The strongest player in history

Chapter 1682 The situation is changing rapidly

Tang Emperor Tang Bozhao once cut out the obsession in his body and trained this obsession into the soul.This thread of obsessive soul is Yan Xun, Yan Xun can exist independently, but it is Tang Bozhao's soul.Afterwards, Yan Xun's cultivation gradually increased, and he even reached the level of a cave immortal.This is because Tang Bozhao often handed over Yan Xun.

But this time, when Tang Bozhao blew himself up, he blew up Yan Xun and his body together.Only this kind of self-destruction can produce enough lethality, and can also repel Nalan Yuntian and Bruner.

The sudden departure of Emperor Tang brought endless troubles to the Jokhang Dynasty.

If at this time, the Jokhang Dynasty does not handle the crisis well.Then it is very likely that disaster will come.Lihen Tiangong has now gathered Lingzun, and its strength has greatly increased.They don't want to stay overseas for long.

Nalan Yuntian and Bruna will not make a move for the time being, they will wait and see what happens.But as long as they find that the royal family and nobles of the Jokhang Dynasty start to kill each other, then they will definitely sharpen their swords.

However, Nalan Yuntian and Bruna were disappointed in the end.

Because the next morning, the regime of the Jokhang Dynasty was as stable as Mount Tai.

At the night of Tang Emperor Tang Bozhao, after dawn, Yan Jiuniang, the leader of the Six Leaf Society, ascended the throne and became the first female emperor in the history of the Jokhang Dynasty.

Yan Jiuniang's Liuyehui is powerful, and Yan Jiuniang herself is even more powerful.Yan Jiuniang's cultivation was higher than Tang Bozhao's.

If not, it would be impossible for Yan Jiuniang to establish such a large Liuyehui.

That night, no one knew what happened in the palace.But in the palace that night, some people did die.And those who participated in the battle for imperial power didn't mention anything about this night, and they kept it secret.

After Yan Jiuniang became emperor, there was no one who sealed Liuyehui.Instead, let her eldest disciple Qin Keqing take over the position of the leader of the Six Leaf Society.

People from the Six Leaf Society are not allowed to enter the palace without permission.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stayed in the inn for one night. During this night, he swallowed the elixir to recover his skills.By the morning, my energy was fully charged and my energy was excellent.At the same time, he learned the news that Yan Jiuniang had proclaimed himself emperor.

The Jokhang Mansion was still peaceful, and even Tang Bozhao's funeral was held in a low-key manner.

Chen Yang knew that this Yan Jiuniang was really clever.At this time, she came out to turn the tide in order to stabilize the country of the Jokhang Dynasty.

Chen Yang discussed with Qiao Ning. "I think this Yan Jiuniang is not an ordinary person. I should find a way to meet her."

Qiao Ning said: "But this is too dangerous. If Yan Jiuniang doesn't believe you, you will have no chance. Besides, you are a big suspect right now. I believe the imperial city has already issued a warrant for you. Besides, we It is too difficult to go to the palace to meet Yan Jiuniang."

Chen Yang said: "Don't forget, the former leader of the Six Leaf Society was Yan Jiuniang. The people of the Six Leaf Society must have a way to contact Yan Jiuniang. I need to change my identity."

Qiao Ning said, "How to change?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then took out the polymer mask that he always had.After he put on the polymer mask, he asked Linghui monk to help him change the breath of his body again.

"Qiao Ning, don't come out for now." Chen Yang said to Qiao Ning afterwards.

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang completely changed his appearance, and also forced his voice into a duck's voice.He was wearing a black gown and looked to be in his thirties.

That would seem ordinary.

After disguising in this way, Chen Yang headed towards the headquarters of the Liuyehui.

Today's weather is still gloomy, at noon, as late as evening.

Chen Yang arrived at the headquarters of the Liuyehui at this time.

He handed a elixir to the guard guarding the gate, and then obtained the entry permit.

After that, Chen Yang was still waiting in the attic.

As for the headquarters of the Liuyehui, Chen Yang was quite familiar with it.Not long after he waited, Uncle Xuan came.

Uncle Xuan's face was a bit haggard, obviously he didn't have a peaceful night.

But no matter what, the Six Leaf Club's business still needs to be done.

Uncle Xuan was dressed in a black shirt. When he came in, he smiled slightly and said, "Old Zhao Xuan, a polite person calls him Uncle Xuan. He is the little steward of the Liuyehui. I don't know how to call him?"

Chen Yang immediately clasped his fists, and said in a thin voice, "I'm going to Lindong."

Uncle Xuan looked at Chen Yang carefully, but he only felt that Chen Yang was unfathomable, and he couldn't see the clue at all.He couldn't help wondering, why is there such unrest in the Jokhang Mansion recently?This kind of mysterious master emerges endlessly.

At this moment, Uncle Xuan thought a lot.But he didn't show his expression on the surface, and said: "Mr. Lin, I don't know what kind of deal Mr. Lin is coming to my Six Leaf Club for?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "I heard that this night, the situation in the Jokhang Mansion and even the Jokhang Dynasty changed, the Tang Emperor died, and the former leader Yan Jiuniang became the emperor?"

Xuanbo said: "As the young master said, but the young master already knows this information, doesn't he?"

While Xuanbo and Chen Yang were talking, a servant girl came in to serve tea.After the maid put down the tea, she turned around and went out, and closed the door behind her.

Chen Yang said: "I want to meet the new leader, Qin Keqing. I wonder if Uncle Xuan can introduce me? As for the required conditions, it's easy to say."

Uncle Xuan was slightly taken aback, and said, "My lord, do you want to meet the new leader of my family?"

Chen Yang said, "That's right."

Xuan Bo said: "My family will be the master, and I don't meet people casually."

Chen Yang said, "I want to see President Qin because of something urgent."

Xuan Bo was silent for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty's sincerity?"

Chen Yang said: "Here are [-] Chunyang Pills. I wonder if this sincerity is enough?" While speaking, he drove [-] Chunyang Pills out.

Seeing this Chunyang Dan, Uncle Xuan changed his color slightly, then he smiled and said: "The quality is very good, and there are many shots. But it is not enough to meet the leader of my family."

Chen Yang said: "I want to see Guild Master Qin because of the important affairs of my family and country. If Guild Master Qin is not satisfied in the future, how about I offer another 99 Pure Yang Pills?"

"Really?" Xuan Bo was immediately moved.

Chen Yang said, "How dare I make fun of the Liuyehui?"

Xuan Bo then said: "Okay then, this old man will report to the leader. As for whether the leader wants to see you, young master, that's not up to the old man to decide."

Chen Yang said, "It's so hard work."

Qin Keqing, a woman with a fragrant soul.Her cultivation is already at the peak of Xuxian, and she has followed Yan Jiuniang for more than seven hundred years.

To a large extent, Qin Keqing has been manipulating the Six Leaf Society and cultivating the power of the Six Leaf Society.In fact, Yan Jiuniang has not interfered with the Liuyehui for hundreds of years.Therefore, in the Liuyehui, no one has the slightest opinion about Qin Keqing becoming the new leader.

At this moment, in the Jingsi Hall of the headquarters of the Six Leaf Society, Qin Keqing, dressed in snow-white clothes, was meditating.

Qin Keqing is tall and slender, with a perfect face, she is a typical oriental beauty.She looks like she's 24, with collagen all over her face.

But who would have thought that she is now more than 800 years old.

A faint scent of sandalwood permeated the entire Jingsi Hall.

Although the outside world seems to be calm, in fact, there are turbulent storms secretly.But at this moment, Qin Keqing still maintained a kind of calmness.

It was also at this time that Uncle Xuan arrived outside the hall.

"This old man will meet the leader!" Xuanbo said respectfully outside the door.

In the Jingsi Hall, Qin Keqing opened her beautiful eyes.Her eyes are as pure and bright as black agate.

At this time, she was not arrogant, but said lightly: "Uncle Xuan, is there something wrong?"

Xuan Bo said: "This old man shouldn't have come to disturb the leader, but a strange guest came today. He paid a lot of money and specified that he wanted to see you, the leader. He also said that he wanted to talk to the leader about important matters of the family and the country. If the leader is dissatisfied, he will give away millions of pure yang pills."

"Millions of pure yang elixirs?" Qin Keqing's beautiful face showed a hint of surprise.

It's not that Liuyehui has never seen a million pure yang elixirs, but that this person spent millions of elixirs just to see himself.

Qin Keqing was silent for a moment, and said, "What's the name of this person? Do you know where he came from?"

"The old man only knows that his name is Lin Dong, and he has a high level of cultivation." Uncle Xuan said, "As for the others, we can't find out, as if they fell from the sky. It's exactly the same as the traitor Chen Yang before."

Qin Keqing pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, you bring him to me."

Xuan Bo said: "Yes, the leader!"

Five minutes later, Chen Yang met Qin Keqing as he wished.

Chen Yang also felt that in the Jingsi Hall, there were many formations, and many masters were hidden in secret.

"If you have anything to say, you can say it." Qin Keqing looked at Chen Yang, and she then said: "Since your Excellency wants to see me, but you hide your head and show your tail, and refuse to show your true face, isn't it insincere?"

Chen Yang was taken aback.

Qin Keqing smiled faintly and said, "Although you've disguised yourself very well, your aura is in a state of confusion, obviously hidden by some kind of magic. Otherwise, how can you not see everything clearly."

Chen Yang said immediately: "Master Qin, I am Chen Yang!"

He directly tore off the polymer mask on his face, and said to Qin Keqing.

"Chen Yang?" Qin Keqing was taken aback, then a cold look flashed in her eyes, and she said, "You still dare to show up?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "President Qin calm down, there are many misunderstandings. I came today to explain the ins and outs of the matter to President Qin clearly. I also hope that President Qin can tell Senior Yan Jiuniang One or two."

Qin Keqing said lightly: "Since you want to explain, then explain it in front of my master. But before that, I will capture you. I advise you not to resist, otherwise, you will die today. "

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, he didn't expect Qin Keqing to deal with and plan in such a way.

At this moment, Chen Yang hesitated.

Because he doesn't know whether Qin Keqing is good or evil, what if Qin Keqing is already a Lingzun?

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