The strongest player in history

Chapter 1679 Tang Emperor's Wrath

Chen Yang didn't intend to risk his life for Tang Wenqing and his gang.

Because Chen Yang and this group of people have their own thoughts, and now that a disaster is imminent, why don't they fly separately!Speaking of loyalty is not such a way of speaking.Chen Yang didn't take his own life so lightly.

In the sea area, sound waves vibrated and energy tumbling.A fierce battle is taking place.

As for the aftermath of the fierce battle, Chen Yang didn't know.

He quickly fled the sea area, and then planned to find other ways to quickly escape from the central world with Qiao Ning.

Plane space, three thousand worlds.

Among them, the seven worlds are the most special, and traveling through the seven worlds is also the most expensive.It is easy to go to other worlds from the Seven Great Realms, but it is not easy to go to the Seven Great Realms from other worlds.

Chen Yang once thought of leaving the central world by transferring stations, such as going to the Lost Continent first, and then transferring to Tianzhou from the Lost Continent.

But later, he discovered a cruel fact.

Chen Yang found that the central world has closed the passage to the outside just like Shennong world.

Nowadays, all worlds and plane spaces are beginning to be strictly controlled.It's like the various countries in today's vast world.Everyone began to realize the problem and built their own line of defense.Big countries have their own lines of defense and strict controls.Only those small countries, chaotic countries, can be easily invaded by outsiders.

Right now, it's not just Central World.In fact, Tianzhou had this kind of control before, and Tianzhou's control is also being strengthened.

As for the Great Thousand World, the Great Thousand World does not have such strong controls.But the Great Thousand World is very ingenious, and the Great Thousand World is the place where the Dao of Heaven is most strictly controlled.

Ordinary people don't know the plane world, and they can't tear the space to reach the great world.And once a powerful master comes in, he will be easily killed by Heavenly Tribulation.

So basically, in the Great Thousand World, there are not many masters who are willing to come here.Those ancient true gods belonging to the great thousand worlds all ran into the void, or hid in other plane worlds.

The great world is a pure land.

The establishment of this line of defense is the default of all forces, and they will also work together to formulate rules.

The current killings are raging, and no one wants external forces to bring about killings.

The line of defense may not be able to stop the top experts, but it must be able to stop most of them.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning felt that all the worlds of the planes were confused and there was no entrance.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning tried the fusion of yin and yang in an attempt to open an exit in this way.

But obviously, this way of yin and yang fusion is not a panacea.

It is still impossible to go to other plane worlds!

In other words, if Chen Yang wants to leave the central world today, he must rely on the teleportation array!

Only the particles in the transmission array can have clear and complete information.Only in this way can we reach other worlds.

The auras of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had been covered up by Monk Linghui's Spirit Embryo Art, so even Tang Emperor could hardly see that Chen Yang's destiny was the king of destiny.

But Chen Yang still felt uneasy, because even if the aura was covered up, the prime minister and his party could still find it accurately.

"We have to enter the Jokhang Mansion first. No matter what, the Jokhang Mansion still makes those spiritual masters afraid. Moreover, we covered up our aura, so it would be difficult for Tang Emperor to detect us." Chen Yangru said to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning said: "We can go to other dynasties, or go outside the boundary."

Chen Yang said: "No. I'm worried that the prime minister and the others will come after him at any time. Besides, I want to know the final situation of this battle."

Qiao Ning said, "Alright then, it's up to you."

Afterwards, the two went to Jokhang Mansion.

The Emperor Tang granted Chen Yang a charter, but at this moment Chen Yang had smashed the charter into ashes.This decree will become something that Emperor Tang chases and kills.

Over the Jokhang Mansion, Chen Yang used the Xuanhuang liquid to turn it into a key again, and then cut a small hole in the protective formation.

Then, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning escaped into it.

It was afternoon at this time, and the Jokhang Mansion was sunny after the rain.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning found the outskirts of Jokhang Mansion and lived in a bamboo forest.

In the bamboo forest, Chen Yang hid Jie Xumi.Then he and Qiao Ning entered the Jiexumi villa.

It is also the huge Ring Sumeru where Linghui hides the treasure.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning lay on the comfortable big bed.

Ever since entering Central World, Chen Yang has been on high alert.

After going through many dangers, not only did the treasure not see a shadow, but things got worse and worse.

Qiao Ning turned her head and met Chen Yang's eyes on the bed.

Qiao Ning saw that Chen Yang's brows were tightly furrowed, and she said, "Are you a bit regretful about taking the treasure?"

Chen Yang glanced at Qiao Ning and said, "It's not regrettable, it should be said that it's God's will."

"God's will?" Qiao Ning was surprised when she heard the words.

Chen Yang said: "So far, Lingzun should be regarded as the biggest enemy of the Dao of Heaven. In our eyes, the Dao of Heaven has always been supreme. And this imperial sky boat can devour planets."

Qiao Ning sat up, then stood up and took two steps, and said, "You can't say that."

She paused, and said: "We have talked about this topic before. Although the Imperial Skyship devours countless planets, the way of heaven does not represent planets. Although the way of heaven is only the way of heaven on earth, countless great supernatural beings can also crush stars and planets Masters. But they are still insignificant in the eyes of heaven. Therefore, the earth is not comparable to other planets."

Chen Yang said: "That's true. But Lingzun is always the enemy of Heaven."

Qiao Ning said, "That's why Heaven arranged for you to discover this big secret."

Chen Yang said: "Although the Dao of Heaven is supreme, it is not guaranteed to win. Otherwise, the Dao of Heaven would not have caused so many things. Therefore, it does not mean that the Lingzun must not be able to occupy the earth. If I discover this secret and remain indifferent , do not do some things. Maybe in the future, human beings will really usher in a catastrophe. If the spirit god occupies the earth, maybe Tiandao will regain control of the spirit god. For Tiandao, the earth has just changed its master. But the worst It will still be human."

Qiao Ning said: "It seems that Heaven is still on our side. Otherwise, I wouldn't have arranged for you to discover this matter."

Chen Yang said: "Maybe it's because the purpose of the spirit venerables is not simple, maybe it's harmful to the earth. What the Dao of Heaven wants to protect is not human beings, but the earth."

Qiao Ning said: "Speaking of which, human beings have done a lot of damage to the earth."

Chen Yang said: "So there will be natural disasters and man-made disasters, but no matter what humans do, they are all within the controllable range. If it is not possible, the way of heaven can also seal the five elements, wind and fire, and freeze the world. Wait a million years before reopening Five elements wind and fire."

Qiao Ning said, "What are your thoughts now?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "What else do you have in mind? These Spirit Venerables are really cunning. Before, I was surprised that they entered the Jokhang Mansion without any disguise. But now it seems that it may be intentional." For that."

Qiao Ning said: "It seems that our first priority is to find out what happened to the Lingzuns besieging and killing Tan Taijing and the others."

Chen Yang said, "That's right."

"What?" In the imperial study room of the Jokhang Mansion, Emperor Tang faced Tan Taijing who had returned from injury.

Tan Taijing was extremely embarrassed, and his vitality was greatly damaged.He gasped heavily, his eyes were bloodshot, and he knelt to report the situation to Emperor Tang.

"You mean...Qing'er is dead? Zijin and the others are dead or alive, except for you, are they all dead or alive? Even my starry sky map is lost?" Emperor Tang's face became extremely ugly, and rage was brewing in his eyes .

"I... my elite soldiers, so many masters, Qing'er, and the map of the starry sky, you have lost them to me." Emperor Tang slapped the desk suddenly, and said in a stern voice: "Tantai mirror, don't you Give me a reasonable explanation, today I will call you to destroy the Tantai family!"

"The emperor calm down!" Tan Taijing kowtowed immediately.

On weekdays, Emperor Tang treated Tan Taijing very courteously.Never yelled at.

Only this time, Tan Taijing knew that the situation was serious.Therefore, he also felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

"Your majesty, my minister... this time, it was completely a game of Lihen Tiangong. There is no such thing as a spiritual master. Weichen and His Highness went to the depths of the seabed, just in time for old thief Nalan. Nalan Yuntian This old thief has always hated us for killing his son, so this time he designed to lead us over. He brought a group of masters. Those monsters called Lingzun have terrifying cultivation. The old thief Nalan has arrived After reaching the peak of the cave fairy, his cave fairy law came, and the little minister was really invincible. In the end, the little minister barely escaped by relying on the self-protecting soul bead."

"You mean that Lingzun's capture of the earth is a pretense? Then Chen Yang is a spy? Everything is for the purpose of deceiving me?" Emperor Tang asked sharply.

Tan Taijing said: "The fact is indeed so."

"Okay!" Emperor Tang creaked his knuckles, and his eyes shot out horror and murderous intent.

"No one has ever dared to play tricks on me, never!" Emperor Tang said: "This Chen Yang, he is the first one. Tan Taijing, you go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors."

"Your Majesty, it's enough for this humble minister to cultivate for a while. If the Emperor can use this humble minister, I will do my best." Tan Taijing said immediately.

"Let's go to cultivate first." Emperor Tang waved his hand.

After Tan Taijing retreated, the anger in Emperor Tang's eyes gradually dissipated.

"Yan Xun, what do you think?" Emperor Tang asked after a long silence.

The imperial study was originally empty, but immediately, a primordial spirit appeared.But it flashed from between the eyebrows of Emperor Tang.

This Yan Xun was dressed in black, like a ghost.

He appeared to be a man in his thirties.

Yan Xun said in a deep voice: "Master, do you have doubts about Tan Tai Jing?"

Emperor Tang said: "I can't but doubt it!"

Yan Xun said, "Just because he came back alone?"

Emperor Tang said: "This incident is full of weirdness. The reason why I believe in Chen Yang is based on the special features of those spiritual venerables."

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