Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 871 One more thing is worse than one less thing

Chapter 871 One more thing is worse than one less thing

"It doesn't matter what you say about this matter, it still depends on what I, two distinguished guests, think about it." Dai Jinsong said.

"Yes yes yes, what Mr. Dai said is true." Zhang Wei nodded immediately when he heard the words, then turned his head to look at Chen Yang flatteringly, and said with a low profile: "Brother Chen, this is a misunderstanding, right? I did what happened yesterday. No, I apologize to you today, I hope you can ignore this matter."

Zhang Wei's attitude changed 180 degrees. He was still arrogant to Chen Yang just now, and even threatened to beat Chen Yang first, but now his face was full of flattery.

Seeing his attitude, Chen Yang actually didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

It's just that one thing is missing, I don't have to deal with these hundreds of people by myself.

"I don't care about this matter, but you brought my sister-in-law here from the hotel, what about this matter?" Chen Yang said coldly.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately shook his head: "Brother Chen, this is also a misunderstanding, I didn't capture Sister-in-law Ling, she ran back by herself!"

"You ran back by yourself?"

Chen Yang was a little surprised.

"Really, if you don't believe me, ask Mrs. Ling yourself!" Zhang Wei nodded affirmatively.

Seeing that his tone was so sure, Chen Yang was even more surprised. He couldn't understand how Nie Shuping would come back by herself.

So he looked at Nie Shuping in a blink of an eye.

"Sister-in-law, what's going on, did you run back to the bar by yourself?" Chen Yang asked.

At this time, Nie Shuping had already been untied. When she saw Chen Yang asking her like this, she nodded immediately: "Well... I came back by myself... I wanted to come back and pack my luggage. Who knows, I will be caught by them." caught."

"Brother Chen, look, this is a misunderstanding, I really didn't catch him." Zhang Wei said hastily.

Hearing this, Chen Yang nodded his head slightly, and didn't think much about it with Zhang Wei.

Although this guy is quite hated, he really didn't do anything today.

"That's fine, these things should be regarded as a misunderstanding, but if you tied her up, how about this matter?" Chen Yang said.

Zhang Wei's brain also opened up.

Hearing what Chen Yang said, he immediately reacted.

"Brother Chen, I'll apologize to her for this matter, and pay another 10 yuan as a small gesture. You can take this matter as a thing of the past, okay?" Zhang Wei said with sincerity.

But at this time, his heart was in a panic.

Because Chen Yang shakes his head and nods, he can decide whether he can continue to hang around in this county!

Chen Yang glanced at him, and finally nodded, accepting his proposal.

Seeing Chen Yang nodding his head, Zhang Wei heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly walked up to Dai Jinsong with a smile, and said good things with a smile.

"Mr. Dai, are you satisfied with today's matter? This is a misunderstanding. How dare I do something to your guests."

Zhang Wei had a hippie smile on his face, but Dai Jinsong did not have much smile on his face.

Because he knew that this matter must not be simple, but since Chen Yang didn't want to care about it anymore, he naturally had nothing to say, so let Zhang Wei go.

"Hmph, take care of yourself, if you have such a misunderstanding next time, don't mess around here in the future." Dai Jinsong reprimanded in a cold voice.

Facing the scolding, Zhang Wei didn't have any temper at all, and nodded repeatedly in agreement.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dai, such a misunderstanding will definitely not happen again in the future."

Dai Jinsong glanced at him, didn't say anything more, but looked at Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue.

Now that everything has been dealt with, there is no intention of staying here any longer.

So Chen Yang had a brief exchange with Nie Shuping, and agreed that she would pack her things here first, and he would drive back to pick her up later.

"Okay, okay, Yangzi, go quickly, I'll wait for you here." Nie Shuping had been watching what happened just now, so she naturally stayed here with peace of mind.

"Well, I'll be back soon, so hurry up and tidy up."

Chen Yang nodded, and then left the bar with Wang Qingyue and Dai Jinsong.

Walking out of the bar, there are several luxury business cars parked outside the door, which should be Dai Jinsong's.

"Uncle Dai, thank you for what happened just now. If you hadn't arrived in time, Chen Yang and I would have been in trouble." Walking out of the bar, Wang Qingyue immediately thanked Dai Jinsong for what happened just now.

Dai Jinsong waved his hand nonchalantly: "Qingyue, why are you being polite to me? You are being bullied here, how will I deal with your father in the future? It's all right."

Dai Jinsong's face was full of sincere smiles, what happened just now was insignificant to him.

"Yes, sister Qingyue, you are a guest of our house, how can you be bullied here." Di Anne also said with a smile.

When Wang Qingyue heard the words, her face was also full of smiles. She reached out and touched Di Anni's head, then looked at Dai Jinsong and asked, "By the way, Uncle Dai, how did you know that something happened to us here?"

"When you left, I felt that something was wrong. There was only one Zhang Wei in the county. He was ruthless and good at calling thugs. I saw that you two were a little worried, so I followed." Dai Jinsong explained.

When Dai Jinsong appeared, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue were very puzzled, they did not expect him to appear.

Listening to such an explanation now, I immediately understand it.

"Oh, so that's the case. Thank you, Uncle Dai."

"Thank you, Boss Dai."

After figuring out the reason, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue thanked each other again, and after a few words of pleasantries at the door, Dai Jinsong took Dai Anni away.

Originally, Dai Jinsong still wanted to invite the two of them to the manor for dinner, but at this time neither of them wanted to stay here anymore, they just wanted to go back quickly, so they declined.

Regarding this, Dai Jinsong didn't say much, just said a few words politely, and left.

Watching Dai Jinsong's car go away, Chen Yang and Wang Qingyue also got into their own car, then drove back to the hotel, went through the check-out procedures, and went to the room to pick up their own things.

"Have you taken everything?" Back in the car, Chen Yang looked at Wang Qingyue, the co-pilot, and asked.

Wang Qingyue nodded: "I've got them all, just some simple cosmetics."

"Well, let's go to the bar again now, pick up Shuping's sister-in-law, and we'll go back to Liuhe Village." Chen Yang nodded, then started the car, and went to the bar again.

Nie Shuping knew that Chen Yang would come back to pick her up soon, so she had already carried her luggage and stood at the door waiting.

And around her, there are many women with heavy makeup.

They all work in the bar with Nie Shuping, and their relationship with Nie Shuping is average. Now that they have such a capable younger brother in Nie Shuping's family, they must be enthusiastic so that they can get along with each other.

Chen Yang saw Nie Shuping from a distance, so he drove the car in front of Nie Shuping and stopped.

Then he got out of the car.

"Sister-in-law, let me carry the things, you can get in the car." Chen Yang walked over and said.

Seeing Chen Yang getting out of the luxury car, Nie Shuping looked a little surprised, but thinking that Chen Yang could make her boss respectful, that surprise quickly dissipated.

"It's all right, Yang Zi, I'll do it myself." Nie Shuping's eyes were slightly reserved, and Chen Yang didn't continue to be polite when he saw this.

Instead, he went to help Nie Shuping open the trunk, and then helped her put the luggage in.

(End of this chapter)

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