Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 896 Afraid of Misunderstanding

Chapter 896

Chen Yang was busy in the kitchen for about an hour.

Almost all the dishes that should be made are ready.

The chicken stew that took the longest time was not out of the pot.

However, all the ingredients that should be placed have already been placed, and it only needs to wait for half an hour, and it will be ready.

So, Chen Yang added some firewood without any hassle, and then thought about going out to sit and wait.

By the way, you can watch Wang Qingyue boxing or something.

But as soon as he walked out, he heard someone coming from the hospital.

And listening to the voice, it seems that Wu Kexin is still here.

Hearing this voice, Chen Yang secretly thought something was wrong.

Wang Qingyue and Di Anni are still in the room, it would be embarrassing if she misunderstood them.

So he ran to the hospital immediately.

It just so happened that Wu Kexin had just stepped up the steps and entered the door at this time.

"Kexin, why are you here?" Chen Yang greeted hurriedly.

Wu Kexin also saw Chen Yang at this time: "Come here to discuss something with you."

After speaking, Wu Kexin entered the medical hall, and then found a stool and sat down naturally.

Seeing this, Chen Yang also sat down, and asked: "What's the matter, I asked you to come here when it's dark."

"It's about the public transportation in the village. I just received a call from the county transportation company, saying that they will officially open the line to Liuhe Village tomorrow, so that's why I came here to find you in such a hurry." Wu Kexin said straight to the point.

When Chen Yang heard the news, he was a little stunned: "Take the bus? Liu Qianshan is moving so fast?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to be so fast, I wasn't prepared for it at all."

Wu Kexin felt empathy for Chen Yang's reaction, and then she got down to business: "It will open to traffic tomorrow, and there will definitely be an opening ceremony at that time, so you must be there, otherwise everyone will not know what's going on."

"Okay, then I will definitely be there."

Chen Yang understood that this bus was only opened for his own sake.

So he had to be there.

"Well, there is one more thing to discuss with you, that is, the county shuttle bus is opened, and the village must build a small station. I also need to discuss this matter with you. You should have it tomorrow morning. Are you free?" Wu Kexin asked seriously.

Chen Yang thought about it for a while, and there is really nothing to do tomorrow, so the constant temperature room is completed, and it will be good to lay the nutrient layer at that time.

"Hmm...it should be nothing. I can accompany you to take a look." After thinking about it, Chen Yang agreed.

"That's all right, that's all."

After speaking, Wu Kexin stood up, ready to leave.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was also relieved. It would be best for the three girls not to meet each other, so as to avoid any misunderstandings.

"I'll see you off." Seeing that Wu Kexin was about to leave, Chen Yang stood up and prepared to see him off.

But as soon as Wu Kexin walked to the door, his nose smelled a very fragrant smell of meat.

And it floated out of Chen Yang's kitchen.

"It smells so good, Chen Yang, what kind of food do you cook at home?" Wu Kexin turned around, looked in the direction of the kitchen and said.

Chen Yang paused for a moment, then laughed all over his face: "Hehe, it's nothing, just deal with the couple at home."

"Deal with two bites? You must be having some kind of feast with such a delicious smell."

Wu Kexin narrowed his eyes, as if he had seen through Chen Yang.

Chen Yang saw that this was going to reveal his secrets, so he simply admitted it to himself.

"Hehe, I really can't hide it from you. I just bought two old hens from Aunt Wang's house and stewed them." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Oh, if that's the case, then I won't go back, I'll just have a meal here." Wu Kexin suddenly turned and sat down with a bit of displeasure on his face.

The expression was obviously a little unhappy.

Because she knew that it was rare for Chen Yang to have a big meal at home alone.

And even if it's done, if they see her coming, they will stay for dinner.

But today, she had a big meal and didn't keep her for dinner. What does this mean?There must be someone at home.

So she is not happy.

Chen Yang is not a fool, he naturally understands that Wu Kexin is jealous.

So he quickly sat beside Wu Kexin with a smirk, and explained: "Kexin, I was afraid that you might misunderstand me, so I didn't keep you. They are just two simple partners, nothing else."

"Hmph, do you think it's possible? I don't know you well yet, so it must be the golden house, right?" Wu Kexin snorted softly and rolled her eyes.

Chen Yang felt quite helpless, he did that to avoid misunderstanding.

But I never thought that not only did not avoid the misunderstanding, but it deepened it.

"Really, come in with me if you don't believe me?" Chen Yang continued to explain with a smile.

When Wu Kexin heard this, she was not polite anymore.

He got up straight away and walked in.

Seeing this, Chen Yang shook his head helplessly and followed.

I thought it would be embarrassing to wait.

But what he didn't expect at all was that when Wu Kexin saw Wang Qingyue after walking to the backyard, the unhappiness on his face not only disappeared, but also surprised.

Including Wang Qingyue who was boxing in the backyard, seeing Wu Kexin coming, she had a look of surprise on her face.



The two women exclaimed at the same time, and then quickly approached.

It wasn't until Chen Yang saw this scene that he realized that Wang's family and Wu Kexin's family were both powerful in the provincial capital, so it was very normal for them to know each other.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have anything to worry about."

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, somewhat dumbfounded.

At this time, Wang Qingyue and Wu Kexin were already chatting.

"Why are you here, Kexin?" Wang Qingyue said in surprise, she did not expect to meet Wu Kexin here.

And Wu Kexin knew about the cooperation relationship between Wang Qingyue and Chen Yang, so she was not as surprised as Wang Qingyue.

"I've been here all the time. I'm the head of this village now. I came here just now to discuss something with Chen Yang. I didn't expect you to be here." Wu Kexin said with a smile.

When Wang Qingyue heard this, the surprise on her face became even stronger.

"Are you the village head of Liuhe Village? Then I come here often, why have I never seen you before?"

Wu Kexin smiled again when she heard the words: "I usually work in the village department, and I rarely go out and walk around, so naturally you can't see it."

"Haha, no wonder no wonder."

Wang Qingyue also laughed and understood.

The two exchanged pleasant greetings, but Diane on the side was a little confused.

Because she didn't know Wu Kexin.

So he moved to Wang Qingyue's side and asked Wang Qingyue: "Sister Qingyue, who is this sister?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Qingyue immediately introduced Wu Kexin's identity to Di Anni with a smile.

After Di Anni knew Wu Kexin's identity, she immediately greeted Wu Kexin in a sensible manner.

"So it's Sister Kexin! Hello! My name is Diane, and I live in the next county!" Diane reached out her hand very familiarly, wanting to make friends with Wu Kexin.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the lovely Di Anne, Wu Kexin naturally liked it very much.


He reached out and shook Di Anne's hand, then thought of something and said, "Your surname is Dai, and you live in the next county. Could it be Boss Dai's daughter?"

Wu Kexin is very familiar with the celebrities around her.

And through some basic information of Di Anne, her identity was deduced.

(End of this chapter)

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