The strongest player in history

Chapter 1739 Comprehension of Swordsmanship

"I didn't curry favor with anyone." Ye Fan interrupted Jiang Churan.

Jiang Churan said, "Okay, even if you didn't flatter me."

"Whatever it is, I don't need to curry favor with anyone." Ye Fan said. "I didn't have it before, I don't have it now, and I won't have it in the future."

Jiang Churan said: "What's the use of you hanging out with Miss Ji now? We're only old now, and we're not old enough to talk about marriage. Miss Ji admires you because you can hit some, and she likes you." Can she be with you in the future? Don't be naive. She is willing, but her parents will not agree. "

"What do you want to say?" Ye Fan said.

Jiang Churan said: "This is the last time I'm telling you this. I hope you can study hard and study hard. This is your only way out. You can learn some kung fu and be able to fight a little bit. This is not a good thing. Fists are causing trouble. Shi, I don’t want you to regret it in the future. This is my advice to you as your classmate. What era is it now? It’s an era of brains, not an era of fighting and killing.”

"Do you think, what you think is what you think?" Ye Fan said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Jiang Churan glared at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and said, "Squad leader, you are still too young. What you see is just what you think. But everything in the world is not what you think."

"You really don't know what to say." Jiang Churan stood up and said, "Anyway, that's all I've said, so you can do whatever you like in the future."

"Squad leader, thank you!" Ye Fan also stood up.

Jiang Churan was slightly taken aback.

Ye Fan said: "I don't agree with what you said, but thank you. You are the person who cares about me the most besides my mother and my master."

"Ghosts care about you." Jiang Churan said bitterly, then turned and left.

Ye Fan didn't blame Jiang Churan, he was still very grateful to Jiang Churan from the bottom of his heart.Appreciate her concern.

The next morning, Ye Fan received a call from Duan Jiuzhong.

"Brother Ye, hello. Can we come out and meet?" Duan Jiuzhong asked cautiously over there.

Ye Fan said, "Is there something wrong?"

He felt that he had been busy talking nonsense recently and hadn't practiced much.This made him uneasy.

Duan Jiuzhong said: "I want to ask Brother Ye for some things."

"I..." Ye Fan originally planned to refuse, but immediately changed his mind and agreed.

Ye Fan, Duan Jiuchong, and Shang Yang agreed to meet in an empty playground.This is a demolition site, but it is deserted.

The sun is shining today.

The morning sun shines!

When Ye Fan arrived, Duan Jiuchong and Shang Yang had already arrived.

This place was pointed out by Ye Fan, and Duan Jiuchong and Shang Yang didn't quite understand why Ye Fan chose such a place.

"Brother Ye!" Upon seeing Ye Fan, Duan Jiuchong and Shang Yang enthusiastically came to greet him.

"Hello, both of you!" Ye Fan also cupped his fists and greeted.

Duan Jiuzhong found a tablecloth and spread it on the floor, and put some wine and vegetables on it, as well as drunkard peanuts and a bottle of Moutai.

"Are you two going to drink with me early in the morning?" Ye Fan couldn't help laughing, and said, "I'm still a student!"

Duan Jiuzhong couldn't help being taken aback, and then he said in embarrassment: "I really forgot that you are a student, Brother Ye, but with your ability, Brother Ye, is it necessary to be restrained by the school? Isn't that a waste of time?"

Shang Yang echoed and said, "That's right!"

Ye Fan said: "My master said that there are infinite and profound truths in the universe. Only by mastering more knowledge can we understand the profoundness of the universe. This is beneficial to my practice, so I must study."

"Brother Ye, you are already so powerful. What about your master?" Duan Jiuzhong couldn't help but said.

Ye Fan immediately looked up in reverence, and said, "My master is a god-man in the world, and my ability is really not worth mentioning in front of my master."

"If we are lucky enough to see our revered master, it will be a blessing for us." Duan Jiuzhong and Shang Yang said together.

"If there is a chance, I will recommend it to the two elder brothers!" Ye Fan said.

"Thank you!" said Duan Jiuchong and Shang Yang.

Ye Fan then said: "The two big brothers came to me, there must be something. Please tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely not refuse!"

Duan Jiuzhong smiled again and said, "Come on, let's eat while drinking. If Brother Ye is not used to drinking, I'll bring you a bottle of drink in the car."

"It's okay to drink a little." Ye Fan said.

"Brother Ye is such a joyful person!" Shang Yang said with a big laugh.

After that, Shang Yang was full of wine, and everyone ate peanuts and cold dishes with wine.

Duan Jiuzhong got straight to the point, and said: "Brother Ye, to be honest, I saw Brother Ye's supernatural power yesterday, and listened to Brother Ye's explanation. It really made me two brothers feel that I was really a frog at the bottom of a well. We brothers are right The realms you mentioned, Brother Ye, are also infinitely yearning. So today, I want to ask you, Brother Ye, for advice."

Ye Fan had already guessed the intention of these two people, so he said bluntly, "Actually, I have nothing to hide. The most important thing in the cultivation of the physical body is to satisfy the nutrition of the cells in the body. This kind of nutrition, It is difficult to rely on daily medicine and food. Because whether it is medicine or food, the nutrition in it is limited, and too many impurities will be produced. The human body has to eliminate impurities, which come and go, disappear One consumption, so the progress will be extremely slow.”

Shang Yang said: "It is true, and we also feel this situation. But how should we solve this embarrassing problem?"

Ye Fan said: "I am not very good. I have achieved this thanks to the elixir left by my master. In the elixir, there are pure nutrients and no impurities. However, this world can be refined There are too few people who have pills. Most of them are fake pills, and I am quite embarrassed now because the pills that Master left me have been used up."

"This..." Shang Yang said.

Duan Jiuchong said: "Elixir, I didn't expect these things to be real. But it's too difficult to ask for the elixir."

Ye Fan said: "Brothers, if my master gives me more pills, I will definitely give you some. In this way, you two will have a certain amount of pills in your heart."

Duan Jiuzhong and Monk Shangyang were overjoyed and said, "I am so grateful to Brother Ye."

Ye Fan then said: "However, I also have some things to trouble the two big brothers."

Duan Jiuchong and Shang Yang immediately said with great loyalty: "Brother Ye, please tell me."

Ye Fan said: "When my master taught me, he paid attention to qi and law, but I haven't had time to learn some practical things. The two big brothers are masters of practical combat, and I want you to teach me some practical things like this." .”

"So that's it!" Duan Jiuzhong said, "It's absolutely no problem!"

At this time, Duan Jiuzhong and Shang Yang finally understood why Ye Fan chose to meet here.

But no matter what, the two of them must try their best to teach Ye Fan about the elixir promised to Ye Fan.

So, in the next ten days.Ye Fan goes to school during the day and learns how to play from Duan Jiuchong and Monk Shang Yang at night.

He understands the mysteries of Taijiquan, Bajiquan, Baguazhang, Juntiquan, Emei Swordsmanship and so on.

Although, this actual combat is ultimately improved by actual combat.But after Ye Fan understood these things, he finally knew what he knew.

Of course he won't really fight with people, he wants to integrate these boxing and sword skills into spells.

Ye Fan started to meditate.

No school for three days!

For three days, Ye Fan has been integrating the boxing and sword skills he learned.

Ye Fan is not a super genius, but after the development of his brain cells, his learning ability is already different from ordinary people.It's as if he doesn't go to school every day now, but the studies he left behind have already caught up.

The way of the world is that if one dharma is connected, then all dharmas are connected!

Ye Fan's 15 years of hard work were not fruitless.

Three days later, Ye Fan realized a set of sword skills!

Combining Emei's Chaotic Cloak Sword Technique with the Blood-devouring Sword, Ye Fan named it Gale Wind Sword Technique!

There are eighteen swords in total, one sword is faster than the other, and one sword is harder than the other.The eighteen swords are connected into one sword, forming a swift wind cut, and it is swept away like a nine-day galaxy rolling away.

This set of swordsmanship became even more powerful in Ye Fan's hands.Because there is a limit to a person's speed, but Ye Fan's speed reached a terrifying level when he used his mana.

At the same time, Ye Fan combined Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams to create the Eight Diagrams Palm Seal, Tai Chi Palm Seal.

This is a spell for beating people from a distance, and its strength is exactly the same as that of Taiji and Bagua.

It's not a particularly great invention, it's just a combination of boxing and mana.

In this way, Ye Fan was slightly relieved.If you don't encounter the enemy again, you will be helpless.He has killing techniques in his hands, such as the Great Sky Eye technique, once cast, he will kill people directly.But Ye Fan can't kill people as soon as something happens!

Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, it has been 20 days since Chen Yang left Ye Fan.

Ye Fan counts the days every day, hoping that Master will come back soon.

Ye Fan still can't figure out what happened at the bottom of the lake for 15 years, and he doesn't know whether it was Master's work or not.But he felt that as long as the master came back, he would be able to make it clear.

After New Year's Day passed, the school was not far away from the winter vacation.

The winter vacation is not far away, even the new year is not far away.

However, the weather in Binhai has always been warm, which is why so many tourists like to visit Binhai during Chinese New Year.

As a local, Ye Fan didn't feel much.

He has been attending classes honestly recently, which made Jiang Churan look a lot better towards him.Jiang Churan felt that this guy had finally listened to his words.

But soon, Jiang Churan turned his nose in anger.Because Ye Fan didn't come to class directly that day.

Jiang Churan asked the teacher, and the teacher said that Ye Fan had asked for leave for ten days.

"I won't change my nature! It's hopeless!" Jiang Churan said bitterly.

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