The strongest player in history

Chapter 1632 Visiting Blood Race

Xiao Yuanshan's body shook violently, and then, with a desolate face, he said: "Okay, okay, Mingyue, it's a great fortune for me, Xiao Yuanshan, to have an apprentice like you. Sure enough, I didn't misread you!"

"Immortal Venerable!" Chen Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect Mingyue Immortal Venerable to really kill Xiao Yuanshan.He said in a deep voice: "It's bad luck to kill a master! I think it's enough to abolish his cultivation."

Immortal Master Mingyue glanced at Chen Yang lightly, and said, "If it's bad luck, it's bad luck. I'll take care of the consequences."

"This..." Chen Yang was speechless for a moment.

Li Tianruo raised his knife and quickly cut off Xiao Yuanshan's head.

Immortal Master Mingyue instructed Li Tianruo: "Treat the heads of Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu, and then put them in place. After a few days, I will send these two heads to Yuhuamen."

"Yes, Master!" Li Tianruo replied.

"Palace master!" Immediately, Palace Master Bailiyue stood up, and she said: "After all, Yuhuamen is the great sect of immortals, with a profound foundation. Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu broke in, and if you kill them, you will kill them. But if you still want to Sending the head back is an obvious humiliation to the Yuhuamen. I am afraid that the Yuhuamen will not let it go. If there is a fight at that time, both sides will suffer, it is not good! Please think again, the palace master."

Mingyue Xianzun said lightly: "If Yuhuamen wants to fight, then let's fight. We are not a country, nor will we raise the people. We are monks, and we practice the way against the sky. If you want to spend the rest of your life in comfort, What do you do to cultivate immortals? And if you are afraid, you can leave Mingyue Palace as much as you can. If you want to leave, I will never stay with you. I created Mingyue Palace. Tianruo and Hongchen are my direct disciples. Even nepotism, if you don’t want to stay, you can leave as much as you want. The gate of the Mingyue Palace is open, and I will never do what is difficult for others.”

"From today onwards, if anyone wants to leave Mingyue Palace, I will give her ten pills to celebrate each other's liberation." After Mingyue Immortal Venerable said that, a chill flashed in his eyes.

"Disciple, wait, always follow the Palace Master!" The group of disciples immediately knelt down and shouted loudly.

Bailiyue froze for a moment.

"Smelting like smoke, come out." Afterwards, Immortal Master Mingyue faintly called out.

Lian Ruyan, the master of Benyue Palace, was the first person to stand up to support Fan Qinghua, and the rest of them hadn't expressed their opinion yet.

"Palace Master!" Lian Ruyan's face turned pale, and he knelt down with a plop.

"Palace Master, this disciple was confused for a moment!" Lian Ruyan wept.

Mingyue Xianzun said lightly: "You don't have to be afraid, I won't do anything to you. You are all monks, seek good luck and avoid evil, this I can understand. The reason why I want to kill those people is because they are not Based on the original intention of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, they wanted to murder me. This is unforgivable!"

"Ah..." Lian Ruyan let out a long breath of relief, she felt that her head was already dripping with sweat.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Now, you should understand why I prefer Tianruo and Hongchen, right? Because, when I am in the most dangerous time, it is not everyone present who can be with me, but Tianruo and Hongchen."

"Disciple, I'm ashamed!" Everyone was ashamed.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Since today's event has passed, it should be treated as if it never happened. In the future, no one will be able to use today's event as a reason to attack. Today's event ends here. As for Lian Ruyan , You have been thinking behind closed doors in your palace for three months."

"Thank you, Palace Master!" Lian Ruyan was ecstatic.

"And..." Mingyue Immortal continued: "Within one month, if anyone wants to leave Mingyue Palace, I will give you ten pills. After one month, whoever dares to show any disobedience to Mingyue Palace Heart, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The meaning of Mingyue Xianzun is already very clear.

That is, if you want to leave, you can leave.But he also wanted the protection and benefits of Mingyue Palace, and at critical times, he still made soft-legged shrimps and lost the chain. I'm sorry, and Mingyue Palace doesn't need such people.

This is just like an enterprise, and the enterprise will not employ the kind of people who are paid but do nothing.

After that, all the disciples dispersed.

In Mingyue Palace, Mingyue Xianzun, Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, Li Tianruo, and Jian Hongchen were all there.

Immortal Mingyue sat at the head, Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen stood on both sides.

"Heavenly, Hongchen, this time, it is thanks to Chen Yang and Ms. Qiao that my teacher's injury can suddenly heal this time. In the future, the two of them will be my benefactor and your benefactor. If they need anything, You need to do your best, understand?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable said.

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen immediately saluted Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stood up immediately, and they wanted to stop them.

Mingyue Xianzun smiled slightly, and said: "Chen Yang, Miss Qiao, you just accept this gift. I'm always embarrassed to salute and thank you. They are my disciples, and this is what they should share."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had no choice but to accept the gift from Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning took their seats.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Chen Yang, Miss Qiao, are you here for something?"

Chen Yang said: "Passing by Tianzhou, I wanted to visit you Xianzun. There is nothing else."

"Your visit this time has fulfilled my chance." Immortal Venerable Mingyue smiled slightly.

Chen Yang said: "It's called fate. It's probably because Xiao Yuanshan and the others are exhausted."

Mingyue Xianzun suddenly felt desolate, and said: "Yes, I have run out of energy. Now is the day when I have not exhausted my energy, and I will eventually have my energy exhausted."

"Why do the immortals think so much?" Chen Yang said: "Ordinary people are born, old, sick and die, but we have a time when we are exhausted. Just like there are rich and poor among ordinary people, but in the end, dust returns to dust and dust returns to dust. And for us, the myriad methods still come from the same source after all.”

Mingyue Xianzun said: "You are right. I have never escaped from this fate and fate. What should come will come back after all, and I will welcome it calmly. People are alive, but I just want to have fun and have no regrets!"

Chen Yang said: "The immortal is free and easy, Chen Yang admires it!"

At this moment, Qiao Ning suddenly spoke, and she said, "There is really one thing that I want to tell Xianzun."

Immortal Master Mingyue smiled slightly and said, "Miss Qiao, tell me."

Qiao Ning said: "Chen Yang is planning to hold a wedding in the mundane world, a unique wedding. When the time comes, I hope the immortals will come to attend."

"Oh, for your wedding, I will definitely arrive on time." Immortal Venerable Mingyue said.

"No." Qiao Ning said.

"Huh?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable asked.

Qiao Ning said: "This matter is a bit complicated. It's probably..."

She was quick to tell the ins and outs of it.

"Oh, I understand." Mingyue Xianzun said: "Since the worldly fate is contaminated, it also needs to be resolved. Otherwise, the heart of the Tao is not smooth. Since it is Chen Yang who wants to shock the secular world, then this seat will arrange some surprises at that time .”

"Thank you Xianzun!" Qiao Ning said.

Mingyue Xianzun smiled, she turned to look at Chen Yang, and said, "Miss Qiao has treated you with the utmost benevolence. You must not let Miss Qiao down."

Chen Yang said: "Qiao Ning and I have merged our minds, so there will never be any misunderstandings or accidents."

Qiao Ning smiled slightly.

In Qiao Ning's eyes, this wedding is a secular relationship, and Chen Yang cannot escape, and must resolve this relationship.Otherwise, he will be upset.

After Chen Yang's heart is not smooth, Qiao Ning will also be affected.

Qiao Ning still has this capacity.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning left first.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "At that time, I will arrive on time."

"Thank you Xianzun!" Chen Yang clasped fists with Qiao Ning immediately, and then they left Mingyue Palace with the Great Teleportation Technique.

"Qiao Ning, you should go back to Dakang first and discuss with the emperor. I have to go back to the Great Thousand World to deal with some things first." Chen Yang said to Qiao Ning in the air.

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Okay!"

After that, Chen Yang sent Qiao Ning back to Dakang Imperial City.He used the teleportation array of Tianchi Pavilion to return to the Great Thousand World.

She stayed in Tianzhou for about five days in total, and the divorce period was still four days away.

It was night when they arrived at the teleportation formation in Daxing'an Mountains.

Chen Yang devoured a thousand Chunyang pills and quickly recovered all his skills.

After that, Chen Yang decided to go to Bor State first.

In Boer State, Chen Yang's fate also belonged to him, and Chen Yang also needed to solve it.

What's more, there is his good brother Dorrance there.

Chen Yang used the great teleportation technique, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in Boer State at night, and landed directly in Dekkang Castle.

The temperature in Boer State is like spring all the year round, so it is a perfect tourist city.

At this time, the lights in Dekkang Castle were bright, but at the same time it was quiet.

Chen Yang took a few steps forward, and a guard scolded him, "Who is it?"

The Dekkang Castle is very powerful in Boer State, and the guards in the Dekkang Castle belong to the henchmen of the blood clan.They are not replaced frequently.

Therefore, before Chen Yang could speak, the guards recognized Chen Yang.

"'s Your Majesty!" The guards immediately bowed on their knees.All in English: "See Your Majesty!"

Chen Yang always felt that the word Your Majesty sounded very weird, but he couldn't say anything.He smiled slightly and said, "Excuse me." The guards got up.

Chen Yang said: "Go and inform Baixue and Wall Rhine that I'm back."

"Yes!" said the guards.

Bai Xue, Wall Rhine, and Dorrance came out quickly.

"See Your Majesty!" Bai Xue and Wall Rhine saluted.

Dorrance saw that Chen Yang was extremely excited, but amidst the excitement, there was a touch of weirdness.Chen Yang did not notice Dorrance's subtle expression.

"Let's go in and talk." Chen Yang said afterward.

Of course everyone should be.

In the side hall of the ancient castle, the lights were dim.

People of the blood race, more or less, don't like the bright and white environment.Moreover, it is also more afraid of heat.Therefore, the style of Dekkon Castle is really a bit like a vampire.

For example, the castle is naturally cold, for example, it is always dark and so on!

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