Chapter 835

Liu Xuebin never thought that what Chen Yang said was true, so naturally he never thought that Chen Yang would really pay the bill.

But what he didn't expect at all was that Chen Yang agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, then I'll take this meal."

Chen Yang agreed directly, and then directly pressed the call button on the wall.

After about half a minute, a waiter came in immediately.

"what do you need?"

The waiter opened the door and walked in, asking questions immediately.

Chen Yang stood up directly: "I'll pay for this private room."

The waiter originally wanted to say yes, and then took out the tablet to ask Chen Yang to pay the bill, but when he looked up and saw that it was Chen Yang, his face immediately became more respectful, and he didn't ask Chen Yang to pay the bill immediately.

Instead, he said yes, then turned around and walked out of the private room.

Liu Xuebin and those classmates were stunned when they saw this scene.

Because they could see that the waiter's face was respectful to Chen Yang, and he didn't charge money.

This must require a certain amount of strength to do it, otherwise how can an ordinary person, the waiter be so respectful?

Could it be that Chen Yangzhen has something to do with Lintianxia Hotel?

Suddenly, this idea popped up in everyone's mind, including Liu Xuebin.

But his thoughts like this are just for a moment, just a waiter, even if he has something to do with Lin Tianxia, ​​it doesn't prove that he has something to do with Li Han.

So he sneered, and continued to taunt: "Hehe, slapping your face to make yourself fat, I don't see that you have anything to do with being in Han'er's hotel, I must go back today and Han'er will thoroughly investigate what is going on. "

There are many meanings to Liu Xuebin's words.

It also means that Chen Yang swollen his face to pretend to be a fat man, and it also shows his relationship with Li Han.

After the students around heard this, they immediately reacted as if enlightened.

Everyone also began to feel that Chen Yang just had something to do with this hotel.

If you want them to believe that Chen Yangzhen has something to do with Li Han, they can't believe it.

Because in their eyes, Chen Yang was just a waiter, so why did he climb the high branch of the richest man in Shang County?Which is impossible.

"I didn't expect that this guy still has something to do here, haha, then this time he's done playing, and when he meets Xuebin, his relationship is also in trouble."

"Hey, you can still live if you do evil by the sky, but you can't live when you do evil by yourself. Chen Yang, you are really crazy."


Those students started to agree with what Liu Xuebin said, and continued to mock Chen Yang.

Seeing the reaction of this group of people, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing again.

Especially when Liu Xuebin called Li Han Han'er, he couldn't help laughing.

In his eyes, Liu Xuebin is simply a clown.

Originally, the two of them had no enmity or grudge, and he didn't want to make it too embarrassing. Just now, he agreed to invite him to this meal because he wanted to draw a clear line and owe nothing to anyone.

If he didn't pay the bill, it would really look like he was here for a meal, that's why he bought it, and at the same time, he wanted to use the waiter's respectful attitude to shut Liu Xuebin up.

But unexpectedly, not only did that guy not restrain himself, he even went too far, calling Li Han Han'er, so don't blame him for being rude.

"Liu Xuebin, it's useless to give you a chance, so don't blame me."

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, then took out his phone and called Li Han.

"Han'er, are you in the hotel? It's fine, just come down, I'll wait for you in the private room on the second floor, um, come quickly." After finishing speaking, Chen Yang hung up the phone.

When Chen Yang called, he didn't turn on the speakerphone, but everyone saw Chen Yang calling.

When they saw Chen Yang making this call, they still didn't believe it, and even laughed even harder that Chen Yang was crazy and suffering from delusional disorder.

Liu Xuebin even threatened to call Chen Yang to find a good neurologist.

Regarding this, Chen Yang just laughed it off and ignored it.

Because the happier they are laughing now, the more painful the slap will be.

dong dong dong...

After waiting for about 2 minutes, there was the sound of high heels outside the door of the private room.

Then with a creak, the door of the private room was pushed open, and a beautiful face stood outside the door of the private room.

Besides Li Han, who else could it be?

The moment Li Han appeared at the door, all the laughter in the private room stopped abruptly.

And the expressions on their faces changed drastically!Instantly froze.

"Li...Mr. Li."

Liu Xuebin showed even more frightened expression on his face.

Li Han heard the voice, glanced at Liu Xuebin, then ignored him, and scanned the private room in a blink of an eye.

When she saw Chen Yang standing on the opposite side of the crowd, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"You are really here, come and sit in my office, what are you doing here?" Li Han smiled lightly, but the sweetness in his eyes!But it is very obvious!

Everyone understands the meaning of it.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were tugged, and everything in front of them felt so unreal.

"I'm here for a class reunion. I wanted to sit up after dinner, but something happened, so I let you down." Chen Yang also smiled, and answered Li Han's words.

"Well, then what happened to you, you want me to come down?" Li Han stepped on high heels, walked into the private room, and came to Chen Yang's side and asked.

At this time, she was vaguely aware of what happened, but she was just not sure.

And Chen Yang didn't talk nonsense, when he heard Li Han's question, he pointed at Liu Xuebin and said, "He said you are his girlfriend, and when you get married, he wants to invite us to a wedding."

"No, no, no... Mr. Li, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, Mr. Li, please listen to my explanation." Liu Xuebin was completely frightened, but when he heard Chen Yang pointing at him and saying this bluntly, he immediately Terrified, he opened his mouth incoherently and wanted to explain.

But what's the relationship between Li Han and Chen Yang?How could she listen to Liu Xuebin's explanation?

"I'm your girlfriend? Liu Xuebin, you are so courageous. I think you don't want the business of your family." Li Han said angrily.

Seeing that Li Han was angry, Liu Xuebin panicked even more, and beads of sweat fell like rain.

"Mr. Li, you really misunderstood, I didn't say that." Liu Xuebin said with a trembling tone.

"Misunderstanding? Liu Xuebin, that's not what you said just now. You said swearingly that Li Han belonged to your girlfriend, and you kept talking about it. Why did it become a misunderstanding now?" Seeing Liu Xuebin, he still wanted to quibble. , Chen Yang hit him hard immediately.

Now that Liu Xuebin heard Chen Yang repeat what he just said, he felt ashamed.

That kind of embarrassment, that kind of fear of Li Han's anger made him feel bad.

There wasn't even any blood left on his face.

"Chen...Chen Yang, don't talk nonsense, I never said these things." Liu Xuebin still wanted to quibble and refuse to admit it.

But still the same sentence, needless to say about the relationship between Li Han and Chen Yang, and she also understands Chen Yang's personality.

Would you use this kind of thing to frame Liu Xuebin?She won't believe anything.

"Liu Xuebin, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, otherwise, your family will not want to get any business from my Li family in the future!" Li Han said angrily.

This time, Li Han was obviously angry.

(End of this chapter)

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