The strongest player in history

Chapter 1712 Remediation

"You..." Brother Shun is also a person who hangs around a lot on the scene, and he can tell who can be messed with and who can't.Brother Shun doesn't know the origin of the guy in white clothes in front of him.But looking at his demeanor and manner, he knew he was a character.

Therefore, Brother Shun really didn't dare to mess with Chen Yang.

On the contrary, Brother Shun's subordinates were very unconvinced and eager to try to teach Chen Yang a lesson, but they were all stopped by Brother Shun.

Chen Yang then smiled.

He just sat here, but it gave Lao Xia's family an infinite sense of stability.

Lin Qingxue was silently dazzled.The elder brother in her heart is always so calm as a mountain, it seems that as long as he is there, even if the sky collapses and the earth collapses, she is not afraid.

Chen Yang said to Brother Shun: "I'll be the sole agent for Xia Qing's affairs. But don't worry, I'm the most disciplined person. Of course, the premise is that you also behave with me. How about this, take out the IOU first .”

Brother Shun was a little hesitant, and he said, "What's the name?"

Chen Yang said, "Chen Yang."

Brother Shun doesn't know Chen Yang. Chen Yang used to be famous in Binhai, but it's been a long time.Chen Yang's fame only circulated among the top management.It's only natural that Brother Shun doesn't know him.

Brother Shun said: "My name is Chen Shun, you and I are the family."

Chen Yang smiled slightly.

Brother Shun continued, "This is an IOU." He took out an IOU and gave it to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took the IOU, and he glanced at it roughly.It was indeed Xia Qing who borrowed 3 yuan, and said that he would pay it back within a week. If expected, it would be compound interest.

The date is a month ago.

Chen Yang said lightly: "Xia Qing, take a look, is it your handwriting?"

Xia Qing took the IOU, and he glanced at it, somewhat confused about the situation.The most important thing is that he doesn't quite understand Chen Yang's routines.So, he tentatively said, "It doesn't look like it."

Brother Shun gave Chen Yang enough respect, otherwise, the IOU would never have been given to Chen Yang.Otherwise, if Chen Yang tore up the IOU, things would be very troublesome.But Brother Shun still believed that Chen Yang was not that kind of person, it was based on his judgment.

But right now, Xia Qing's words completely angered him.

"Xia Qing, you fucking see clearly, isn't this your handwriting? What, you want to play tricks? You are here with me, you figured it out." Brother Shun scolded.

Chen Yang said in a cold voice: "Xia Qing, yes, yes, no, no. You should think about it before answering."

"Yes!" Xia Qing was quite frightened, and he really couldn't understand what Chen Yang was thinking, so he could only say yes in the end.

"Then you didn't say that just now?" Chen Yang said coldly.

"I thought..." Xia Qing was completely discouraged, with a sad face.

"What do you think? What do you think?" Chen Yang sneered, and said, "For these tens of thousands of dollars, I partnered with you to cheat? Thanks to your thinking."

Then he looked at Brother Shun and said, "I can give this money. It's not a problem at all. But I also said that I am a man of integrity. Xia Qing lost money to your casino. Then he should give it to him." A chance to pay back."

"How do you say it?" Shun Ge suddenly became apprehensive.Secretly said: "Is this guy a master of gambling?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't make a move. Let Xia Qing bet with you."

"Oh?" Brother Shun couldn't understand what Chen Yang was thinking, but he was not at all timid to ask Xia Qing to bet with him.

Chen Yang said: "Wait a minute, I'll go downstairs and get my bag up."

After he finished speaking, he got up and went downstairs.

Brother Shun didn't stop him, he completely believed in Chen Yang's character.

Lin Qingxue was also waiting upstairs.

"Chen Yang." Lao Xia said gratefully and ashamedly: "I'm bothering you again."

Chen Yang punched Lao Xia on the shoulder, and said, "My brother, what are you talking about with such nonsense?"

Chen Yang went downstairs soon.When I came up, I carried a large travel bag.

After entering the door, Chen Yang said to Brother Shun, "You, Xia Qing, come with me."

Brother Shun followed, and Xia Qing naturally didn't dare not follow.

When Chen Yang arrived in the room, he dumped all the contents of the travel bag on the bed.

Lao Xia, Lin Qingxue, Liu Guixiang and those gangsters all followed to watch.

As a result, everyone immediately saw the rattling noises on the bed, and they were all made of bright yellow gold.

All the people looked straight.I have never seen so much gold in my life!

"Here is 20 catties of gold. According to the cost at the market price, two hundred and fifty-one grams is more than enough." Chen Yang grabbed the gold and said, "This is a catty of gold. If you convert it to 10 yuan, you won't lose money."

Brother Shun was skeptical, he took the gold with both hands, and then let a few of his subordinates hold it.He carefully checked the authenticity of the gold.

And the result of the inspection was that it was pure gold!

"If you convert 20 catties of gold into 200 million together, is there any problem?" Chen Yang asked Brother Shun.

Chen Yang's generosity completely shocked Brother Shun. Brother Shun nodded and said, "There is no problem at all."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you and Xia Qing gamble inside." Then he said to Xia Qing: "You gamble inside for three hours, no matter whether you win or lose. After three hours, how much money can you keep in your hand?" , all of them are yours. But there is one thing, you have to gamble, playing stud, each game has [-] bases."

Chen Yang then said to Brother Shun: "How much you can win depends on your ability. I don't care about money. But I want him to understand what gambling is. Don't blame me."

"Okay!" Brother Shun became excited.

After that, Chen Yang locked Brother Shun and Xia Qing in the room.

Lao Xia and Liu Guixiang were full of worries, and said, "Chen Yang, what if he loses all of it? How can I pay back your favor?"

Chen Yang smiled at Lao Xia and said, "Don't mention this."

Then he stood up and said, "Lao Xia, sister-in-law, Qingxue and I will leave first."

"Ah, you don't care here?" Lao Xia and Liu Guixiang were surprised.

"The money has been repaid, there is nothing to worry about." Chen Yang said: "If Xia Qing still can't remember after this time, I will treat him again."

After he finished speaking, he said to Lin Qingxue, "Let's go."

Lin Qingxue nodded, and she said to Lao Xia: "Uncle Xia, Auntie, let's go first."

It's hard for Lao Xia and Liu Guixiang to keep Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue anymore.

The two were worried about Xia Qing and felt guilty about Chen Yang.

Afterwards, the two sent Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue downstairs.Lin Qingxue drove Chen Yang away.

In the car, Lin Qingxue said to Chen Yang: "Brother, will this work?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know, let's try."

"That's more than 200 million, just give it away?" Although Lin Qingxue was proud of some assets.But she also couldn't throw out more than 200 million casually like Chen Yang.

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "Money is nothing more than a foreign object. It is used to serve us, not to enslave us."

"It makes sense!" Lin Qingxue agreed very much, she said: "Brother, your words are always full of philosophy!"

"Haha, of course!" Chen Yang is no longer illiterate.He had never attended a day of serious school before.But in the parallel world, he is a regular graduate of a prestigious university.

"Brother, where are we going now?" Lin Qingxue asked Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang said, "Go to the beach? I'll show you something new."

"Really? That's great." Lin Qingxue immediately became excited. She naturally didn't want to be wrong, but she remembered that Chen Yang took her for a walk in the sea.Lin Qingxue drove directly to the beach.

The sea in the seaside city made the local aborigines feel sick when they saw it, and most of them almost didn't think the sea was beautiful.And every time a typhoon comes, it makes people itch with hatred.

But if they are really away from the seaside, they are too unaccustomed to it.

People at the seaside go inland to eat fish, which is a pain.

There are stars in the sky, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

Lin Qingxue and Chen Yang were on the beach by the sea, it was very secluded, the hustle and bustle of the city could no longer be seen, only the whistling sea breeze could be heard, and the sound of waves rippling made one feel an unreasonable sense of tranquility.Especially good for listening to while sleeping.

"Brother, what do you want to do this time?" Lin Qingxue asked.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Take you to see the underwater world."

"Huh?" Lin Qingxue was startled.

Chen Yang grabbed Lin Qingxue, and then put on a golden mask.He stored enough air for Lin Qingxue, and then activated his mana.The golden mask quickly flew into the sky, and then dived towards the bottom of the sea.

"Ah..." Lin Qingxue screamed.She couldn't help hugging Chen Yang tightly.

With a bang, the golden mask penetrated the surface of the sea and fell towards the bottom of the sea.

"elder brother……"

Chen Yang put his arms around Lin Qingxue's waist, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, with brother here, nothing will happen."

Lin Qingxue could feel that she was heading towards the depths of the sea, but she didn't feel any discomfort.

She gradually relieved her tension, and let go of Chen Yang with some embarrassment.

She looked around curiously, looking at the mysterious underwater world.

Wherever he saw, it was boundless darkness.

Chen Yang realized this and immediately activated the spell.

As a result, the golden light mask bloomed infinite golden light in all directions.

The entire sea surface world seemed to be penetrated by sunlight.At this time, Lin Qingxue saw the rich underwater world.Lots of fish she had never seen before, as well as microorganisms and so on, walked through the water.

"Shark!" Lin Qingxue suddenly saw a ferocious shark hitting the golden mask.

"Don't be afraid!" Chen Yang patted Lin Qingxue's shoulder.


The shark collided with the golden mask, and was quickly ejected a hundred meters away.

This was an exceptionally wonderful experience, which Lin Qingxue will never forget.

After landing on the shore, Lin Qingxue's clothes didn't even get wet.

When going back, Lin Qingxue couldn't help asking: "Brother, I wanted to ask you last time, how did you do it?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Brain domain." He pointed to his own head, both humans and animals can emit brain waves.Like electricity in the air, sweaters can be frictionally charged, but no one cares about this kind of electricity.And when the current reaches a certain level..."

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