The strongest player in history

Chapter 1624 The Great Conspiracy

Qiao Ning pondered for a while, and then said: "I'm afraid that Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu have already sneaked in. If we act rashly, we will force them to act in advance. Moreover, once we attack first, they will be famous, saying that it is our side who want to Persecuting Zhongliang, and saying that you have put the Immortal Venerable under house arrest. In this way, it is really hard to say!"

Li Tianruo couldn't help shivering when he heard the words.

"This thing has happened for ten days, and it is possible that those two people hid in. Miss Qiao, thanks for your reminder. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will make a big mistake. It's also thanks to you for discovering this in time, otherwise In my hands, the Mingyue Palace will be inexplicably destroyed without knowing it." Li Tianruo said afterwards.

Chen Yang said: "Right now, we must see the Immortal Venerable as soon as possible, and then make plans. The Immortal Venerable has been deeply immersed in the Mingyue Palace, and must have some hidden methods of her own."

Li Tianruo nodded, and said: "Master has been in retreat, I went to pass on a few times, but Master didn't respond. Right now, it seems that I can only force my way in."

Chen Yang nodded.

Li Tianruo will remove the restriction.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Yang thought of something and said.

Li Tianruo said: "Huh?"

Chen Yang said: "What are Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia's cultivation and status in Mingyue Palace?"

Li Tianruo said: "Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia are people my master has helped before. Before my master founded the Mingyue Palace, he had already recruited many experts. Fan Qinghua and Lingxia have a very high status in my Mingyue Palace. They are the Supreme Elders. There are four Supreme Elders in my Mingyue Palace, two of whom have been cultivating outside and have not come back. Now, in this Mingyue Palace, even if I see them, I have to pay a salute. And , Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia's cultivation bases are both in the middle stage of Xuxian. Without my master's suppression, these two people really have the courage to dare to rebel!"

Chen Yang frowned, this matter is indeed tricky.He asked again: "Then how much power can you mobilize? In the Yuhuamen, there are many masters, and there is the existence of the Supreme Supreme. According to reason, even in the heyday of the Immortals, the Yuhuamen can kill the Mingyue Palace." Bar?"

Li Tianruo said: "That's not true. During my master's heyday, even if a few Supreme Supreme Beings from the Yuhua Sect fight alone, they are not my master's opponent. Unless it is the Supreme Patriarch of the Yuhua Sect, Xiao Ling shot. It's just that Xiao Ling has disappeared for thousands of years, so it doesn't matter if I don't mention it. Moreover, there is a secret existence of his own in Mingyue Palace, which is the fear of Yuhuamen. Besides, my master has already communicated with an extremely powerful true god , with my Mingyue Palace to watch and help. That true god is an ancient god, and his cultivation base is on par with my master. If he joins hands with my master to activate the hidden magic weapon of Mingyue Palace, if Yuhuamen comes, it is guaranteed to come No return."

"It's not unreasonable for Yuhua Sect to be jealous all these years." Li Tianruo said afterwards.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "So that's the case, since the Immortal Venerable's back is so powerful, as long as you tell the Immortal Venerable, it shouldn't be a big problem." He paused, and said: "But just to be on the safe side, We still need to discuss it when we go to see the Immortal Venerable. Because I am worried that Qiao Ning and I will come back like this, and you will impose restrictions again. This has already attracted the attention of Fan Qinghua and the others. Then if we go to see the Immortal Venerable in such an open manner, they may be afraid You will realize that things have been brought to light, and simply put all your eggs in one basket."

Qiao Ning said: "That's right, we can't be careless. The secrets you know about the palace master, such as the ability of the immortal to communicate with an ancient true god, such as the activation of the hidden magic weapon, Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia must also know. I think, then Although you did not mention the hidden magic weapon from the Palace Master, the Immortal Venerable never carried it with him. It is because it has a great relationship with the location of the Mingyue Palace. Maybe it is something in the earth veins. It takes a lot of time and magic power to communicate with the true god. These things can deal with outsiders wholeheartedly, but it is not easy to guard against house thieves."

If Li Tian looked at Chen Yang and Qiao Ning more, he felt that the two were a match made in heaven.Moreover, the thoughts are very meticulous, complement each other and complement each other.

Chen Yang went on to say: "What I mean is, don't leave the Palace of Litian after you have been banned from the Palace Master Li. You are here, as if nothing happened. And Qiao Ning and I will pretend to leave Mingyue Palace, and then quietly Turn back. Just tell us how to find Xianzun."

"Turn back, I'm afraid the other party may find out!" Li Tianruo said.

Chen Yang said: "As long as you let us enter the palace guard array of Mingyue Palace without being noticed, after entering, I have a way to hide my breath without being noticed."

Li Tianruo said: "Okay, then do as you said. I have always been in control of this palace guard formation, so you can come in without knowing it. There is no problem at all."

Chen Yang said: "It's so good, it's not too late, we can't delay any more."

Li Tianruo nodded.

After explaining to each other, Li Tianruo removed the restriction.

Afterwards, Li Tianruo said: "Since the two of you have something urgent to leave, I won't force you to stay any longer. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will meet again in the rivers and lakes someday!"

"Farewell, Miss Li!" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning saluted with fists clasped.After that, the two found Batu and quickly left Mingyue Palace.

As soon as he left the Mingyue Palace, he started the Great Teleportation Technique.Leaving like this, unless the other party has a major cultivation base and forcibly breaks the space formation of his great teleportation technique.Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up.

And just after Chen Yang and Qiao Ning left, there were new changes in Fan Qinghua's Taishang Peak.

In Mingyue Palace, the Supreme Elder is not in the Eighteenth Hall.The Supreme Elder is on the Supreme Peak.Taishang Peak is the place with the best scenery and the most aura in the entire Mingyue Palace.

Although Mingyue Xianzun acted domineeringly, he still respected the several Supreme Elders.

There are four palaces in Taishang Peak, and a Supreme Elder lives in each palace.

Even if Li Tian had not been ordered, he would not be allowed to enter Taishang Peak.

Therefore, if Fan Qinghua and his group wanted to do something private, they really didn't know it.

The palace where Fan Qinghua lives is called Qinggong.

Inside the Qing Palace, Fan Qinghua, Ling Xia, Xiao Yuanshan, and Xiao Jianyu were all there.

Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu really came here.

At this time, a female disciple came in from outside.

"Disciple sees master, uncle, and two seniors!" The female disciple said very respectfully.

This female disciple called Fan Qinghua her master, but in fact, she is now a disciple of Litian Temple.Moreover, Li Tianruo trusted her a lot.Her name was Zhao Yan, and Zhao Yan had been bought by Fan Qinghua three years ago.Fan Qinghua accepted Zhao Yan as his disciple, which gave Zhao Yan a lot of benefits.Therefore, Zhao Yan also sincerely served Fan Qinghua.

"What happened?" Fan Qinghua asked Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan said: "Returning to Master, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning suddenly had an urgent matter to see Li Tianruo in the Litian Palace just now. Li Tianruo put a restriction on it, so the disciple didn't find out what happened inside. .”

"What?" Fan Qinghua was taken aback.Her face was covered with a layer of cold frost.

"What about now?" Xiao Yuanshan asked, not caring much.

Zhao Yan immediately said: "If you go back to the seniors, then Chen Yang and Qiao Ning have already left."

Ling Xia on the side immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that it has nothing to do with us."

Fan Qinghua said: "This matter cannot be ignored."

"Elder Fan, you are too cautious." Xiao Yuanshan's disciple Xiao Jianyu said lightly.Xiao Jianyu then said: "Since you have confirmed that my junior sister Xiao Mingyue was seriously injured, we are still sitting here for three days. I don't know what you want to wait. Don't say she was seriously injured, but she was not injured. , as long as you cooperate with us, then Xiao Mingyue will not be able to make any trouble."

"That's not what I said." Fan Qinghua said: "You guys know better than me what kind of person Xiao Mingyue is. Back then, she was able to betray the Yuhua Sect by herself and make such a foundation. Now we can't underestimate her even more. Our affairs are indeed guaranteed, but what if? If something goes wrong, you will pat your ass and run away, and we will die!"

Xiao Yuanshan's eyes were gloomy.

Just now Fan Qinghua mentioned Xiao Mingyue's betrayal, this is Xiao Yuanshan's eternal shame!

When people mention Immortal Master Mingyue, they must think of Immortal Master Mingyue's defection from Yuhua Sect.It will also say that Xiao Mingyue was forced to leave by her master Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Mingyue is beautiful, but Xiao Yuanshan is forever engraved on the pillar of shame.

Therefore, this is also Xiao Yuanshan's obsession.

Xiao Yuanshan must capture Xiao Mingyue back alive to the Yuhua Sect, and let her accept the punishment of the Yuhua Sect.Only in this way can Xiao Yuanshan wash away this shame.

"Mingyue, I know very well." Xiao Yuanshan said, "Her cultivation and methods are indeed rare in the world. Jian Yu, don't be too conceited. If Mingyue is not injured, we will be on her land, That's not good. Elder Fan should be more careful, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Just wait like this, how long are we going to wait?" Xiao Jianyu was a little impatient.

Fan Qinghua said: "I set up a secret dragon-seeing formation outside Xiao Mingyue's retreat, and I can absorb some of her remaining breath every day. As long as I absorb it for two more days, I will be able to fully and absolutely affirm her." The condition of the body. Two days, it only takes two days."

Xiao Yuanshan said: "I have waited for so many days, so I don't care about these two days. Elder Fan, we are waiting for your good news. Don't worry, Jian Yu and I are not interested in everything about Mingyue Palace. When the time comes, We captured Xiao Mingyue, and we will leave immediately. From now on, all the top and bottom of Mingyue Palace will belong to you."

Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia smiled at the same time, and said, "Thank you so much, senior."

Xiao Yuanshan waved his hands and said, "You're welcome."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning quickly returned to Mingyue Palace, while Fan Qinghua continued to let Zhao Yan closely monitor every move of Litian Palace.

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