Chen Yang's heart relaxed a lot now, because Monk Linghui said something to him.The world keeps turning without you.

He was worried about Ling'er, Lingzun, eldest brother, second brother, etc., but later he also knew that all worries were useless.Things will still go the way they should.

Ling'er went to Shennong World, but no news came back.And Chen Yang tried several times to communicate with Shennong World, but to no avail.The world of Shennong has closed the door to the outside world, and only the spirit of the spirit body can feel it, and then pass by.

This is probably also the reason why Star Lord sent Ling'er to Shennong World!

It seems that the star master is exhaustive about everything.

This morning, Chen Yang suddenly felt someone talking outside the villa.He was reading a newspaper on the roof, and the golden morning sun shone on him.At the same time, Chen Yang's divine sense enveloped Ye Fan and Jiang Churan outside.

Hearing the conversation between Jiang Churan and Ye Fan, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yang was not angry at being misunderstood by his little classmate Jiang Churan as a magic stick.If it was him, he would also think that the other party is a magic stick.

Not long after, Ye Fan brought Jiang Churan into the community smoothly.

Soon, Lin Qingxue came to the top of the building and said to Chen Yang: "Brother, Ye Fan is here, and he brought a female classmate over. Go down and meet her. Are you going to meet your parents? Children nowadays are like this fashionable?"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "What are you thinking about every day, you melon?"

After that, Chen Yang went to the living room on the first floor.

Ye Fan and Jiang Churan were waiting in the living room, Jiang Churan was sitting on the sofa, and Ye Fan was standing respectfully, waiting for Chen Yang to arrive.

Jiang Churan was very unhappy with Ye Fan's slavish appearance, but there was nothing he could do.

Lin Qingxue made coffee, packed some delicious snacks and brought them up for Ye Fan and Jiang Churan to enjoy.

Jiang Churan was originally going to expose Chen Yang as a magician.But when Chen Yang appeared in snow-white clothes, with a handsome face, and a calmness like Yuanyue's in his calmness, she immediately felt the word of awe, and she didn't dare to speak nonsense.

At this moment, Jiang Churan somewhat understood why Ye Fan was so respectful in front of Chen Yang.

"This is... what's going on?" Chen Yang picked up the coffee cup in one hand, took a sip, and then asked Ye Fan.

Ye Fan immediately said: "Master, this is my class monitor, classmate Jiang Churan. She heard from me that you are very powerful and admires you very much, so she wants to meet you?"

Chen Yang suddenly looked at Jiang Churan with a half-smile, and said, "Oh, is that so?"

Jiang Churan looked at Chen Yang, and she felt that Chen Yang's smile seemed to have convinced her.Immediately, she was determined not to admit defeat, and said, "No, I'm just here to expose the fact that you are a magic stick."

"Oh!" Chen Yang smiled.

Ye Fan was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Master, the squad leader is young and ignorant. You must not be as knowledgeable as her."

Chen Yang put the coffee cup in his hand on the table, and said, "Xiaofan, don't worry. Master is not so stingy, but, this student Jiang Churan, how are you going to expose me?"

Lin Qingxue on the side also thought it was funny, she looked like she was enjoying the show.

Jiang Churan said: "Ye Fan said you can fly, as long as you really can fly, then I will believe you."

Ye Fan immediately looked forward to it. He knew that Master could fly.

However, Chen Yang looked at Ye Fan and said, "You really said that?" Ye Fan looked at Chen Yang, and Chen Yang's eyes were calm. For a moment, Ye Fan didn't know what Chen Yang was thinking.

Ye Fan had a natural awe towards Chen Yang, he didn't dare to lie, and said, "Yes, my disciple did say that."

Jiang Churan said: "You don't need to blame Ye Fan, I just want to ask you, is it true? Can you fly?"

Chen Yang glanced at Jiang Churan and said, "I never said I could fly."

Jiang Churan immediately put on an expression of knowing. "How about it, Ye Fan, do you believe me?"

Ye Fan became anxious immediately, and said, "Master!"

Chen Yang said lightly: "Xiaofan, it seems that your classmates don't admire me! Now she has seen me too. If there is nothing else, you can let your classmates go back."

Jiang Churan immediately lost all awe of Chen Yang. She looked at Ye Fan and said, "Ye Fan, have you seen it? Let's go, he is a liar."

Ye Fan quickly said: "No, monitor, my master is definitely not a liar." He said to Chen Yang in a difficult way: "Master, you..."

Chen Yang said lightly: "Let your classmate go, of course, you can also go with her."

"Let's go, Ye Fan!" Jiang Churan took Ye Fan's hand and said.

Ye Fan shook off Jiang Churan's hand and said, "Squad leader, I can't go with you. Go back first!"

Jiang Churan looked at Ye Fan in astonishment, and then she said angrily: "I think you are really fascinated by ghosts, I let you go with me. If you don't go, I won't bother to talk to you in the future?"

Ye Fan was in extreme embarrassment, but he still stuck to the bottom line and said, "Squad leader, let's go. My master doesn't want to prove it to you, but it doesn't mean that my master is a liar. One day, I will prove it to you. "

"You are hopeless." Jiang Churan said angrily.She then said: "You are going to die or live, I don't care about you."

She left quickly after speaking.

Ye Fan stood on the spot and did not go to see them off.

Lin Qingxue felt a little embarrassed at the side, and she didn't understand why Chen Yang did this.However, she didn't say anything after all.

"Classmate friendship is the most precious." Chen Yang said to Ye Fan: "Why don't you go with your classmate? You are a classmate with a good heart. Although you are a little arrogant, you don't look down on you. Such a relationship, how is it?" precious?"

Ye Fan said in a deep voice: "Because I believe in Master, because if I leave with the monitor, then I will have no chance to prove to the monitor that what I said is true."

"Right or wrong, true or false, is it that important?" Chen Yang said.

Ye Fan said: "It is not important in front of others, but it is important in front of her."

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "You want to see if you can fly as a teacher? Well, I will show you how to fly as a teacher again." He stretched out his hand in the void, and a void handprint grabbed Ye Fan tightly.In the next second, with a flash of Chen Yang's figure, he brought Ye Fan through the void and appeared in the sky.

Blue sky and white clouds, golden sun shining.

Afterwards, Chen Yang displayed the Great Golden Pill.The golden elixir gave birth to Kunpeng wings, and Chen Yang and Ye Fan stood on the golden elixir.The Great Golden Pill spread its wings and galloped rapidly in the sky.After a while, it was over the sea.

In front of Ye Fan are clouds like cotton wool, and below is the vast sea.

The rapid headwind blew on Ye Fan's face, making him feel pain in his cheek.

"How about it, can you fly as a teacher?" Chen Yang asked Ye Fan jokingly.

Ye Fan was still in shock, and said after hearing the words: "The disciple knows that you have this ability, Master, but I don't know, why don't you show it in front of the monitor?"

"It's very simple. First, the secrets of the heavens must not be revealed. Don't mention the affairs of the immortal family to ordinary people. Second, if you want to prove it, then you can prove it yourself. One day, you can also take her to gallop in the sky like this .However, you still have a long way to go to reach this step." Chen Yang said.

Ye Fan was full of confidence immediately, he nodded and said, "Disciple understands!"

"Okay, now I'll take you to a place!" Chen Yang quickly cast the big teleportation technique.

In an instant, a space magic circle formed in the air, sweeping Chen Yang and Ye Fan.In the next second, Chen Yang and Ye Fan appeared on an island.

This island is a desert island, and the inside is covered with green trees, just like a virgin forest.

Chen Yang took Ye Fan to stand on a cliff.

On this deserted island, there are verdant and green mountains, steep and majestic.

Under the sunshine, it immediately makes people feel proud, and there is a deep canyon in ancient times, which makes people have infinite associations.

Ye Fan said: "Master, what is this place?"

Chen Yang said: "This place is more than [-] miles away from the Binhai, and it is a mountain with a lot of aura that I was looking for for my teacher."

"One thought is really eight thousand miles!" Ye Fan said: "Master, this disciple can't understand, how did such supernatural powers come into being?"

Chen Yang said: "Now I explain to you, you may not understand. In the future, you should work harder on physics. Learn more about wormhole jumping and quantum theory. Maybe you don't need to explain it to the teacher, but you can understand it." This is the mystery. Between mobile phones and mobile phones, thousands of miles and miles can be realized, and sound and image can be transmitted in an instant. The master's great teleportation technique also has the same principle in it. Everything has the same principle. But first, you You need to understand everything. Therefore, being a teacher requires you to take classes seriously. You do not take classes seriously so that you can go to a good university and earn a lot of money. The essence of reading is to acquire knowledge. You have to put this Remember the essence."

"Disciple understands!" Ye Fandun felt enlightened.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you sit down now."

Although Ye Fan was puzzled, he sat down as he said.

Seeing Ye Fan sitting cross-legged, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Who told you that you must sit cross-legged?"

Ye Fan was startled, and then said honestly: "On TV, in books, as long as you are learning Kung Fu, it's the same. Master, isn't it right?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not wrong, but, you have to understand why you do this."

Ye Fan said honestly: "I have meditated myself, and my legs and feet are sore and numb. It is indeed not as comfortable as sitting. I don't understand why this is so?"

Chen Yang said: "Well, I will explain it to you as a teacher. This meditation is very particular about posture and state of mind. Buddhism and Taoism have different sitting postures. Buddhism has a diamond seat, and Taoism has a pure heart seat. Buddhists say that the five hearts go to the sky, that is, the head, hands, and feet..."

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