The strongest player in history

Chapter 1654 Returning to Tianmen

However, while taking back the golden light from Luo Tianqing's body, Chen Yang also took the Tiandao brush on Luo Tianqing's body for himself.

The dao pen was an absolute good thing that day, and Chen Yang must not let it go.It is Chen Yang's greatest kindness not to kill Luo Tianqing. The monastic world is a world where the weak prey on the strong.

"Bring back the Tiandao brush!" After Luo Tianqing regained his self-awareness, recalling the previous events, he couldn't help being shocked and frightened, and roared at Chen Yang at the same time.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Do you think it's possible? If it were you, would you pay it back?"

Luo Tian couldn't help but be speechless.

But Luo Tianming was very bachelor, he turned around and said, "Fourth brother, I'm leaving, do you want to leave?"

Before Luo Tianqing could speak, Luo Tianming turned around and flew away.In just a flash, it disappeared.

Luo Tianqing stayed there.

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Fourth prince, if you don't leave, believe it or not, we will save you again and call Amitabha."

Luo Tianqing shuddered suddenly, turned around, and flew away.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning glanced at each other, and they quickly cast the Great Teleportation Technique and left the Kurgan Desert.

This is the killer mace!

After Chen Yang and Qiao Ning left the Kurgan Desert, they flew directly to Mingyue Palace.

It took about 10 minutes for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning to arrive at the North Sea, and they were not afraid that the Protoss would hunt them down.Because the aura of the two of them was covered by the spirit fetus formula.Once escaped, it would be difficult for the Protoss to find out what happened even if they tracked it down.However, Chen Yang also knew that this matter had already torn face, and the Protoss would probably not let it go, and would send people to continue chasing and killing them.

But Chen Yang is not afraid of challenges.

Chen Yang also knew that the best way to deal with it was to convert Luo Tianming as well.In this way, even if Luo Tianqing and Luo Tianming returned to the Protoss, they would keep their mouths shut.No matter how bad it is, killing these two people together will be regarded as ignorance and ignorance.

But Chen Yang was unwilling to do this, not because he was reluctant to kill Luo Tianqing and Luo Tianming.Rather, she was unwilling to use Luo Tianqing to kill Luo Tianming.

In the future world, if we meet again, if we fight against him, Chen Yang will not be merciful anymore.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning arrived at Mingyue Palace soon, and they landed directly in Mingyue Palace.Everyone in Mingyue Palace had a deep impression of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, and knew that these two were friends of the palace lord, so they came in without hindrance.

Immediately, Immortal Mingyue, Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen met Chen Yang and Qiao Ning in the Mingyue Hall.

Chen Yang got straight to the point and said that he wanted a treasure from Mingyue Palace to Tianmen.

Immortal Mingyue was stunned for a moment, then asked Li Tianruo beside him, "Do we have this treasure?"

Li Tianruo was also a little puzzled, and said, "Master, I don't know too well! Maybe it's accumulated in the Treasure Pavilion."

Immortal Mingyue looked at Chen Yang again, and said, "What is this Zhitianmen? How can you be sure it's here with me? Why do you have to have this thing?"

Chen Yang immediately reported the cause of the incident in detail.

Mingyue Immortal Venerable was also refreshed after hearing this, and said: "That's the case, Tianruo, you can take them to find this Zhitianmen."

"Thank you Xianzun!" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning said immediately.

Immortal Venerable Mingyue smiled slightly and said, "It's all trivial things, not worth mentioning."

Zhitianmen was in the Treasure Pavilion of Mingyue Palace, and Chen Yang found it without much effort.

It's as simple as that, returning to Tianmen.

Afterwards, Qiao Ning took out the reincarnation disc and told about He Hongguang imprisoning many female monks.

He Hongguang's attacks usually target small sects or female monks who don't have much backing.Therefore, most of these female monks are helpless.Qiao Ning first asked Mingyue Xianzun if he would accept these people into Mingyue Palace.

After Mingyue Xianzun heard this, he couldn't help being angry.But when he heard that He Hongguang had been punished, he let it go.She said: "These female monks are indeed pitiful. Mingyue Palace has opened its gates, and disciples must be accepted. However, firstly, it depends on their wishes. Second, it also depends on whether they are qualified. It was brought in. After all, Mingyue Palace has the rules of Mingyue Palace. It is inconvenient for me to break these rules."

Both Chen Yang and Qiao Ning expressed their understanding.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning released all the female monks.Most of them didn't have any clothes on them, and Immortal Mingyue asked Jian Hongchen to quickly collect clothes to cover them.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning didn't stay in Mingyue Palace for long, so they left.

As for whether these female monks want to leave in the future, or want to enter the Mingyue Palace, it all depends on their own choice.Chen Yang and Qiao Ning could only do this.

After leaving Mingyue Palace, Chen Yang decided to go back to Shaowei Mansion first.As for how to go to Yuntianzong and Yuhuamen to get the treasures, this is not a simple matter, it needs careful consideration.

Chen Yang's plan is to get all the six treasures from Tianzhou, and then go to the Central World to get the treasure from Monk Linghui.After that, I went to look for the eldest brother and the second brother, and also retrieved the three entrusted treasures from the second brother.

As for the other treasures that were gifted, Chen Yang didn't plan to take them back either.

He flew all the way back to Dakang and stopped outside the imperial city.Then walked back to Shaowei Mansion.

In Shaowei Mansion, everything is fine.

At this time, it was already the climax of the moon.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning returned to the mansion. Batu followed Xuan Zhenghao back to Shaowei Mansion before, so it was very happy to see Chen Yang and Qiao Ning at this time.

Batu obtained an amnesty from Xuan Zhenghao in the imperial city, and he can fly at will.After all, it is a very painful thing to make a flying beast unable to fly.

Xuan Zhenghao also liked Batu very much.

Batu also often goes in and out of the palace. It is said that the princesses in the palace also like Batu very much.

The Dakang Imperial City has also become Batu's paradise.

Chen Yang was also happy to learn that everything in Batu was safe and happy here.He always felt that he was sorry for Batu's mother, Xiaoling, so he also wanted to double compensate Batu.

Nie Meiniang prepared dinner and ate with Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Nie Meiniang also knew that Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were together, and all she could do now was to bless them.

But during the banquet, Nie Meiniang suddenly said: "Chen Yang, Miss Qiao, I plan to leave the imperial city, go for a walk, and have a look. I'm tired of staying here all the time."

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "It's fine, why do you want to leave all of a sudden?"

Nie Meiniang smiled slightly, and said, "It's not that you suddenly want to leave. You've been too busy these past few years. I've thought about it a long time ago, but I didn't find a chance to tell you."

Chen Yang felt very reluctant, and said: "Did I neglect you somewhere? You tell me, I will definitely change it if I can."

Nie Meiniang said: "It's nothing, Chen Yang, you have treated me very well. Without you, I'm afraid I'd be dead now. I can only be grateful to you."


Qiao Ning smiled at the side and said, "Chen Yang, you are not an idiot, do you really understand or pretend to understand?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, he suddenly thought of something.

Indeed, he is no idiot.He also understands what Nie Meiniang is thinking.

Chen Yang suddenly understood that it wasn't Nie Meiniang who was planning to leave.But after she was with Qiao Ning, Nie Meiniang felt that she was superfluous here.

Therefore, Nie Meiniang's request is actually very simple, it is a title.

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, and then said: "Meiniang, I hope you can stay here. Shaowei Mansion is a home if you have you. I come back often because Shaowei Mansion has you. But I don't want Shaowei Mansion to have you." The mansion is a place to bind you, if you really want to leave, I can only respect your wishes."

Nie Meiniang's delicate body trembled.She looked at Chen Yang, but she didn't expect Chen Yang to agree so readily.

Qiao Ning couldn't help pinching Chen Yang, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about. Mei Niang has paid so much for Shaowei Mansion, she is just asking for a title, you just let her go, you are still human ?"

Chen Yang stood up and said, "Qiao Ning, you are my lover. Meiniang, you are a friend I cherish very much. This title is easy to give. But Meiniang, if I give you the title, it is only for It's not fair to you to let you stay. The future is vast, and I'm just a leaf in front of you. It's time to remove this leaf of me. But no matter what the future holds, I will always remember it You friend. In the future, you will only ask for something, as long as I, Chen Yang, can do it, thousands of miles away, I will never hesitate, and I will not hesitate."

Nie Meiniang nodded, she said, "I understand."

This meal ended in such a lonely and desolate atmosphere.

After Chen Yang and Qiao Ning returned to their room, Chen Yang asked the maid, Bi Yue, to go back to rest and not have to serve them.

After Biyue left, Qiao Ning complained to Chen Yang and said, "You are hurting Meiniang so much, I can't stand it anymore. She is here to guard Shaowei Mansion for you, and everything is in order , Over the years, there has been hard work without credit.”

Chen Yang said: "I know. She has both credit and hard work. She needs other things, and I can give them. But I can't give the title, but I can give it. So what? It's justified like this Trapped her?"

Qiao Ning said: "She is willing, she likes it, isn't that all right?"

Chen Yang said: "As I said, she is only temporarily covering the entire forest with this leaf."

"Hey, forget it, you are always so weird." Qiao Ning felt a little helpless.

Chen Yang said: "If you don't really love someone, don't provoke her. Compassion and soft-heartedness will only make her suffer more. I have this kind of lesson from the past. So I will never make the same mistake again."

Qiao Ning knew what Chen Yang was thinking, and she said, "Forget it, I'll go talk to Mei Niang."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you can persuade her well."

Qiao Ning said, "Yes!"

After Qiao Ning left, Chen Yang fell into a daze.To be honest, he was a little worried about Nie Meiniang.

Nie Meiniang's cultivation is too weak.

It is very dangerous to walk outside with such a cultivation base.

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