The strongest player in history

Chapter 1616 Tiangu Peak

Hua Tianying's eyes were light, and she only said one word: "Dare!"

Yun Huaying said: "Okay, since that's the case, then it's settled. Tomorrow morning, on the Tianxing Platform, there will be a formal competition."

He didn't say that he wanted to compete immediately, probably because he still had an idea in mind.

Hua Tianying was slightly taken aback, as if she was a little dissatisfied.But he still said: "Yes, Supreme!"

Yun Huaying looked at Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao, and said, "Do you have any objections to this arrangement?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "No."

Yun Huaying said, "That's good." He paused, and said to Song Jing beside him, "Elder Song, arrange for distinguished guests to stay. In Zhaozong, all disciples will go to the Tianxingtai to watch the battle tomorrow."

"Yes!" Song Jing said.

Xuan Zhenghao and the others were arranged to rest on Wuyin Peak. The peak owner of Wuyin Peak was called Bailiyun, whose cultivation base was at the beginning of the tenth heaven. He was also widely respected by his disciples.But no matter how arrogant Bailiyun was, he had to be polite even in front of Chen Yang and his group.Because he doesn't have the capital to be arrogant.

After Bailiyun received them, he arranged for Xuan Zhenghao and others to move in separately.Chen Yang and Qiao Ning lived in the same room aboveboard.

Batu hid in Jiexumili to practice.Although there are hundreds of thousands of mountains in this Yuntian sect, Batu didn't dare to fly around.In case someone is offended, it will be a lot of unnecessary trouble.After all, this is someone else's territory.

"Unexpectedly, Yun Huaying agreed just like that." Qiao Ning said: "Things seem to be going smoothly. I thought Yun Huaying would protect Hua Tianying. I really don't know, Yun Huaying's heart is in What are you thinking about?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Yun Huaying has a big picture in his heart, and he knows when to advance and when to retreat. He doesn't want to protect his weaknesses in this matter, but he also wants to give a warning to the people in the sect. In addition , I also intend to let Hua Tianying accept the challenge and hone Hua Tianying. After all, Hua Tianying's cultivation base is not inferior to mine, and there is no reason why she will definitely lose. I guess, Yun Huaying will still give Hua Tianying tonight. Ying some secret weapon."

Qiao Ning couldn't help being a little worried, and said, "Then you...I can't accept that something happened to you."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I can handle it."

He has experienced too many life and death hardships, so even if the war is imminent, his psychological quality is excellent.It is as stable as a rock, without the slightest tension.

In the night, Yuntianzong was hidden among the [-] mountains, and it was extremely quiet.

It's like it doesn't exist.

The clouds and mist are misty, and the green becomes the sea.

The bright moon is hanging high, and the breeze is blowing!

Chen Yang left Wuyin Peak alone, he was heading towards the lonely peak in the sky.

There is his cheap master Ling Yunfeng in Tiangu Peak. Although Ling Yunfeng didn't teach Chen Yang anything, he is Chen Yang's savior.He will never forget this kindness.

Chen Yang rode the Jindan Kunpeng and walked against the wind.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Tiangu Peak.

"Who dares to break into Tiangu Peak?" In Tiangu Peak, a disciple immediately shouted loudly.

Chen Yang took Jindan Kunpeng, and he stood in the familiar courtyard of Tiangu Peak.

It was at this place that Patriarch Kongtong, Mo Qingyu and Zhao Boquan beat Xiaoling to death in front of him.At that time, he buried himself in the most humble dust, just wanting to be safe.But the other party did not give him peace after all.

The two disciples recognized Chen Yang immediately when they saw Chen Yang.

"He is Chen Yang." A disciple said.

"It's the Chen Yang who betrayed him. It was here that he had a conflict with Patriarch Kongtong and others. Unexpectedly, he dared to come back."

"His cultivation base be terrifying."

"Go and inform Master!"

"What happened?" Just then, a majestic voice came.

"Senior Brother!" The two disciples immediately shouted respectfully.

A person came over there, and this person was Ling Yunfeng's eldest disciple Tianxin.

Tianxin is unparalleled in majesty. Now, after three years of experience, he has reached the early stage of Jiuchongtian.

Tianxin is one of the best existences among the three generations of disciples.On Tiangu Peak, it is even more authoritative.

Chen Yang looked at Tianxin, and Tianxin immediately recognized Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang?" Tian Xin was quite surprised.

Chen Yang smiled faintly, and said, "Brother, don't come here without any problems."

He had had trouble with Tianxin before, but it wasn't a deep hatred.So Chen Yang didn't take it to heart.

Tianxin glanced at Chen Yang fearfully, and said, "Just now I received a summons from the sect, saying that tomorrow's master uncle Hua Tianying is going to fight Chen Yang on the Tianxingtai. I thought it was just a duplicate name, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Hua Tianying is a disciple of one generation, and Tian Xin is a disciple of three generations.So there is nothing wrong with calling Hua Tianying Master Uncle.

Chen Yang said: "That's right, I'm the one who wants to fight him. There must be a resolution to what happened back then."

"Not bad!" Tian Xin said, "I didn't expect that after three years, you already have the strength to challenge Master Hua Tianying's uncle. The return of the king is very good."

When he spoke, there was not much emotion, and it was impossible for people to guess his true thoughts.

But Chen Yang didn't bother to guess.

"I came here to meet Master." Chen Yang said.

"Come in." At this moment, in the distant Tiangu Palace, Ling Yunfeng's voice came from afar.

Tianxin then said: "Since the master is calling, you can go."

Chen Yang nodded, his figure flashed.

In the next second, he appeared in an extremely quiet secret room in Tiangu Palace.

In the secret room, sandalwood was lit, and the mist was lingering.

Ling Yunfeng was dressed in white, sitting quietly and practicing.

His days always seem so boring, besides cultivation, he still cultivates.

At a glance, Chen Yang saw that Ling Yunfeng's cultivation had reached the peak of the Nine Heavens, which was only a thin line away from the early Tenth Heavens.

Before Ling Yunfeng could speak, Chen Yang suddenly pointed out.

In an instant, one hundred thousand pure yang pills flew out.

Controlled by Chen Yang's mana, the [-] pure yang pills instantly turned into a pure yang dragon.

Infinite pure yang energy surrounds Ling Yunfeng.

Ling Yunfeng was slightly startled, and immediately understood what Chen Yang meant.Ecstasy flashed in his heart, and then he began to absorb the infinite pure yang energy.

Ling Yunfeng already had enough savings, and now it's raining after a long drought.

The pure Yang Qi continued to irrigate, and the barriers in his body gradually loosened.Ling Yunfeng worked continuously, striking the barrier one after another.

Chen Yang stood aside to protect him, controlling the Dragon of Pure Yang.

An hour later, with a bang, Ling Yunfeng finally reopened the barrier and successfully reached the early tenth heaven.

This barrier is too strong.

Even though Ling Yunfeng already had deep savings, he still couldn't break through the barrier.He has been searching for the elixir, and wants to use the power of the elixir to break through the barrier when necessary.But the barrier between the peak of the ninth heaven and the tenth heaven wanted to use the pill to break it away.The quantity of this elixir is absolutely massive.

Even if it is a big sect like Yuntianzong, even a master like Ling Yunfeng, it will take a long time to accumulate these pills.

Ling Yunfeng never expected that the problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved with Chen Yang's wave of his hand.

Ling Yunfeng's strength has more than doubled from before.

He could feel the magnificence of the mana in his body rushing like the sea, and he felt that he seemed to be able to deter the world and look down on the world.

"Chen Yang, thank you very much." Ling Yunfeng stood up and thanked him sincerely.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "Go!" He carried out 900 million Chunyang pills this time.

In an instant, the room was filled with rich pure yang pills.

"This..." Ling Yunfeng said, "Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

Chen Yang said: "Brother Ling Yunfeng, without you, I would have died a long time ago. This is nothing. I still have a lot here, just accept it."

"I..." Ling Yunfeng is a person who is not surprised by favor or humiliation.I have always been unhappy.

But at this moment, he really couldn't refuse Chen Yang's Chunyang Pill.

"Okay, I, Ling Yunfeng, have recorded this friendship." With a wave of his hand, Ling Yunfeng put all of it into Jiexumi.

After that, the two began to talk about the old days.

"In the past two years, your cultivation has progressed incredibly fast. Now I am no match for you." Although Ling Yunfeng is not very clear about Chen Yang's specific cultivation, he also knows that he is no longer Chen Yang's. Opponent, so he said with emotion.

Chen Yang said: "It looks beautiful, but the taste in it, only you will know."

Ling Yunfeng said: "That's true."

He then said: "You challenge Hua Tianying this time, it seems that you have a plan in mind?"

Chen Yang said: "I dare not say that I have a well-thought-out plan. It's just that I have to do this."

Ling Yunfeng said: "It's good to be neither arrogant nor impetuous."

Chen Yang said: "However, I'm a little surprised. Before that, Hua Tianying's cultivation level was comparable to that of Brother Yunfeng. How did he progress so fast?"

Ling Yunfeng said: "This is exactly what I want to tell you. Hua Tianying is also a person with a great opportunity. During his travels, he obtained the inheritance of the Lingwu Immortal. With the spirit of the Lingwu Immortal The blood training is progressing rapidly. This time, I think the reason why the head teacher agreed to Hua Tianying to fight with you is because he wants to let Hua Tianying enter the realm of imaginary immortals through you."

"Lingwu Xianzun?" Chen Yang couldn't help but wonder.

Ling Yunfeng said: "Immortal Lingwu is a master of the fairy world, who fell on the earth thousands of years ago. However, he has countless inheritances scattered in various worlds. Hua Tianying only got one of them."

Chen Yang said: "One inheritance can make his cultivation progress so fast. It seems that this time Yun Huaying and Hua Tianying still have big cards, and they must feel that they are sure."

Ling Yunfeng said: "You have to know that the Headmaster's mind is extremely meticulous, and he has always been calculating others. He will not act indiscriminately when he acts."

Chen Yang said: "Yun Huaying is not as miraculous as you said. He has suffered losses not once or twice in the hands of the God Emperor and Emperor Dakang."

Ling Yunfeng was slightly taken aback, then he gave a wry smile and said, "Don't think so simply."

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