Chapter 850

After he finished feeding, Chen Yang asked him to untie the rope, and these could also be put into the mountain.

"Huh? That's all right?"

When Niu Ming heard this, his expression was a little surprised, because these sick cows had been sick for many days when they were in the farm, otherwise they wouldn't have bought them for [-] yuan.

And how could a cow that has been ill for a long time be cured so easily? This is not in line with common sense.

But Chen Yang waved his hand, saying that there is no problem.

Although Niu Ming didn't understand, he still didn't question what Chen Yang said, so he listened to Chen Yang, and untied the rope so that the cows that ate the herbs also got into the forest.

"The condition of these two cows is a bit complicated, and they need to be taken back and treated for a few days." After letting the other cows go, Chen Yang pointed to the other two cows in serious condition and said.

"Okay, then take it back."

Niu Ming nodded immediately when he heard the words, and went to untie the two ropes from the tree. Then he and Chen Yang led each other and went back to Liuhe Village.

Back in the village, they put the two cows in Chen Yang's cowshed.

After finishing these, it is not too early, it is more than one o'clock.

Neither of them had dinner, so Niu Ming took Chen Yang to his house for a meal.

Chen Yang wanted to refuse at first, but he thought it was such a time and it would be troublesome to cook, so he went to have a meal.

After eating at Uncle Niu's house, Chen Yang planned to go back to treat Niu's illness, while Niu Ming and Uncle Niu planned to take the guy and go to the hill where the cows graze to build a temporary small house.

This is so convenient for Niu to watch the cattle tomorrow night.

After all, there are more than 30 cows, so what if you don't watch them at night.

"Yangzi, you will leave the task of raising cattle to me in the future, and I will trouble you about the shop over there." Before parting, Niu Ming suddenly said to Chen Yang.

"All right."

Chen Yang nodded solemnly, then patted Niu Ming on the shoulder, and said in a very affirmative tone: "Don't worry, I will definitely open this shop for you, don't worry."

"Haha, I'm not worried. I'm at ease and confident in doing business with you." Niu Ming laughed. He really believed in Chen Yang. It takes a long time.

Feeling Niu Ming's trust, Chen Yang felt warm in his heart.

"Okay, let's just talk about it. I'll go first. You and Uncle Niu don't have to worry too much. The mountain is only that big, so there won't be any problems if it's a day late." Chen Yang said.

"Well, you go first, we know what's going on."

After the two said goodbye briefly, Niu Ming and Uncle Niu went to the top of the mountain, while Chen Yang went back to the clinic directly.

When Chen Yang returned to the medical center, he just wanted to find some herbal medicines from home to prepare two special formulas for the cows to eat.

But it was interrupted by the ringing of the phone in his pocket.

"Who's calling?"

Chen Yang was puzzled, and took out his mobile phone.

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's name displayed on the screen, Chen Yang frowned, but still answered without hesitation.

"Chen Yang, what happened yesterday? Why did you fight with Lin Hui?"

When he saw Yang Ruoxi calling, Chen Yang thought he was here to ask him how his cooperation with Lin Hui was.

That's why he frowned, wondering if he should tell Yang Ruoxi the specific situation.

But he didn't expect that Yang Ruoxi already knew about it.

Hearing Yang Ruoxi's question, Chen Yang had nothing to hesitate, and directly told Yang Ruoxi what happened yesterday.

After Yang Ruoxi heard it, she became angry.

"What a Lin Hui! What a hypocrite, I didn't expect him to be such a person, it's too much! He even framed you! I have to call today to scold him." Yang Ruoxi was furious on the phone As he said that, he was about to hang up Chen Yang's phone and scold Lin Hui.

Chen Yang stopped her.

"You said just now that he framed me? Did he tell you something?" Chen Yang noticed what Yang Ruoxi said just now.

"Yes, he came to complain to me and said bad things about you." Yang Ruoxi hummed and said.

When Chen Yang heard Yang Ruoxi's words, he knew what was going on in his heart.

That guy Lin Hui was still restless after being beaten yesterday, so he called to sow discord with Yang Ruoxi.

Although Chen Yang didn't know what he said specifically, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Fortunately, I understand you, otherwise I would have been deceived by that guy's emotional performance, Chen Yang, you played well!" Yang Ruoxi continued.

Chen Yang even heard Yang Ruoxi grinding his teeth angrily.

Chen Yang smiled: "When you say that, I'm a little curious, how did he tell you to make you so angry."

"Hey, I'll tell you about this later, I have to scold him now, or I'll be really angry, bye." Yang Ruoxi said goodbye in a hurry, and then hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the beeps on the phone, Chen Yang was speechless.

Smiling and shaking his head, he didn't care about it anymore, put away his phone and continued to do his own thing.

Pick herbs and combine them to treat cows.

Back and forth, back and forth, and when it was done, it was already dark.

Seeing that the cow ate the herbs he had prepared, Chen Yang didn't care about it, and went directly to the kitchen to make dinner.

After dinner, he practiced boxing in the backyard and didn't care about other things.

He practiced until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening before he stopped to take a shower and then went to bed.

Lying on the bed, Chen Yang couldn't help thinking about the cows he bought today.

According to the normal growth rate, if those cattle are to be put into use, I am afraid that they will have to wait until today at least next year.

Such a long time is obviously unacceptable to Chen Yang.

The expectation in his heart is that Lin Hui's shop will be closed within three months!This is the latest time, if there is no accident, it will take two months to rape him.

"Tomorrow, I will give Niu Ming some Yangyuan Pills, and ask him to feed them to the cows, so as to increase the growth speed of the cows."

Chen Yang made a plan in his heart to use Yangyuan Pill to accelerate the growth of the cow.

While speeding up the cattle, he also plans to go to the county seat tomorrow to find a suitable decoration company, renovate the shop that he rented today, and open it as soon as possible!

Chen Yang made all the plans in his heart, then closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard the sound of climbing over the wall from the backyard.

Chen Yang's current senses have been raised to a terrifying level. Although he is in the room, he can still hear some small movements in the yard!

Hearing something over the wall, Chen Yang subconsciously thought that Wangcai couldn't stand his loneliness.

After several days of peace, it was time to find other dogs in the village.

"I have to teach this guy a lesson today!"

Thinking of this, Chen Yang's heart was on fire, and he didn't go to sleep anymore, he just turned over and got up, ready to go out and teach that guy a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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