The strongest player in history

Chapter 1399 The cow is blowing up

Chen Yang said: "Xiao Mingyue and Lan Ziyi are good friends. This time it is Xiao Mingyue invited by Lan Ziyi."

"What kind of injury did you get? Why did you come to the western world? And your injury seems to have healed?" Lord Tianxiang asked three questions in a row.

Chen Yang is a good liar, his face is not red, his heart is not beating, and he said without hesitation: "I was robbed of my life by a great supernatural being, and my life span of a thousand years was wiped out. Fortunately, I took a kind of fruit called Chaos Fruit The reason why I came to the western world is because there is something called the longevity fruit on Zeus. If I eat the longevity fruit, I can increase my lifespan. Now Zeus’s good fortune crown is destroyed and seriously injured. I have already escaped. I also took the longevity fruit."

Master Tianxiang said: "There are also magical powers that can rob people's life span?"

Chen Yang said: "This supernatural power is called the Dafa of Seizing God's Fate. It specializes in plundering the lifespan of others and enhancing one's own cultivation."

Master Tianxiang said: "Okay, I won't mention this matter. Before that, Lan Ziyi and Xiao Mingyue were in the imaginary fairyland. Zeus is the king of gods and kings, and his cultivation base has long been the strongest in the fairyland. And the crown of good fortune is even more powerful. It’s extraordinary, and there are star stones to suppress it. It’s unbelievable that you can actually destroy the crown of good fortune and win the longevity fruit. How did you do it?”

At this time, Lord Tianxiang's expression became serious.Because this question is the most important, this is a critical moment.

Chen Yang naturally knew a little bit, but his speaking speed was still smooth, without any fluctuation or hesitation.He looked confused on the outside, but actually turned his head a thousand times.

"Lan Ziyi has a secret magic weapon in her hand, which can instantly increase her cultivation by thirty times." Chen Yang said.

Master Tianxiang was taken aback, and said: "How is this possible? How could there be such a magic weapon? Even if there is, her body can't bear thirty times the force."

Chen Yang said: "The magic weapon is integrated with her body. There are 36 caves in the magic weapon. In the caves, mana can be stored."

Lord Tianxiang said: "Since she is so strong, how could she be banished to hell by Hades?"

Chen Yang said: "Every time the magic weapon is used, it only takes five breaths. After five breaths, it will take three days to recuperate. Although Lan Ziyi severely injured Hades and Zeus, he was also injured. Hell will go to the eighteenth hell. After consuming a Chaos Fruit, I barely recovered my strength."

Master Tianxiang pondered.

She then said: "Can Lan Ziyi still use that magic weapon?"

Chen Yang said: "It can be used, but the Chaos Fruit is gone. If it is used again, it will take three days to recover the vitality and drive the magic weapon again."

"What's the name of that magic weapon? Where is it hidden?" Lord Tianxiang asked.

Chen Yang said: "It's called the Immortal City, and it's said to be a high-grade Taoist tool that fell from the fairy world. Lan Ziyi hid it between his eyebrows and never used it until a critical moment."

Lord Tianxiang fell silent.

Then, she said: "Okay, you go to sleep, you have to remember, you are very happy tonight."

"I'm very happy." Chen Yang said.

Afterwards, Lord Tianxiang left Chen Yang's room.

Master Tianxiang soon went to see the Great Sage Chaotian.

"City of Immortality?" The Great Sage Chaotian was also taken aback when he heard about it, and said, "A high-grade Taoist artifact? It came down from the fairy world? Why have I never heard of this treasure?"

He muttered to himself, and said, "But since she came down from the Immortal Realm, it's normal if I haven't heard of it. However, now that Lan Ziyi's cultivation has reached the Cave Immortal Realm, if her strength increases by thirty times again. Don't say that I am not her opponent, I am afraid that even if the mother of the earth confronts her, she will feel a headache."

Lord Tianxiang was also silent.

Chaotian Dasheng frowned, obviously, he was very embarrassed.

"Since the strength can be increased by thirty times, then we can forcibly tear open these spaces and leave hell directly." A gleam of light suddenly appeared in the eyes of Chaotian Dasheng, and said: "This kid is not lying, is he?"

Lord Tianxiang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This is unlikely, he is only at the middle stage of Nine Heavens, how can he compete with the villain's Baimei Tianjiao Illusory Soul Technique."

Chaotian Dasheng said: "If there are some secrets in him that we don't know, can we hide it from you?"

Lord Tianxiang was stunned.

She then said: "What should the villain do next, please ask the Great Holy Lord to clarify?"

The Great Sage Chaotian snorted coldly, and said: "How far have you used him?" Lord Tianxiang trembled, and said: "The villain is just in love with him, but he has completely controlled him. So there is no further step .”

The Great Sage Chaotian said: "No, you have to have a thorough heart-to-heart communication with him, and you must completely control him. Let him surrender to you completely, and he can't leave you for a moment."

"This..." Lord Tianxiang said.

"Why, you don't want to?" The voice of Chaotian Dasheng became cold.

"The villain doesn't dare!" Master Tianxiang shuddered immediately, and said hastily.

The Great Sage Chaotian said: "Okay, let's go. Get this matter done as soon as possible."

"Yes, Great Sage!" Lord Tianxiang said.

After Master Tianxiang left Chen Yang's room, Chen Yang never got up.He was afraid that some mysterious power was watching him.You have to play a full set of acting!

However, he and Monk Linghui began to communicate with each other.

"Fellow Taoist Chen Yang, just now the poor monk thought you were really fascinated." Monk Linghui said with a smile.

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "It's indeed a thrill. If it weren't for the magical effect of the little fate, I really couldn't escape her charm. It's too powerful."

Monk Linghui said: "However, do you think you have really cheated Tianxiang?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I'm not sure, what do you think?"

Monk Linghui said: "It should have been concealed, but your words seem to be very difficult to deceive the Great Sage Chaotian."

"Why?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "Because fellow daoist, you are bragging too much. Miss Lan's mana has skyrocketed by thirty times. Do you know the concept of this, fellow daoist?"

Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed immediately, and said, "What concept?"

Monk Linghui said: "Before Miss Lan arrived at the Cave Wonderland, her strength was probably between 30 billion galloping horses. Thirty times that is the power of 900 billion galloping horses. The concept of the power of 900 billion galloping horses …When the poor monk was at his peak, his strength was the power of 300 billion galloping horses! Back then, the poor monk could destroy a city thousands of miles away with one palm."

Chen Yang said: "The power of 900 billion galloping horses is a little exaggerated. But without saying so much, how can we logically break the power of stars in the crown of good fortune?"

Monk Linghui said: "But since we have the power of 900 billion galloping horses, it can take us out of the eighteenth floor of hell! Why do you want to beg the Great Sage Chaotian here? Or directly capture and kill the Great Sage Chaotian Holy shit, what are you talking about so much?"

"Damn it!" Chen Yang was embarrassed.

"This is a problem, definitely a big problem." Chen Yang suddenly felt a little angry.

It was also at this moment that footsteps came from outside. "Oops, this bitch is here again. I must have found a flaw."

Monk Linghui immediately said, "Then what should we do?"

Chen Yang said: "They have doubts, but they are not sure if I am really lying. It doesn't matter, they are not going to kill me now, let's wait and see."

"Okay!" Monk Linghui said.

At this time, the door was pushed open.

The rich aroma also floated in.

Chen Yang couldn't be more familiar with this scent.It belongs to Master Tian Xiang.

Lord Tianxiang closed the door, and then came to the bed.When she saw that Chen Yang was still dreaming, she was slightly relieved.But immediately, she became suspicious again.

Master Tianxiang has a complex expression.

She felt that Chen Yang shouldn't have lied, but the Great Holy Lord didn't believe it.The great saint has spoken, and wants to communicate with this ant.

For her Baimei Tianjiao illusion soul technique, if she wants to communicate with the soul, she must first perform physical training.

Although Lord Tianxiang doesn't care much about physical matters.But if you want to sleep with an ant, it's always hard to avoid.

Master Tianxiang pondered.

After a while, she suddenly and lightly took off her clothes.

Soon, Master Tianxiang went to the bed naked.

"Wake up and kiss me." Master Tianxiang's words were extremely charming.Chen Yang opened his eyes obediently immediately, and he felt that charming sound wave began to impact again.

The air is full of ambiguous and lustful factors.

Chen Yang felt the restlessness in his body started again, he opened his eyes and saw this sweet scene.

Master Tianxiang's figure was extremely graceful, and Chen Yang's eyes burst out with animalistic light.

His hand caressed Lord Tianxiang's body, and he walked upstream inch by inch.

Master Tianxiang closed his eyes.

"Great destiny, you are an eternal existence, you are an eternal mystery, and you are above all rules and forces..."

At this moment, Chen Yang sang softly.

"You..." Master Tianxiang turned pale in shock.

At this moment, she finally understood that Chen Yang was just pretending.

But at this time, Chen Yang's hand was already on her Yutang point.As long as she made a rash move, Chen Yang could immediately destroy her physical body.

Master Tianxiang cultivated this physical body, but went through untold hardships.She is absolutely reluctant to have her body destroyed.

Although she is already a master of the tenth heaven, but after her body is destroyed, she still cannot escape extinction.

So at this moment, Lord Tianxiang did not dare to act rashly.

Originally, there was no chance for Chen Yang to plot against Lord Tianxiang.It's just that Master Tianxiang believed in her charms too much, and she never thought that someone could resist her charms.

Moreover, before making the move, Chen Yang had already quietly activated the small fate technique to cover up the sensitivity of Lord Tianxiang.

Otherwise, even if Chen Yang's disguise was perfect.But when he thought of it, Lord Tianxiang should have noticed it.

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