Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 95 Fulfilling the Promise

Wang Long's face was pale with fright, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li! I'm sorry for this gentleman! I accidentally offended you because of my blindness, please forgive me!" Wang Long respectfully bowed to Chen Yang and apologized, hoping that Chen Yang and Li Han would let him go.

"You can't force the demolition, and you still beat people. This matter can be over with a few apologies?" Li Han asked.

"Mr. Li... I did something wrong in this matter! I will immediately make up all the demolition funds I have for this family, and I will be responsible for all the medical expenses for the old man's injury." Wang Long gritted his teeth and said.

Originally, he bullied Zhang Xueying's family so much because he wanted to swallow Zhang Xueying's family's demolition money.

But I never thought that if the trick didn't work, let alone offend people and pay for it.

His heart is bleeding!

Hearing what Wang Long said, Li Han nodded slightly satisfied.

However, she didn't speak directly to let the matter pass, but looked at Chen Yang, wanting to see what Chen Yang meant.

"Sir, I really didn't know that you really knew Mr. Li, so I offended you, please forgive me, don't worry! The compensation I should give is quite a lot! How about I apologize to the old man myself?" Wang Long He is very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing that Li Han looked at Chen Yang, he immediately started talking nicely to Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang glanced at him coldly, and then said: "You should give the compensation, and I want to know now, if you just told me to build the villa yourself, do you still count?"

Hearing these words, Wang Long's heart skipped a beat...

At the same time, his face instantly turned livid!

The compensation is small, tens of thousands of dollars at most.

If you build a villa... that would be a real loss.

Li Han noticed Wang Long's strangeness, and asked coldly: "Villa? What's going on here?"

Wang Long laughed awkwardly immediately: "It's just that I said two angry words to this gentleman just now, saying that if he really wants you to find you, I will not only compensate you, but also build a villa for this family with my own money. Angry words, those who don’t count, those who don’t.”

Wang Long was very clever and wanted to bypass this matter.

But how could Chen Yang agree when he saw this?

"This is not right, the people around you can testify! You are clearly betting on me! How did it become an angry statement?" Chen Yang immediately retorted, and looked at the surrounding villagers who were watching the excitement, saying: " Ladies and gentlemen, to be fair, was he joking just now?"

"No! He personally agreed!"

"Yes! He said it himself!"


When Li Han didn't come, the villagers didn't dare to say a word.

Seeing that Chen Yang had the upper hand right now, they naturally spoke up and testified for Chen Yang.

Listening to the voices of the villagers around him, Wang Long's face was really ashen, and he felt like dying.

"Mr. Li... this." Wang Long still wanted to complain.

But Li Han said bluntly: "Since you said it, then keep your promise! Otherwise, this matter today will definitely reach my dad's ears!"


As soon as Li Han's father was mentioned, Wang Long turned pale with shock. He didn't dare to use any cleverness anymore, and nodded quickly: "Mr. Li! I will build this villa! I will build it with my own money! You can't tell Director Li what happened today. Long!"

"Whether you want to talk about this matter or not depends on how your villa is built."

"Mr. Li, don't worry! I will definitely build with the best materials and specifications!" Wang Long immediately raised his hand and swore to promise.

"Okay! Let's talk about it after you finish it!" Li Han smiled lightly and agreed.

Afterwards, Wang Long and the others immediately left in dismay, taking the previous contract and changing it.

Seeing Wang Long and others leaving, Zhang Xueying also opened the door.

And came out with a smile in his arms.

"Smile, thank you, Uncle Yang." Zhang Xueying sobbed.

"Thank you Uncle Yang." Although Xiaoxiao didn't know what happened, she still spoke very sensiblely.

Chen Yang looked at Xiaoxiao, and a smile appeared on his face immediately: "Everything should be done."

"Brother Yang, who are these two?" At this moment, Zhang Xueying looked at Li Han and Yang Ruoxi again.

She could see clearly what happened outside just now.

Knowing the two people here also helped me.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. These two are my friends and Wang Long's boss." Chen Yang introduced.

"Well, thank you both. Without you, our family would be miserable." Zhang Xueying gritted her teeth and said.

"You're welcome, sister! The people under my command should help you deal with this kind of thing." Li Han said with some embarrassment.

Wang Long is one of her subordinates, logically speaking, she still has something to do with this matter.

So facing Zhang Xueying's initiative to thank her, she was a little embarrassed.

Li Han smiled and exchanged greetings, but Yang Ruoxi who was at the side never spoke.

But her gaze was always on Zhang Xueying.

"I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful woman in the countryside, and I don't know what it has to do with this Chen Yang." Yang Ruoxi thought inwardly.

At this time, Wang Long and other demolition teams all retreated.

But suddenly, the old man's painful groans came from inside the room.

"Xueying... Dad's waist hurts so much!"

Hearing this, Chen Yang, Zhang Xueying and Li Han walked into the house immediately.

Seeing Mr. Zhang lying on the bed, his face was full of pain.

"Brother Chen Yang, please help me take a look at my father's injuries! He was injured in the waist by Wang Long and others." Zhang Xueying asked Chen Yang for help.

"it is good."

Chen Yang was duty-bound, and hurried forward to help the old man watch it.

After checking it, Chen Yang found that the old man's waist was actually not seriously injured, but he was too old to bear the injury.

"Fortunately, the old man's injury is not serious, as long as you take this pill, you should be fine." Chen Yang checked, then took out a pill from his pocket and said.

"Okay, I'll fetch water!" Seeing this, Zhang Xueying hurriedly fetched a glass of warm water, and then asked Mr. Zhang to take the pill.

Within a few minutes after taking the pill, the old man's illness quickly improved.

It was so painful just now, but suddenly it will be fine!

The old man stared!Some couldn't believe it and moved their waist.

I found it was painless!

"God... God doctor!"

Mr. Zhang said to Chen Yang with a face full of surprise.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said modestly: "Old man, I'm not a genius doctor, but your injury is not serious, you just need to deal with it a little bit."

"Genius doctor!" Mr. Zhang still couldn't help boasting, and at the same time turned his head to Zhang Xueying and said, "Xueying, help me up quickly, I want to thank the genius doctor."

"Old man, your injury has just recovered, it's better not to move yet." Seeing that the old man was about to get up, Chen Yang quickly stopped him.

The old man is getting old, and he really can't stand the toss.

"Then...then Xueying, please thank the miracle doctor for me! Be sure to treat them well." The old man said excitedly.

The old man also knew what happened outside just now.

It's just that he had been in pain before, so he didn't have time to thank Chen Yang and the others.

Now that it's all over, he is naturally extremely grateful to Chen Yang and Li Han.

Zhang Xueying nodded: "Okay, I'm going to buy some good wine and food now and come back."

After saying that, Zhang Xueying was about to go out, but Chen Yang grabbed her: "Xueying, don't worry about it, we won't eat today."

After dealing with this matter, Chen Yang wanted to go back earlier.

And looking at Li Han and Yang Ruoxi, it seems that there are still things to deal with, and they don't want to stay here any longer.

When the old man heard that Chen Yang was going to leave, his expression became a little excited. He had to thank Chen Yang for everything, and at least entertain Chen Yang for a meal.

In the end, Chen Yang still agreed to come to eat next time, and the old man was willing to let Chen Yang and others go.

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