The strongest player in history

Chapter 1686 Side Effects of Xuanhuang Liquid

In the eyes of Bruner and the others, they have seen many wonders of the universe for so many years.And the earth is just a very ordinary one among many planets.

They have encountered more highly civilized planets, but so what, it is not the same as enslaving and devouring.

But for now, the tiny Earth stopped them in their tracks.

"The reason why the earth is different..." At this time, the old scientist Yi Fan said in a deep voice, "Probably because it is a living thing."

"Spiritual thing?" Bruner and the prime minister looked at Yifan.The prime minister said: "My lord, what do you say?"

Yi Liaofan said: "At that time, our ancestors realized that there was an invisible force on the earth that was balancing the entire earth world. I have. Unfortunately, the ancestors still failed. This force drove the meteorite to hit the earth, causing the energy of the entire earth to fluctuate violently. Suddenly, the volcano erupted, the iceberg melted, and the world became extinct. The ancestors were in a panic , escaped on the imperial skyboat. For so many years, that terrifying force is still affecting our spiritual master, and has a certain image of our spiritual master's fate and body. This is why the upper level wants to conquer again The reason for the earth. What we want to conquer is not the people on the earth, but the terrifying power on the earth."

"The power you mentioned is probably what the human monks on the earth said...the way of heaven." The prime minister said.

Yi Yaofan said: "That's right, it's the Dao of Heaven. After so many years, the higher-ups thought that there was a perfect way for the opponent to pay the power of the Dao of Heaven. And how could you have imagined that Dao of Heaven has cultivated so many terrifying monks."

Bruner said: "Our roots are on the earth. This matter must be resolved, otherwise, it is impossible for the empire to go on forever."

"That's right!" the prime minister said, "So, no matter how much we pay, we are determined to win the earth."

The prime minister paused, and then said: "Master Bruner, I really can't think of what kind of weirdness happened to that unicorn this time, so that it can slip away from your hands?"

Bruna snorted coldly, and said: "The Qilin'er's own ability is nothing special. Let him change in various ways, and I can subdue him with just one palm. Seeing that, I will bring him back to the Heavenly Palace of Lihen , I don’t know why, this unicorn emanated an aura of a heavenly king from the fairy world. Finally, he used the strange pen in his hand to cast an ancient seal. This seal wrapped me around and I couldn’t move.”

"Heavenly Monarch of the Immortal Realm?" Bruner and Yi Liaofan were taken aback.

Yi Yaofan said: "Back then we closed the passage to the fairy world, because we knew that the power of the fairy world is too strong. We can't let the fairy world and the earth join forces. Our elders have already gone to the fairy world to prepare. Now I don't know why. , the passage to the fairy world was opened again. However, we had an error in time and space, and it took a long time to reach the earth. The time difference, in the dark, is like some kind of fate. Right now, the fairy world appears on the unicorn The aura of Tianjun is even more unbelievable."

Bruner said: "For the empire, ten thousand deaths will not be spared."

The prime minister also said: "That's right, everything is for the future of the empire."

"However..." Bruner said again: "The Heavenly Monarch of the Immortal World only has breath and a trace of rules left, and has no real power. However, the power of the Lord Tiantian is really terrifying. With just a trace of breath and rules, he can overwhelm I'm stuck."

The prime minister said: "That strange pen itself is full of magic, coupled with the ancient characters and the rules of the fairy king. So much magic combined to trap you for a while, Mr. Bruner, Bruner My lord, you shouldn't be depressed, you should be happy."

Bruner's expression relaxed a little, and he felt that his words were the most beautiful since he had known the prime minister for so long.

"But right now, we have completely lost the trace of that Qilin'er." Bruner said: "If we catch that Qilin'er, maybe we can also crack Tianjun's secret."

The prime minister said: "Master Bruner, we can always find a way to find that unicorn. We still have enough time to prepare!"

Bruner nodded.

In that icy and snowy place, Chen Yang fell into a coma for five days and five nights.

After five days and five nights, he finally woke up.

It should not be said to be awake, but in a trance.

Chen Yang sat up in a daze, and when he looked up, he saw dense green vines.

"This... what place is this? What the hell is this?" Chen Yang muttered.

Monk Linghui immediately recovered his original shape and turned into a sapling.He said joyfully, "Fellow Taoist Chen Yang, you finally woke up."

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said, "Damn, what the hell are you? How can you talk? Where is this place? It's so cold, didn't I still have fun with the girl in the bar yesterday? Why did you run here in a blink of an eye? Damn it what?"

"What?" Monk Linghui was shocked: "Fellow Daoist, you...have you lost your memory?"

"You just lost your memory." Chen Yang jumped up suddenly, he looked at Monk Linghui vigilantly, and groped from his waist. "My god, where is my gun? What kind of monster are you? Damn it, there really are monsters!"

Monk Linghui froze for a moment.I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "It's over, it's over, now Fellow Daoist Chen Yang has lost his memory."

Chen Yang thought for a while before asking Monk Linghui, "What the hell are you? How can a sapling still talk? Do you still know that my name is Chen Yang?"

Monk Linghui was extremely frustrated and said, "Friend Daoist, do you really not remember anything?"

"I remember it very clearly!" Chen Yang said: "I should be at the bar. Oh, I must have drunk too much. I must still be dreaming now, no, no, continue to sleep."

The guy lay down on the ground after speaking.

"Ah... so cold!" Chen Yang jumped up again, shivering from the cold. "Is this dream too real?"

Monk Linghui was helpless to the extreme.

Chen Yang suddenly screamed again, "So sleepy!"

Then fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Monk Linghui had no choice but to turn into a vine again to protect Chen Yang.

This time, Chen Yang slept for another day and night.After waking up, he recovered some memories, and he already remembered many things in the Great Thousand World.His memory stayed before Tianzhou.

Monk Linghui was overjoyed when he saw this.

Soon, Chen Yang fell asleep again.

He fell asleep three times in a row and woke up three times.

In this way, another four days and four nights passed.

When he woke up again, Chen Yang recovered all his memories.

He looked at Monk Linghui and said, "How long have I been asleep?"

Monk Linghui said, "Together for nine days and nine nights."

"So long?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Monk Linghui took a long breath and said, "Friend Daoist, it's good if you can remember. You woke up a few times before, but your memory is not complete. Fortunately, you have recovered all your memories now."

When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help but feel lingering fear.He said: "Fortunately, I don't take much Xuanhuang liquid. If I take more, I'm afraid I will lose my memory from now on. Now I feel that some of the causes and effects and impurities in my body have been quenched by the Xuanhuang liquid. This Xuanhuang liquid is indeed It has miraculous effects and can fuse all things, but the side effects are also unbearable."

Monk Linghui said: "It is the truth that things must be reversed at their extremes!"

He then said: "Friend Daoist, you have a special physique, and I don't know if Miss Qiao can recover her memory after drinking the black yellow liquid. But if you don't drink the black yellow liquid, I don't know how to get rid of that breath on her body." .”

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, and said, "It's indeed a problem. I don't know how she is doing now."

Qiao Ning was inside the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley, and was wrapped by Jiexumi, so Chen Yang couldn't figure out Qiao Ning's situation.

For a while, Chen Yang didn't dare to release Qiao Ning.

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk has already checked Miss Qiao and Miss Qin Keqing. Their lives are not in serious danger, but they were both injured by Zhou Guang, and they couldn't wake up for a while. Zhou Guang and Bruner were also injured. If you want them to come out, you have to get rid of Zhou Guang first."

Chen Yang said: "It won't work if you keep putting them in the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley."

Monk Linghui said: "It seems that the only way is to see Yan Jiuniang."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "No way. I don't know what Yan Jiuniang is thinking, I'm afraid I will be controlled by others before I meet Yan Jiuniang. And if Yan Jiuniang doesn't trust me, then I will There is no chance to escape again. Freedom is not easy to come by, so it is better not to throw yourself into a trap."

"Yes!" Chen Yang thought of something, and he said, "I will take Qiao Ning to the vicinity of the Jokhang Mansion's palace first, so that even Bruner can feel where Qiao Ning is. But he will think that I have already met Yan Jiu Mother. But Yan Jiuniang can't sense Qiao Ning."

"Miss Qiao has the aura of the mother of fire. I really can't be sure about it. Can Yan Jiuniang perceive the aura of the mother of fire?" Monk Linghui said.

"If the skill recovers, within three days, the Qi of the Mother of Fire can be expelled. But Miss Qiao has been in a coma, and the Qi of the Mother of Fire has not been removed." Monk Linghui added.

Chen Yang said: "I have to find a way to make Qiao Ning recover first."

Monk Linghui said: "How about this, fellow Taoist, you can move tens of thousands of miles to the north, and the distance will be farther away from the Hentian Palace. After that, you will dive ten thousand meters underground. In this way, Bruna will sense Miss Qiao, It will take at least half an hour."

"Okay, half an hour is not enough, let's change places!" Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

After that, Chen Yang quickly changed places.

Before, Chen Yang was in a mess. He felt that the world was so beautiful. He originally found two more treasures, and then he found the second brother, and the task was completed.I have to worry about looking for some treasure, but now that the treasure is not found, I am worried every day.But at this moment, Chen Yang also figured it out, this is fate.Compared with my own easy life, it is more beneficial to the entire human race to discover the conspiracy of the Lingzun.

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