"Oh, here it is." Chen Yang was pulled back to reality, and hurried forward to check the silver needles, as well as Aunt Wang's wound from being bitten by a snake.

Chen Yang moved Aunt Wang's leg carefully so that he could check the wound by himself.

And while looking at the wound, it is impossible to say not to see that place.

Noticing that Chen Yang's eyes were squinting randomly, taking advantage of her, Wang Hong didn't know why, but she didn't resist in the slightest while blushing.

It seems that she is somewhat enjoying the current state...

After Chen Yang checked, he found that the snake venom in Aunt Wang's body had basically been discharged from the wound, and the needle could be removed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang began to pull out the needles.

Pulling out the needle is much faster than pricking the needle.

Within a few minutes, all the silver needles on Aunt Wang's body were pulled out.

In the process of pulling out the needle, Chen Yang also brushed over some sensitive areas intentionally or unintentionally, which made Wang Hong's whole body hot, a little shy, and her body even...

"This feeling..." Wang Hong was extremely hot, and looked at Chen Yang in front of him with fiery eyes.

"Bad...bad boy, if you take advantage of your aunt so blatantly, aren't you afraid that your aunt will eat you?" After pulling out all the silver needles, Wang Hong didn't rush to get dressed, and sat directly on the hospital bed, with a shy expression on her face. Molesting Chen Yang.

She is a woman who has been lonely for many years.

And now the sky outside is not completely bright, and no one in the village is up. Isn't this a god-sent opportunity?

"Hehe, how does Auntie want to eat me?" Facing the teasing, Chen Yang was not to be outdone, and wiped his hands intentionally or unintentionally...

Zhang Xueying was still asleep in it, it was okay to tease her, but not too much.

"Aunt Wang, put on your clothes quickly, I will go up the mountain to pick some herbs for you later." Chen Yang picked up Wang Hong's clothes with a smile, and handed them over.

Seeing that his emotions were mobilized, but Chen Yang didn't seem to want to continue, Wang Hong became anxious.

He directly stretched out his hands and hooked Chen Yang's neck, preparing to continue the next wave of offensive with affection, let Chen Yang take the last step...

But before she could speak, Chen Yang spoke first.

"Aunt Wang, Xueying is still sleeping inside. If you want to eat, I'll wait for a few days?" Chen Yang glanced at Zhang Xueying's room in the inner room, and said with a smirk.

"Huh?" Hearing that there were other people in the room, Wang Hong woke up instantly, and the burning flames in her heart were instantly extinguished.

"Zhang Xueying is at your house? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Wang Hong patted Chen Yang's shoulder in embarrassment, then took the clothes from Chen Yang's hand and began to put them on for herself.

"Hey, you didn't ask if you didn't, so put it on quickly, Xueying is getting up soon, and seeing the effect is not good." Chen Yang laughed, and then took the opportunity to eat a handful of tofu, then turned around and left. He didn't have such an interest in getting Hong dressed.

"Good boy, tease me on purpose, let's see how I eat you in the future." Looking at Chen Yang's back, Wang Hong said something ruthlessly in her heart, and then quickly put on her clothes.

Immediately afterwards, she walked out of the inner room and came to the medical hall.

At this time, Chen Yang had already opened the shutter door of the medical hall, and the hazy light outside also shone in.

"Aunt Wang, you still look better without clothes on." Seeing Aunt Wang coming out, Chen Yang still did not forget to tease her.

"Bad boy, let's see how I deal with you in the future!" Wang Hong glared at Chen Yang angrily, then turned around and went home.

"Hehe, Aunt Wang, the toxins in your body haven't been completely cleared, remember to come here tomorrow and take two sets of medicine back for use." Chen Yang smiled and instructed Wang Hong, and then began to make preparations in the medical hall.

He wanted to go up the mountain today to find some herbal medicine. On the one hand, he wanted to make two pieces of herbal medicine for Aunt Wang to put on the wound, and on the other hand, he wanted to dig some herbs on the mountain and sell them in the county for some money.

Yesterday he promised those gangsters that Chen Zhuang would pay back all the 3 yuan he borrowed.

Chen Yang, who didn't sleep all night last night, was not only thinking about Zhang Xueying, but also thinking about how to repay the 3 yuan.

3 yuan is really a lot for ordinary people.

And it was only five days, Chen Yang really didn't know how to get so much money in such a short time.

borrow money?People in all directions and towns are quite poor, and they must not be able to borrow much money.

If the loan failed, Chen Yang could only focus on making money.

And it is impossible for my own medical clinic to earn [-] yuan in a short time.

Therefore, Chen Yang could only focus on the mountains behind the village.

As the old saying goes, you can rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and rely on the sea to eat the sea.

The mountain hundreds of miles behind Liuhe Village is a golden mountain!

"I hope to find some rare medicinal materials in the mountains! Now I can only pin my hope on this." Chen Yang changed into clothes suitable for going up the mountain, then took a basket and a medicine hoe, and fought Zhang Xueying After saying hello, they set off.

The mountain behind Liuhe Village is huge, and those who are not familiar with the mountain can easily get lost in it.

But Chen Yang doesn't have to worry about this problem at all, because Chen Yang has lived here since he was a child, and his grandfather took Chen Yang into the mountains several times when he was a child.

Therefore, Chen Yang is probably the most familiar with the mysterious mountain behind him.

"Grandpa once dug up a ginseng king in the mountains and sold it for a lot of money. I hope I can have such good luck!"

Chen Yang was full of hope, if he could dig up some medicinal materials from last year, or old wild ginseng, the 3 yuan would be in his hands.

Soon, Chen Yang entered the mountain.

And chose a small path on the outskirts of the mountain, ready to enter the depths of the mountain.

Because with the development of science and technology in recent years, the periphery of this mountain has basically been visited by villagers and some outsiders who come to walk the mountain.

Most of the medicinal materials and valuables have been poached. Now, if he wants to find some rare medicinal materials, Chen Yang can only go to some inaccessible places to search.

Only in those places can there be some aged herbs.

Chen Yang is very familiar with the mountain, and he came to the depths of the mountain not long after.

There are few people in the depths of the mountain, and there are all kinds of strange towering ancient trees and dense jungles around it. It is a scene of an ancient forest.

The surrounding jungle is dense, and there are many medicinal materials in this kind of place, but it is a bit troublesome for ordinary people to find them.

But Chen Yang is different, his eyes are bright, and everything around him cannot escape his eyes.

No matter how well the herbal medicine is hidden, it will be noticed by Chen Yang's bright eyes.

So not long after entering the depths of the mountain, Chen Yang found many better herbs.

"These herbs are good, but they are not very old! If you want to sell them for 3 yuan, it is far from enough." Chen Yang looked at the almost full pannier, and shook his head involuntarily.

Most of the herbs in the basket are relatively common herbs.

In normal times, for Chen Yang, it must be considered a rewarding experience, but in front of 3 yuan, these medicinal materials seem a bit inconspicuous.

"Go deeper and try your luck, if you don't have one, forget it."

After resting for a while, Chen Yang stood up again, ready to go deeper and try his luck.

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