Chapter 873

When she was about to cry, Aunt Liu began to ask: "Shuping, where have you been for two years? Why can't anyone be contacted suddenly?"

When Nie Shuping heard this question, she felt guilty for a while, but she didn't hesitate for too long, and immediately replied: "Mom, I have been tricked into doing hard work during this period, and I can't get in touch with you even if I want to."

"Thanks to Yangzi this time, if I hadn't met him, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back in this life."

Nie Shuping said seriously.


When Aunt Liu heard that Nie Shuping had been cheated outside, she suddenly became surprised, and at the same time, her eyes noticed Chen Yang who was helping to carry things.

Seeing Chen Yang, Aunt Liu knelt down without saying a word.

"Yangzi, you are really a great benefactor of our family! Thank you, auntie."

Aunt Liu was so excited that she wanted to kneel down.

Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly helped him up.

"Auntie, it's not necessary. I just met by chance and helped Shuping's sister-in-law." Chen Yang modestly helped Aunt Liu who was about to kneel down.

But Mrs. Liu still kept saying thanks.

Chen Yang has always said that you are welcome, they are all from the same village, so there is no need for this.

In the end, after some refusals, Chen Yang didn't want to stay here any longer, because there were more and more people around him, and he didn't like this kind of atmosphere very much.

"Aunt Liu, sister-in-law Shuping, I still have something to do at home, so I'll leave first, and the things will be delivered to your door." Chen Yang put down the luggage in his hand and said.

Seeing this, Aunt Liu wanted to keep Chen Yang for lunch and treat her well, but Nie Shuping knew that Wang Qingyue was still waiting for Chen Yang in the hospital.

So I opened my mouth first and didn't keep Chen Yang.

"Good Yangzi, then go back and do your work. My sister-in-law invites you to dinner some other day. I must thank you." Nie Shuping said sincerely.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Chen Yang nodded, then waved his hand and left the village, returning directly to the medical center.

On the way back, I saw a group of children pushing Liu Wu to the house.

While walking, he was talking about Liu Wu, your mother is back.

When Liu Wu's child heard such words, he was expecting and nervous, and his expression was a bit amused.

Chen Yang glanced at it, didn't say much, and went back to the medical center directly.

Back home, Chen Yang found that Wang Qingyue was not sitting in the hall, so he walked through the inner room and went to the backyard to look for it.

When I came to the backyard, I immediately saw that she had changed into yoga clothes and was boxing in the backyard.

"Haha, you worked hard enough, practice when you come back."

Chen Yang laughed and walked into the yard.

Wang Qingyue, who was punching, knew that Chen Yang was coming, so she stopped.

"Are you back so soon? I thought it would take a while for you, so I just wanted to fight to avoid boredom." Wang Qingyue said with sweat on her forehead, panting slightly.

Chen Yang looked at Wang Qingyuexiang's dripping sweat and her uneven figure outlined by the yoga clothes, and felt a little hot in his heart.

A quick glance at the figure, and then back to Wang Qingyue's beautiful face: "How long will it take to send a luggage, a matter of a few minutes."

"Tch, I don't know yet, you sent it back to keep you for dinner, thank you or something." Wang Qingyue squinted, she seemed to know this kind of thing very well.

"Yeah, you're right, but I think you refused at home." Chen Yang smiled and nodded, then found a Dragon Tiger Pill from his pocket and threw it away.

"Have you eaten all the food on your body? I'll give you another one. After eating, continue to practice for a while, and I'll cook."

Wang Qingyue reacted quickly and immediately caught Longhu Pill.

"it is good."

After taking a look at the pill, she ate it straight away, and then continued to punch in the yard while digesting the medicinal power of the Dragon Tiger Pill.

Chen Yang looked at it for a while, then didn't stay long, went to check the medicine fields, and then went to Wangcai and Brother Diao's nest to give them some rewards.

They all gave a body training pill as a reward for housekeeping yesterday.

After finishing all this, it was getting late, so Chen Yang went out to the farm to catch a rabbit, then went to the constant temperature room to collect some wild mushrooms, and made some lunch.

"Qingyue, it's time to eat."

When the food was brought to the table, Chen Yang immediately yelled towards the backyard.


Wang Qingyue responded, and then walked into the room.

Because of taking the Dragon Tiger Pill and punching, this girl sweated a lot, dripping with fragrance.

As soon as he walked to the door, Chen Yang could smell the faint fragrance.

"Do you want to take a shower before eating? I'll wait for you." Chen Yang saw that although she was sweating profusely, she was attractive, but he could also feel that she was not very comfortable, so he said this.

"Okay, then wait for me a moment, I'll take a bath." Wang Qingyue didn't think much, and went directly to the bathroom in the room to take a bath.

It took about twenty minutes before she took a shower, changed her clothes and came out.

"Phew, it's much more comfortable to take a bath." Wang Qingyue walked out the door, looking very refreshed.

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Then let's eat, the food is going to be cold."


Wang Qingyue nodded, and then went to the table to eat together.

During the meal, Chen Yang chatted about wild mushrooms again.

Now that the cooperation has been negotiated, it's time to start expanding the greenhouse, so Chen Yang asked Wang Qingyue to contact the engineering team to start work as soon as possible.

"I've already told my brother about this. An engineering team will come over tomorrow. Don't worry." Wang Qingyue replied while eating.

"Oh, that's good."

As soon as Chen Yang heard that the engineering team had been contacted, he didn't say anything.

"En." Wang Qingyue nodded, and then suddenly said: "By the way, Chen Yang, then I will take the contract back after dinner. Do you want to go to the county with me?"

When Chen Yang heard this sentence, he was a little surprised: "What are you going to do in the county? Will you play with me?"

Wang Qingyue misunderstood what Chen Yang meant, so her face turned red.

"What are you thinking? I just think that you are too boring at home, and I want to go out with you." Wang Qingyue gave Chen Yang a white look and said.

Chen Yang smiled and waved his hands: "Forget it, I still have a lot of things to do at home, so I won't go out."

"Okay then, I'll contact you when I have time, and I'll leave later." Chen Yang didn't want to go, and Wang Qingyue didn't force it.

Afterwards, Chen Yang nodded his head humbly, and stopped chatting.

After finishing the meal, Wang Qingyue drove away.

After sending Wang Qingyue away, Chen Yang went back to the backyard alone, took some medicinal materials and fed them to the sick cows in the cowshed.

After feeding the medicinal materials, Chen Yang took the cows to the hill where Niu Ming grazed the cows and ate grass for a while.

This afternoon, he spent herding cattle with Niu Ming on the top of the mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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