Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 876 No good fruit to eat?

Chapter 876 No good fruit to eat?

"Hehe, the senior is still very good, so let's not disturb your work for now, let's go in for dinner first." Xia Qianqian still gave a compliment, and then waved her hand, intending to end the chat.

Seeing this, the man surnamed Huo forced a smile.

"Okay, then you go in to eat first, and you can give my name when you pay the bill, and I can get a discount."

"Yeah, thank you senior." Xia Qianqian thanked him, then walked beside him with Chen Yang, and continued to follow the waiter in.

Then, under the guidance of the waiter, the two sat in a double seat.

After sitting down, the waiter gave Xia Qianqian the menu to order.

Xia Qianqian was also polite, ordered her favorite dishes, and then asked Chen Yang if there was anything he wanted to eat.

Chen Yang waved his hand: "I'll just order whatever I want, I'm not picky about what I eat."

"Oh fine."

Xia Qianqian pouted, then lowered her head and ordered something casually, and it was ok.

The waiter also walked away with the menu.

At this time, Chen Yang picked up the tea on the table and poured a cup for himself and Xia Qianqian.

Then he picked it up, took a sip, and asked nonchalantly: "Qianqian, what happened to your senior Huo just now, are you familiar with him?"

Xia Qianqian seemed a little surprised to hear Chen Yang's sudden question.

But she didn't think too much, and answered Chen Yang.

"It's okay, he was my senior in the last class. I used to have some contacts in school, but I didn't know him very well. What's the matter, Uncle Chen Yang, why did you ask him?" After Xia Qianqian finished answering, she still asked curiously said a word.

"It's okay, just curious."

Chen Yang said with a blank face.

"Oh, okay."

Seeing this, Xia Qianqian didn't continue to ask any more questions, and followed Chen Yang's example, picked up the tea cup and took a few sips.

Then it didn't take long for the restaurant to start serving food.

Xia Qianqian couldn't wait to eat the various dishes as soon as they were served.

Chen Yang also moved his chopsticks together, and the two of them ate quietly like this, without chatting or anything.

When the food was almost finished, Chen Yang got up and went to the front desk to settle the bill first.

"Hello, checkout at table 38." Chen Yang walked to the front desk and said to the people inside.

"Okay sir, I'll pay you right away." The person inside looked up at Chen Yang, and then began to count.

But at this time, the man surnamed Huo suddenly came out from nowhere, and said to the front desk: "Don't settle the account at table 38, just pay it to me."

Hearing the words, the front desk took a look at the man surnamed Huo, and immediately said "good manager" respectfully, and did not proceed with the settlement.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang paused for a moment, not understanding what the man surnamed Huo meant.

Just as he was about to ask, he walked up to Chen Yang with a provocative face and said, "Are you Qianqian's boyfriend? What do you do?"

Chen Yang had already seen that this guy was hostile to him, but he didn't expect him to be so direct.

"Doctor, I usually do some small business in the village." Chen Yang replied with a faint smile.

"Doctor? The village? Hahahaha, is that the village doctor Luo?" The man surnamed Huo laughed more clearly.

Chen Yang also had a faint smile on his face. In his eyes, the man surnamed Huo was somewhat of a clown.

But he didn't bother to argue with him, what he thought was his business.

"Well, you can also think so. Since you want to pay for the meal, thank you. Qianqian and I will leave first, and I will invite you to dinner next time." Chen Yang didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all, since he Wanting to pay the bill, Chen Yang didn't even want to argue with him.

He simply said thanks, turned around and planned to leave.

But Manager Huo stopped him again.

"and many more."

"What? What else?"

Chen Yang paused when he heard the voice.

Manager Na Huo came out of the counter with a confident and disdainful smile on his face.

"Let me warn you today, Qianqian's beauty is not something you can have, do you understand? If you are sensible, leave him as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be rewarded!" The meaning of threat is very strong, as if his methods are ruthless.

If someone else said this sentence, Chen Yang would definitely be very upset.

But from Manager Huo's mouth, Chen Yang just wanted to laugh, because in his eyes, this was just a child.

Being threatened by a child, Chen Yang's expression is of course playful.

"Hehe, I've never been afraid of eating good fruit. If you want to do something, you can do whatever you want, but don't blame me for not reminding you, don't shoot yourself in the foot when the time comes." Chen Yang She smiled playfully, then ignored him again, and left directly.

And when Manager Huo saw that Chen Yang completely ignored his threats and even acted arrogantly, his expression immediately became vicious.

"Hehe, okay, I want to see how powerful you are as a countryman."


In the restaurant, Xia Qianqian saw Chen Yang coming back from the front desk, and immediately stood up happily, and naturally took Chen Yang's arm.

"Uncle Chen Yang, I'm done eating, let's go."

Xia Qianqian said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Yang was also smiling. He didn't take what happened with Manager Huo just now at all.

The two walked out of the restaurant arm in arm.

Originally, Chen Yang thought that he might meet Manager Huo at the entrance of the restaurant, but he didn't, and he didn't know where he would go in a short time.

But Chen Yang didn't pay much attention to him, it's better not to be here, so as not to be an eyesore.

Walking out of the restaurant, Chen Yang got into the car with Yang Ruoxi, and then he took Yang Ruoxi back to the village.

Back in the village, Chen Yang really took Xia Qianqian to lead the cows to the hills to graze them.

However, Xia Qianqian didn't complain about this, on the contrary, it felt very fresh.

At one point, he took the initiative to grab the reins from Chen Yang.

"Uncle Chen Yang, give me a hug!"

"Okay, be careful yourself, don't mess around." Chen Yang handed the rope to Xia Qianqian.

Then he watched Xia Qianqian feed the cows.

This girl Xia Qianqian is very active. Although it is her first time herding cattle, she is quite good-looking.

It doesn't look like the action is stiff.

If this person has never let go of a cow, seeing such a big animal standing beside him, he might be too scared to move.

But Xia Qianqian was different, pulling Niu Manshan to run, Chen Yang looked at it and wanted to laugh.

The picture is a little too inconsistent.

The two of them spent the afternoon in the fields, and they didn't return to the hospital until it was almost dark at night.

Originally, Chen Yang planned to bring the cow home and cook at home, and then send Xia Qianqian back tomorrow, but Yang Caiyun called and said that Xia Qianqian had to go to school tomorrow, so she had to go back to bed today.

So Chen Yang had no choice but to drive back to the county with Xia Qianqian.

When we arrived at the River Fish Restaurant, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening, so Chen Yang took advantage of the opportunity to stay here to eat and spend the night.

I thought that I could have some warmth tonight, and then I would go back after sending Xia Qianqian to school tomorrow morning.

So, Chen Yang fell asleep in the river fish restaurant.

??Happy New Year, Happy New Year to everyone



(End of this chapter)

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