Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 900 The Station

Chapter 900

When the fat man heard it, he immediately walked over with a smile.

"Are you Village Chief Wu?" The fat man walked up to him and stretched out his hand with a smile.

Wu Kexin also reached out to shake his hand: "Yes, I am the village head of Liuhe Village."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet Village Chief Wu!" Fatty's smile widened when he heard the truth.

"Mr. Wu, my name is Wu Changjun, and I'm the manager of the transportation company. I'm here today to check with you on the opening of this bus, and at the same time, I also want to know the location of this station." Wu Changjun may know Wu Kexin's background, or know Liuhe Village It's not simple.

So when I got out of the car, I was very enthusiastic, as if my subordinates were helping their bosses, and they didn't dare to offend them at all.

After listening to Wu Changjun's self-introduction, Wu Kexin nodded with a smile and said hello.

After the conversation between the two, Wu Changjun turned his gaze to Chen Yang who was at the side.

"You are Mr. Chen Yang, right?"

"It's me." Chen Yang replied without changing his expression.

"Mr. Chen, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Wu Changjun saw that it was true, and immediately warmed up to Chen Yang.

After some simple politeness, let's get straight to the point.

They came here this time to figure out the location of the station.

Because the opening of the shuttle bus is temporary, many procedures have not been completed at all.

Otherwise, if the normal process is to be followed, the station must be repaired first, and then opened to traffic.

But now that it has been opened first, it can only be rushed to the shelves, and the station will be built while operating.

Hearing that Wu Changjun came up and asked about the station, Wu Kexin exchanged glances with Chen Yang, and then Chen Yang said to Wu Changjun: "The village chief and I have already chosen the location of this station, but we have a I want to ask you something."

"Questions? Mr. Chen, just ask, I will answer you truthfully if I know anything." Wu Changjun was stunned for a moment, and then he answered affirmatively.

"it is good."

Seeing what he said, Chen Yang stopped beating around the bush, and directly said what he wanted to ask.

"Yesterday, I discussed with the village chief. I thought that this station is being repaired anyway, so why don't you do anything temporary and just build a bigger station in the village. Is it feasible?" Chen Yang said with anticipation in his eyes. He looked at the Wu Changjun.

Because he specializes in transportation, it can be said that he is well aware of the situation in this area.

If he said no problem, the station would definitely be built.

After hearing Chen Yang's question, Wu Changjun's face froze for a moment, and it took several seconds for him to recover.

"Um... how do you say this question?"

After struggling for a long time, he organized his words to answer Chen Yang: "In theory, if we want to build a station, it is possible, but I don't think it is necessary in our village, because this time the line will be opened, and there will be a total of six cars. Going back, it’s not worth building a large station.”

Wu Changjun's words were very tactful.

To put it bluntly, it means that in a small village like Liuhe Village, it would be nice to have a shuttle bus. What kind of large station is there?

But Chen Yang didn't feel unhappy because of this, on the contrary, he was very excited.

Because he noticed the previous sentence, theoretically it works!

That means it can be built, the big deal is that the transportation company is not needed, and the town will pay for it!

"I understand. Let's go, Manager Wu. We'll take you to the selected station now." After Chen Yang understood, his whole face was full of smiles.

Wu Changjun was afraid that what he said would offend others, but when he saw Chen Yang smiling so happily, he also became happy.

Then the shuttle bus at the head of the village, together with the mighty crowd, led by Chen Yang and Wu Kexin, walked towards the school construction site under construction.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin had already chosen a place, so it was only necessary to guide them to find a place.

"Manager Wu, this land is the temporary station that the village chief and I have chosen. All future buses will leave here and return here." Walking to the open space next to the school, Chen Yang said to Wu Changjun.

Wu Changjun didn't answer Chen Yang immediately after hearing the words, but observed the surrounding environment.

After confirming that this place is wide enough and can indeed be used as a station, he nodded and answered Chen Yang.

"Okay, then we have made a note of Mr. Chen at this place, and tomorrow we will send someone over to make a temporary platform." Wu Changjun said.


Chen Yang also nodded.

After the location of the station was decided, several buses stopped in immediately, and then it was officially counted as operating according to the time!

"it is good!"


Seeing the official start of the shuttle bus, the surrounding villagers all applauded.

For Liuhe Village, this is an event of great significance!

Although there were no firecrackers or gongs and drums to celebrate at the scene, the atmosphere of joy was not lacking at all.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin were also exaggerated by this atmosphere, but they didn't have much thought to celebrate with the big guys at this time.

Because they both have things to do.

It stands to reason that after the station arrived at the designated location, it was time for Wu Changjun to leave.

But Chen Yang and Wu Kexin insisted on inviting him to the village headquarters.

Wu Changjun refused, but finally nodded in agreement.

"Um... If Mr. Chen, the head of Wu village, is so caring, then I'll go and sit down."

"Okay, let's go then."

Seeing that Wu Changjun nodded and agreed, without further ado, Chen Yang was about to take him to the village,

But before going there, Chen Yang turned his head to Wang Qingyue and said to Di Anni: "Qingyue, Annie, you two will chat with everyone here first, and Kexin and I will go to the village to do some errands and come back."

At this time, Di Anni and Wang Qingyue were still laughing and laughing.

At the beginning, I was not familiar with Zhang Xueying, and I didn't say a few words, but after chatting, the three of them got along very well.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you here, hurry up." Wang Qingyue responded, and then went to tease the child again.

Chen Yang smiled when he saw this, but didn't say anything, and went directly to the village office with Wu Kexin and Wu Changjun.

As soon as he entered the office, Chen Yang warmly brought him a cup of tea.

This Wu Changjun is not very old, so it is natural for him to be able to get the position of general manager in a transportation company.

So when Wu Kexin and Chen Yang tried their best to invite him to come to the village, he guessed what Chen Yang and Wu Kexin were thinking.

This is to build a large station!

Knowing what Wu Kexin and Chen Yang were thinking, he stopped beating around the bush. After taking a sip of tea, before Chen Yang and Wu Kexin could ask, he started talking.

"Mr. Chen, Village Chief Wu, I understand what you mean, but I really can't help with the construction of this station. The village is too small, so it's completely unnecessary."

"However, if you insist on building, there is no other way, as long as you pay for it yourself, I guess the company and the town will definitely not give money."

Wu Changjun said this first, which made Chen Yang and Wu Kexin stunned at the same time.

However, Chen Yang quickly came to his senses, and replied with a smile: "I and Village Chief Wu both understand this, and we don't intend to ask the transportation company or the town to pay for it."

"Then why did you two come to me?" Wu Changjun couldn't help but feel a little strange when he heard this.

He originally thought that Wu Kexin came to him because he wanted him to think of a way to allocate funds to the village to repair the station, but he never thought that this was not the case.

(End of this chapter)

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