The strongest player in history

Chapter 1714 Ye Tiandi's First Step

Ye Fan didn't wait too long, and then saw Jiang Churan coming down.Jiang Churan did not come down alone, it was his father who accompanied Jiang Churan down.

Jiang's father was obviously very dissatisfied that a male classmate came to find his daughter in the middle of the night.But he also knew his daughter, so he didn't say much.

Jiang Churan explained to his father that this Ye Fan's family is very poor, maybe it's because the family is in trouble, and he came to him as a last resort.

This night, Jiang Churan was wearing pajamas and a red coat outside.Her hair was disheveled, and she was still a little sleepy.

Even so, her beauty is still breathless.

It's like a begonia sleeping in spring, like the most beautiful chrysanthemum.

Father Jiang was at the side, but did not come forward.

Jiang Churan walked up to Ye Fan.The moment Ye Fan saw Jiang Churan, his blood seemed to freeze.He is so nervous.

In Ye Fan's heart, he can lose face in front of everyone, but he must maintain his dignity in front of Jiang Churan.

Because Jiang Churan was the only holy place in his heart.

He will always remember that when he was ridiculed for being poor and shabby in class, it was Jiang Churan who stood up to defend him.When he had no money to eat, it was Jiang Churan who handed him a takeaway braised pork.

Although, he didn't eat the braised pork.But he knew that Jiang Churan's concern came from her true kindness.

"Ye Fan!" Jiang Churan looked at Ye Fan. Knowing that Ye Fan had strong self-esteem, she smiled slightly and said, "It's so late, why did you come to me suddenly? Did something happen?"

Ye Fan also looked at Jiang Churan, and after hesitating for a while, he said, "I'm leaving after dawn."

"Go?" Jiang Churan was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean by going? Where are you going?"

Ye Fan said: "My mother's illness has been cured by my master. My master is an expert in the world. I want to go far away with my master."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Churan felt that Ye Fan was a little out of his mind. "Then what is the world's expert, don't be fooled by the magic stick."

Ye Fan said: "You don't have to worry about it, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"You..." Jiang Churan didn't know what to say. "What's the matter with you, Ye Fan. I know that your family is in trouble now, but don't mess around. Your mother is sick, so she should be sent to the hospital. You still believe in magic sticks, is there nothing wrong? That's feudalism Superstition, you know?"

Ye Fan said: "I know, you don't believe my words. But it doesn't matter, I don't know how long it will take me to go out, but if I come back, I will ride on colorful clouds and wear unrivaled armor to see you .Even then, you may not necessarily come with me, but this is what I want to do for you." After saying this, he said, "Goodbye!"

After Yefa finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Ye Fan..." Jiang Churan called out, but Ye Fan didn't look back.Jiang Churan had no choice but to give up.

When Jiang Churan and his father entered the community, Jiang's father said: "I seem to hear you guys talking about some messy things, what about colorful auspicious clouds. Have you read too much Journey to the West?"

Jiang Churan was worried, and said: "His mother is seriously ill, and he has no money to send his mother to the hospital. I want to organize the school to donate to him, but he won't let him. He came here so late today, and said his mother's illness He was cured by some kind of expert. He also said that he was going to study art, and I feel that his mental state is a bit abnormal."

When Father Jiang heard this, he immediately dismissed it.

"It is undeniable that there are indeed high-level people in this world. But who are high-level people? If you go to Hong Kong to ask a high-level person to tell your fate, it will cost you a lot of money and you have to wait in line for a long time." Father Jiang said: "A high-level person Where would you come here to deal with the poor? I think you, a classmate, are likely to be deceived again. There are not many high-ranking people, but there are many charlatans."

Jiang Churan said: "I thought so too, but he didn't listen at all."

Father Jiang said: "Forget it, fate is up to you, and it won't help if you think so much."

Jiang Churan nodded.

In the Liuye villa area, Chen Yang slept upstairs, and Lin Qingxue slept in the bedroom downstairs.That night, the two chatted a lot, and finally went back to their rooms to sleep.

In the morning, Chen Yang got up very early.

He watched Binhai from the top of the building, and the morning of Binhai was refreshing.

Most places in China have entered the cold winter.But Binhai is still as warm as spring, and the sun is rising at the sea level.The clouds over there that day were as dazzling as if they were stained with blood.

Chen Yang's spiritual thoughts shot out, and in an instant, the spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire Binhai.

He wanted to find Ye Fan, and immediately saw the Tongzilou where Ye Fan was.He wanted to find Su Qing, and immediately his spiritual sense enveloped the community where Su Qing was.

Chen Yang just glanced over briefly, he wasn't so bored to pry into Su Qing's privacy.

These mortal beings, in his mind, are like fleeting shadows.

After that, Lin Qingxue went upstairs to find Chen Yang.

"Brother, I made breakfast, come down and eat." Lin Qingxue was wearing a light purple long dress, with a dignified demeanor, pure and mature.

Chen Yang couldn't help smiling, and said, "You still make breakfast?"

Lin Qingxue said: "Hmph, you look down on people, don't you?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't think that I don't know. Before I came, there was a layer of dust in your kitchen. I don't think you will come out of the kitchen several times a year."

Lin Qingxue quibbled and said, "That's because I'm too busy at work. Come down and eat, I made the sandwiches myself."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Today Chen Yang was still wearing the white clothes, Lin Qingxue said when she went downstairs: "Brother, why don't you change your clothes? Put it in the washing machine, and I'll wash it for you by the way."

Chen Yang said: "There's nothing to wash, my clothes usually don't need to be washed, they are very clean!"

Lin Qingxue looked at Chen Yang's clothes, the white clothes were really spotless!

"White clothes are easy to get dirty, bro, what's wrong with your clothes?" Lin Qingxue felt strange.

Chen Yang said: "That's because I can control my sweat glands, my body is fragrant, and my clothes will naturally not smell. At the same time, I can automatically bounce off foreign dust and so on. So, even if I don't change it for a month The clothes are also cleaner than the clothes you change every day."

"What a pervert!" Lin Qingxue muttered.

Lin Qingxue's sandwiches are really good, not only taste good, but also look good.

Lin Qingxue heated up the milk and fried eggs.With the addition of tomato sauce, this breakfast is still very good.

After breakfast, Lin Qingxue said: "Brother, where are you going, I will be your driver today."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't you have to go to work?"

Lin Qingxue said: "My own company, I can't give myself a vacation? Don't worry, brother, I have already arranged everything. During this time, you are here, and the company's affairs are all handled by the people below. If there is something urgent, they will come to me."

Chen Yang said, "Alright then."

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue went out.

Chen Yang asked Lin Qingxue to drive to the LC area, that is, to Ye Fan's home.

Although Lin Qingxue wondered why Chen Yang would go to the LC area to accept apprentices, but she was never too curious and calm, so she didn't ask any more questions.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the courtyard of Ye Fan's house in the LC area.

Ye Fan came back by bus at six o'clock in the morning.As soon as he fell asleep, Chen Yang came.

When he heard the knock on the door, Ye Fan jumped up from the bed and quickly opened the door.

Mother Ye got up early, she was sick in bed for a long time, and now she is not willing to lie in bed.

Mother Ye welcomed Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue in.

"Hello, Auntie, this is my younger sister, Lin Qingxue." Chen Yang introduced to Mother Ye.

Lin Qingxue also politely called Auntie.

Ye Fan came to Chen Yang with disheveled hair, he seemed a little cautious.

Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue took their seats, and Ye Mu made tea.

"Sir, haven't you had breakfast yet? I'll let Xiaofan go out and buy." Ye Mu said.

Ye Fan hurriedly said, "What do you want to eat, sir? I'll go buy it right away."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "We've already eaten. I'm here to ask Auntie how your discussion with Ye Fan is going. First of all, I have to make it clear that if you ask me to be your teacher, then I won't give you any more money. If I want money, I will pay a deposit of 1000 million. As for the final payment, it may take some time for the bank to arrange it."

Mother Ye fell silent immediately.She really wants money!With money, you can go to the XC area to buy a good house, and you can live a good life from then on.

However, the son has his own ideals.What can she say?

If it is an ordinary family, the parents will naturally make the decision.But Ye Fan has been taking care of his sick mother for so many years, and he has always been very assertive.

"Sir, we have made up our minds. I want to worship you as my teacher!" Ye Fan said firmly.

Chen Yang looked at Mother Ye and said, "Is that what you mean?"

Mother Ye hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Yes."

Chen Yang said: "I'll say it again, worshiping me as a teacher and entering my world, killing people is not illegal. There is a big cause and effect in it, and there is a big danger. It's still too late to think about turning back now."

"Never look back, never regret it!" Ye Fan said immediately.He looks so determined!

Chen Yang said: "Okay then, I won't talk nonsense. Kneel down!"

Ye Fan was overjoyed and immediately knelt down in front of Chen Yang.

"I have no family or sect, but I have accepted a disciple. If you have a chance in the future, I hope you can meet your senior sister. There are three rules for entering my sect. Listen carefully. The first rule of the sect is that you must not Bully the weak. The second rule is not to insult the teacher. The third rule is not to do bad things! As for what is bad, you can decide for yourself!"

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan then kowtowed three times.

After three rings, it represented that Chen Yang had officially accepted Ye Fan as his apprentice.

At this moment, Ye Fan, the Heavenly Emperor, finally took the first step on his road to the Heavenly Emperor.And in the future, Emperor Ye Tian will be invincible across the heavens and worlds. From the beginning to the end, he has never humiliated his master!

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