When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately said: "That's not right, this Tiandao brush was in Luo Tianqing's hands before. And before Luo Tianqing, I don't know how many people have held this Tiandao brush. So how can I rank fourth? "

Monk Linghui said: "Except for Yuanjue, the Tiandao brush has no brilliance. Therefore, no matter how many people have taken this brush, they are not considered its owner. In the future, if you hold the Tiandao brush, if you don't show its sharpness, It is also not the fourth master."

Chen Yang was thoughtful, and felt that what Monk Linghui said was not unreasonable.He went on to say: "But the Tiandao pen doesn't even have the tool spirit, how can I show its edge?"

Monk Linghui said: "No. What's the name of this Tiandao brush? The way of heaven! Its tool spirit also upholds the way of heaven, and fellow Taoist, you are the king of destiny. Even if you don't have the tool spirit, you should be able to display it. Its supreme power comes."

Chen Yang said: "What you said makes sense, but I'm actually speechless."

Monk Linghui was stunned for a long while, and then said: "Fellow Daoist, are you praising the poor monk?"

Chen Yang laughed dumbfounded, and then said, "That's right, it's just a compliment."

"This one, I still have to study it carefully." At the end, Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "Friend Daoist, you have to study it carefully. Over the years, Fellow Daoist, you have a lot of magic weapons, but you have never encountered a magic weapon that is easy to use and considerate. This heavenly brush can be used as a sword. You can also draw the supreme brushstroke. Maybe in the future, the heavenly brush will become a symbol of you, fellow daoist."

It was also at this moment that footsteps came from outside.

It was Qiao Ning who came back.

Monk Linghui doesn't have to shy away from it.

After Qiao Ning opened the door and came in, she looked tired.She glanced at Monk Linghui, slightly surprised, and said, "Monk, why didn't you continue to sleep?"

Monk Linghui smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen Yang got a good thing, congratulations for the poor monk coming out."

"Oh, what good stuff?" Qiao Ning was also quite interested.

Chen Yang showed the Tiandao brush and said, "This is it."

Qiao Ning was not surprised when she saw the Tiandao Brush, and said, "This thing has been in Luo Tianqing's hands for many years, and no big boss likes it!"

Monk Linghui said: "This is Miss Qiao, you only know one thing, you don't know the other."

Qiao Ning sat down and said, "I would like to hear more about it!"

Monk Linghui told about the origin of the Tiandao brush and Chen Yang's particularity.After Qiao Ning heard this, she really felt that the Tiandao brush was extraordinary.

Monk Linghui said again: "Everything depends on fate. Although the mountain and sea pearl before is also a thing that reaches the sky and the earth. But it doesn't seem to belong to Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, so it has been unable to exert any power in the hands of Fellow Daoist Chen Yang. Later, Fellow Daoist Chen Yang gave it to Fellow Daoist Qin Lin, and you will not take it back, Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, right?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Although it was a final entrustment at the time, the few treasures I gave to my second brother had to be returned. Then if I also want to return the Shanhaizhu, I would be too stingy. So don't care about the Shanhaizhu No matter how precious it is, I won't want it back."

Monk Linghui said: "So, the reason is this. It's because Shan Haizhu and Chen Yang are not destined for you after all!"

Chen Yang said: "So, Shan Haizhu went from Mei Niang to me, and then to my second brother, all this is my second brother's fate?"

Monk Linghui said, "You can say that!"

"By the way, you went to talk to Meiniang for so long, how did it go?" Chen Yang turned to ask Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning sighed and said, "She has made up her mind to go."

Chen Yang could only sigh slightly.

Qiao Ning said: "She really shouldn't have left. I don't mean that she is very important to us here in Shaowei Mansion. Even she herself, with her cultivation base, has no family or sect. If she goes out like this, she is also very important to us." It's too dangerous. What's more, the killings are raging now, and it's even more dangerous after going out. Chen Yang, she just wants a title, and you always say that it is for her own good to not give this title. If she If something good or bad happens outside, don’t regret it.”

Chen Yang seemed a little helpless. He said, "I know it's dangerous outside, so I don't even dare to give her some pills and magic weapons. I'm afraid she's guilty of pregnant bi!"

Qiao Ning said, "Why don't you try to persuade her again."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, I'll go again."

"If you persuade her to go to bed, don't worry, I won't be angry." Qiao Ning added.

Chen Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Afterwards, Chen Yang left the room, walked through the corridor, the courtyard, and came to Nie Meiniang's room.

There are dim lights inside.

Candles could be seen flickering.

Chen Yang knocked on the door.

Nie Meiniang said softly, "Come in."

Chen Yang pushed the door open and entered.

Under the light, Nie Meiniang was dressed in black and was reading a book at the table.

After Chen Yang came in, he smiled and said, "It's so late, what book are you reading?"

Seeing Chen Yang, Nie Meiniang also smiled slightly, and said, "Sit down, I'll make you tea." She put down the book after she finished speaking.

Chen Yang sat down at the table and glanced at the book by the way.But it was a novel of romance and drama, which belonged to the kind of ancient Chinese prose. Anyway, Chen Yang felt dizzy after reading it.But Nie Meiniang took this for granted.

Nie Meiniang quickly brewed a pot of tea, and the fragrance of the tea immediately filled the room.

After taking a sip of hot tea, Chen Yang felt refreshing and very beneficial.

"This tea is really delicious. If you leave, I won't be able to enjoy it anymore." Chen Yang sighed.

Nie Meiniang said, "I've already taught Biyue, don't worry, even if I'm not around, she can make good tea for you."

Chen Yang's voice sank, and then he said: "Meiniang, you have to know that the current arena is different from the past. You used to work for Lan Jianyi, and you traveled everywhere. But now that the catastrophe is coming, you alone It is extremely dangerous for a weak girl to go out. If I hear news of your misfortune in the future, even if I can avenge you, can you come back?"

Nie Meiniang said: "Based on my cultivation, I am indeed a weak woman in front of you. But you seem to have forgotten that before we first met, you were not much stronger than me. And in just a few short years, your progress It's really fast. But if I stay here forever, I will keep walking in the same place, and I will always be a weak woman. I will never be able to get out of Shaowei Mansion."

"Excuse me!" Chen Yang said, "Meiniang, you are not a genius in cultivation."

"I know." Nie Meiniang said.

Chen Yang said: "And you don't yearn for this kind of cultivation life too much, you like peace, Shaowei Mansion is very suitable."

Nie Meiniang said: "Chen Yang, you don't have to worry too much about me. I will act within the boundary of Dakang, which is relatively safe. No monk dares to act recklessly."

Chen Yang sighed, he felt Mei Niang's determination.

Nie Meiniang then said: "There is always a banquet in the world, isn't it?"

Chen Yang thought for a while, and took out a magic weapon from Jie Sumeru.This is a jade talisman, and Chen Yang has blessed it with strength.

"You keep this one. If you encounter danger, it can protect you. If you really can't resist it, if I can show up, I will definitely come over in time." Chen Yang said.

Nie Meiniang did not refuse, she took the amulet and said, "Thank you!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

Nie Meiniang said: "I'll leave after you leave."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and said, "Oh!"

In the end, Chen Yang failed to persuade Nie Meiniang.He went back into the room.

Monk Linghui had already slept in his Xuanhuang Shengu seed, Chen Yang sealed it up, and then got into the bed.

On the bed, Qiao Ning was already sound asleep.She is wearing a tulle skirt, and the spring is infinite.

This is really a picture of a begonia sleeping in spring.

Chen Yang hugged Qiao Ning contentedly.

Even though it's midsummer, it's hot.But for people like Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, they have a strong ability to resolve themselves, so there is no trace of sweat on their bodies, and they are still cold.

Qiao Ning was in a deep sleep, but was woken up by Chen Yang's harassment.Chen Yang kissed her earlobe, which made Qiao Ning feel itchy, but at the same time felt that her lust was surging.

"You hate it, why don't you let people sleep?" Qiao Ning muttered.

Chen Yang giggled, but his hands climbed onto her full chest.

So, naturally, there was another round of bloody, hand-to-hand combat.

The wind is violent and the rain is urgent, and the spring is beautiful, so there is no need to say more.

After the passion, Qiao Ning blushed, satisfied and charming.

She snuggled into Chen Yang's arms and asked, "How are you going to persuade me?"

Chen Yang said: "She insists on leaving."

Qiao Ning said: "If you push her on the bed, I guarantee that she will never say the word walk again the next day."

Chen Yang grabbed her chest and said, "You little wild cat, don't you really know what I'm thinking?"

Qiao Ning chuckled, and said, "I know now, you think you will be satisfied with me."

Chen Yang said: "Then don't say such things again."

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Okay."

It was still midnight at this time, and it was still early before dawn.After this exercise, Qiao Ning was very satisfied, so she fell asleep again.Chen Yang sat up, and he took out the Tiandao pen to study again.

At this moment, Chen Yang's mana penetrated into the Tiandao brush.


Chen Yang suddenly felt as if something exploded in his head.

Because his brain domain is connected with Tiandao Pen.

Chen Yang saw a vast scene.

Even inside the Tiandao brush, there are actually nine snow mountains!

Vast, thrilling, vast, desolate, all kinds of feelings came to Chen Yang's heart.

The nine snow-capped mountains have a feeling of towering into the sky.

It's like nine huge crystal walls!

Before, when Chen Yang erased Luo Tianqing's mana in the Tiandao brush, he never felt such a vast Tiandao brush.But everything in front of him seems to have changed.

"Is it really because I am the King of Destiny? Could it be that this Tiandao brush is really destined for me?" Chen Yang couldn't help thinking secretly.

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