Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 842 Inspecting the construction site is equal to suffering

Chapter 842 Inspecting the construction site is equal to suffering

Chen Yang and Li Han also picked it up and took a sip.

"Manager Huang, the progress of the project these days is still normal, right? Have you followed up on the materials? There are also large-scale equipment, all of which must be used, otherwise the construction period will be delayed." After drinking the tea, Li Han directly talked about it. Come to work.

The project of Chenyang School will be completed and put into use before the school starts next year, so it cannot be sloppy.

As Li Han's subordinate, Manager Huang is also the person in charge of this project, so he naturally knows this. ,

"Mr. Li! Boss Chen! At present, the progress of the project is still perfect, and you can rest assured that I will hand over this project perfectly, whether it is speed or quality, I will be perfect..."

Manager Huang said a lot directly in one breath, first of all, he made a promise that the quality and speed of the project would be absolutely fine.

Then report on the current situation.

Chen Yang, Li Han, and Wu Kexin listened carefully, but Yang Ruoxi couldn't understand a word, so she lowered her head and played with her mobile phone.

But she doesn't need to worry about this matter, so she doesn't care about him.

Chen Yang and the others listened carefully to Manager Huang's report.

"Well, you did a good job. If this job is completed perfectly, I'll directly promote you to an engineer level." After listening to Manager Huang's report, Li Han was very satisfied, and directly promised him the benefit of promotion.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin didn't know the concept of this first-level engineer.

However, it can be seen from Manager Huang's degree of surprise that this Jedi is a big reward!

"Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Li! Don't worry, Mr. Li! I will definitely deliver this project perfectly as scheduled!" Manager Huang was pleasantly surprised, and after the surprise, he promised that there would be no problem.

"Okay, this is the best. If you have any questions, you can communicate with me at any time."

Li Han nodded in satisfaction, then took the lead and stood up.

"I came here this time to find out. Now that I understand it clearly, I will stop looking at the construction site and leave first."

Manager Huang nodded immediately when he heard the words: "Okay Mr. Li, then I won't delay your trip, and I'll see you off."

After speaking, he made a gesture of please, and then Li Han and Chen Yang left the temporary office.

Manager Huang and the others continued to send Li Han and Chen Yang out of the scope of the construction site before returning.

"Chen Yang, you should understand everything reported by Manager Huang, right? How do you feel?" After parting from Manager Huang, Li Han smiled and asked Chen Yang how he felt.

Chen Yang smiled and nodded directly: "Of course it feels good. Can your project not be beautiful?"

Although Chen Yang's words were meant to make Li Han happy, they were also true. The quality and speed of the Li family's engineering team were all very high-quality.

This can be seen from the last time I built a building for the Gu family.

Li Han was very happy when he heard Chen Yang's words.

"Haha, there's nothing to do that morning. How about you guys accompanying me to other construction sites? I'll go all the way here." Li Han said.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong anyway." Chen Yang immediately agreed.

Wu Kexin also nodded with a smile, and even made a small joke: "Mr. Li came to the village to inspect the property, and I, the village head, naturally have to accompany him."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed, and then went to other construction sites.

There are currently three construction sites in Liuhe Village.

One is Chen Yang's school, and the other two are from Gu's family.

Without exception, these three construction sites were all contracted by Li Han.

Now that he inspected the school, the two of Gu's family were naturally next.

Li Han brought Chen Yang, Wu Kexin and Yang Ruoxi, and the first thing they came to was the Gu family's dormitory project.

This project is not far from the Gu family building, so it is relatively close, so come first.

The situation where Li Han came here is similar to that at the school, the process is the same, and the people in charge all have the same reaction, nothing new.

But the only difference is that the two projects of the Gu family are not the focus of Li Han's attention, so there are many things that Li Han doesn't know.

So it will take some time to understand, and then Li Han will go to the site to inspect, so the two construction sites will take a long time.

By the time the inspection was over, it was already twelve noon.

"Phew, I feel so tired. I haven't walked much." Yang Ruoxi yelled tired when she returned to the medical center after the inspection.

This kind of thing is simply suffering for her.

If you don't understand it, and you're not interested, it's naturally boring.

"You're not tired, it's too boring. Go to the backyard and touch Wangcai to make sure you're comfortable." Chen Yang looked at Yang Ruoxi and said with a smile.

Mentioning Wangcai, Yang Ruoxi also showed a smile on his face.

"You're right, then I'll go first, and call me after lunch."

Yang Ruoxi stood up with a smile and said something, then left directly.

But after a while she turned back again.

"Hey, why are you back again?" Chen Yang said.

"Hey, I want to take Sister Kexin to go with me." Yang Ruoxi replied with a smile, then ran to Wu Kexin's side, and said, "Sister Kexin, come with me to earn money! It's relieved."

Wu Kexin was puzzled: "Wangcai? What is it?"

"Huh? Sister Kexin, you don't even know Wangcai?"

"I don't know." Wu Kexin shook his head even more puzzled.

"Okay then, you'll find out when you come with me." Yang Ruoxi wanted to explain, but it would be better to have a sense of mystery, so she just dragged Wu Kexin away.

"Wait for me, I'll go too." Seeing the two of them leaving, Li Han hurriedly followed.

While going, I still didn't forget to turn around and say to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, then I'll trouble you to prepare lunch and call us."


Chen Yang was speechless immediately.

If he had known that he would go to three, he wouldn't have told Yang Ruoxi that way.

"Hey, the three girls are really looking for abuse when they stay together!"

Chen Yang sighed, shook his head with a helpless smile, and went to the kitchen to make lunch.

He worked alone in the kitchen for more than half an hour before barely finishing it.

"It's time to eat."

After finishing, he immediately yelled towards the backyard.

"I'm coming."

Soon there was a reply from the three girls who were giggling, and then the three walked into the room together.

"Chen Yang, when did your family get such a big dog? Why didn't I see it when I came here a few days ago? It feels really good." Wu Kexin walked in and looked at Chen Yang excitedly. Yang said.

Chen Yang replied with a smile: "That guy likes to stay in the den and rarely comes out, so you didn't see it."

After listening to Chen Yang's answer, Wu Kexin let out an oh, and then sat down to eat together.

During the meal, Chen Yang suddenly remembered what happened to Niu Ming yesterday, so he communicated with Yang Ruoxi.

I want her to help in the middle, let Niu Ming and her classmate get to know each other, and then learn about the wild mountain cow project together.

After Yang Ruoxi listened to it, she directly said that there was no problem, and she called to ask after dinner.

"Well, this matter will trouble you." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Yang Ruoxi gave him a sideways glance: "What are you being polite about?"

After finishing speaking, Yang Ruoxi didn't look at Chen Yang, and continued to eat with his head down. Chen Yang shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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