with it? If I want to lie, if I want to cover up some facts, I will do it seamlessly. Does the leader of Wu think that Am I, Shen Mo Nong, not capable of this?"

Wu Jianhong said coldly: "How can I know, are you deliberately being so clumsy to draw out your so-called doubts?"

Shen Monong said: "Someone is manipulating all of this behind the scenes. I'm afraid the target is not Wu Fei, nor us. They want to deal with you Tian Wu Cult, the leader of Wu Cult. The people behind this are intensifying the conflict and wanting to make you The witch religion is going to the point where it cannot be restored. I think you better not make mistakes!"

"It's unreasonable!" Wu Jianhong was furious: "Crazy Shen Mo Nong, I have heard of your reputation in recent years. Do you really think that you can shake our Tianwu Cult with just your national security?"

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