"Boss, these wolves are for us, you go to rest, I promise to clean them up."

"No, I can't leave too far away. If a pack of wolves approaches, it will be terrible." Tang Feng shook his head.He didn't worry about letting Chen Yong and the others deal with these wild wolves alone. After all, the number of these wolves was huge.

If all these wild wolves besieged Chen Yong and the others, I am afraid that Chen Yong and the others would have no way to resist.Therefore, Tang Feng didn't dare to stay too far away from Chen Yong. If these wolves suddenly attacked, Tang Feng couldn't care less.

"Okay, boss, then you have to be careful." Chen Yong told Tang Feng.

Tang Feng nodded, then ran towards the bushes in the distance.

It is far away from the tree, Tang Feng needs to go through a long distance to reach the tree, but there is a river flowing through the bushes, Tang Feng wants to reduce the pressure in this way .

On the edge of this river, you can avoid being surrounded by wolves, and the plants on the edge of the river are also very lush.

There are no other wolves around the river, so they won't be attacked by wolves.

After Tang Feng passed through the bushes, he came to the river immediately. At this time, the water of the river just overflowed his chest. Tang Feng lowered his head to take a look, then quickly took off his shoes and socks, and got into the river middle.Although it is not hot here, the river water is cold, which is very suitable for Tangfeng to soak in hot springs.

Tang Feng wandered in the river for a while, and found that the water quality at the bottom of the river was still clear, so he wandered in it for a long time. When Tang Feng was tired from wandering, Tang Feng climbed ashore.

At this time, Tang Feng's trousers were already wet, but he didn't feel embarrassed, because these wolf blood-stained trousers just prevented him from slipping when he walked.

Tang Feng sat by the river and rested for a while, feeling that he was almost done, he walked towards the bushes.

"Boss, I'm here!" Seeing Tang Feng, Chen Yong shouted loudly.

Hearing Chen Yong's call, Tang Feng looked at him and saw Chen Yong squatting beside the bushes.

"Hehe, are you all okay?" Tang Feng asked.

"We are fine, but you, are your legs okay?" Chen Yong said worriedly.

Tang Feng smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "My leg is fine, don't worry, but you guys, pay more attention, don't let yourself get hurt, otherwise, you will be in trouble in the future!"

After Chen Yong listened, he nodded his head to express his understanding. He had memorized everything Tang Feng said.

Afterwards, Chen Yong and the others also put on their heavy backpacks, and under Tang Feng's leadership, they groped towards the depths of the bushes.

The area of ​​this river is not very wide, but because the forest here is relatively dense, Tang Feng and the others walked very quickly, and walked 3000 meters away without knowing it.

Along the way, the team members who had just joined the Wolf Fang Special Operations Team seemed very excited, and everyone was happily chatting about what happened when they met the wolf pack.

Tang Feng also followed them silently, occasionally interjecting a few words.

"Hey, boss, how long are we going to stay here?" After walking for a while, Tang Feng saw Chen Yong, and Chen Yong asked Tang Feng.

Tang Feng frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said to Chen Yong, "It will take us at least a week to return to the camp!"

"Such a long time?" Chen Yong was surprised, he thought

They only need one night to get back to camp.

Tang Feng nodded and said: "There is no way, because we were delayed a lot in the forest just now, and our marching speed will definitely be slowed down a lot."

Chen Yong nodded after hearing the words, but didn't say anything more.

However, Chen Yong secretly made up his mind to improve his strength as soon as possible in the future.

Chen Yong knew that an ordinary person like him would not be able to survive in the jungle without Tang Feng's care. If he wanted to become a strong man, he had to improve his strength as soon as possible.

In this way, after walking for about half an hour, Chen Yong and others also ushered in their first rest.

Chen Yong and the others took a rest in the bushes, and after recovering their strength, they groped into the depths of the bushes.

In the forest, such an environment can be said to be very suitable for covert operations. Tang Feng and the others have strong lurking and observation capabilities. Once they encounter danger, they can react instantly and escape calmly.

Survival environment in the forest is not difficult for them.

Tang Feng and Chen Yong have always walked very cautiously. Generally, when wolves pass by, Tang Feng will hide in the bushes to prevent the wolves from seeing his tracks. , will not be in any danger.

Wandering in the jungle for a long time,

Tang Feng and the others didn't see any wild beasts or other wolves.

In this case, everyone felt bored, so they stopped.

"Boss, look there!" Just as everyone had no choice but to rest, Li Yun suddenly pointed at a huge rock in front of him and shouted to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng looked in the direction of Li Yun's finger, and saw that there was a cave at the top of the boulder, and there were a lot of dust and spider webs at the entrance of the cave. From this point of view, above this boulder, there should be a very A quiet cave.

This kind of situation is very suitable for hiding. After all, the environment in this valley is too bad. Tang Feng doesn't want them to have no place to rest after being chased by wild wolves.

"Well, let's hide there for a while." Tang Feng nodded, and then stopped at the entrance of the cave.

"Boss, what should we do now? Should we wait here for the boss, or should we find a place to camp first?" Li Yun asked.

Hearing Li Yun's words, Tang Feng thought about it for a while, and said, "Let's find a place to camp first, I'm tired too, let's rest for a while!"

"Yes!" Chen Yong and others said in unison, and then they dispersed and found an open place to start setting up the tent.

Chen Yong and the others chose a flat haystack and set up a tent.

Tang Feng was also helping. He took off his backpack and started to help Chen Yong and the others set up the tent.

Chen Yong looked at Tang Feng and said, "Boss, you should rest too. Your leg was injured just now, so you should find a place to rest first."

Tang Feng smiled and said: "No need, my legs are fine. Besides, we are here for some experience, how can we not participate in some wild survival skills, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

After Chen Yong heard this, he couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect Tang Feng to have such a strong patience.Under Tang Feng's training for so many days.

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