Chapter 808

"Just looking for these birdmen, you're going to deal with me? You say you're not naive?" Seeing the devilish expression on the mellow man, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile, and at the same time walked slowly towards him.

The mellow man was just shocked just now!But when he saw Chen Yang walking towards him, his face and eyes began to be full of fear.

He was beginning to realize where he was now.

"You...what are you doing, I warn you, I'm the general manager of Gujia Hotel, you dare to touch me? Do you believe that I can make you die ugly with just a phone call?" The mellow man tremblingly moved out his identity as the general manager Come, I want to use this to intimidate Chen Yang.

But he really thought too much.

If Chen Yang was afraid of his identity, how could he act as decisively as before?

"Hehe, the Gu family is really majestic, and even a dog under them dares to overwhelm people." Chen Yang smiled coldly, walked up to the round man, almost without hesitation, raised his hand and slapped him in greeting.


This slap was extremely loud and powerful.

In just a few seconds, his cheeks began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the slap, Chen Yang immediately took out the phone again.

"Do you want to call the Gu family? Call someone to deal with me? Let me do it for you." After speaking, Chen Yang directly called Gao Ya.

The round man was dumbfounded when he saw Chen Yang calling.

His mood was instantly overshadowed by an extremely bad premonition.

The thought in his mind just now was indeed as Chen Yang said, he wanted to call the Gu family for help.

Because in his eyes, the Gu family is high and mighty in the provincial capital, let alone in this small county.

That's why he acted so recklessly.

But in the current situation, it seems that Chen Yang also knows people from the Gu family.

And look at that pie, the background is still big!

As soon as this idea came out, he instantly felt even worse.

Although I kept comforting myself that it was impossible, my body was already trembling.

At this time, the call made by Chen Yang was also connected.

"Hey, Sister Gao Ya, I want to ask you something. What's the name of the general manager of your hotel?" After the call was connected, Chen Yang asked the question straight to the point.

"It's Yu Xiangfu, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

On the phone, Gao Ya obviously paused for a moment before Chen Yang answered.

Obviously, he didn't realize it, why did Chen Yang inquire about this matter.

"Well, there is something wrong. This guy snatched my parking space. After I beat him up, he said he would call you for help, so I came to ask you to see if there is such a person in your hotel." Chen Yang smiled. said.

"What? Grab your parking space?"

Gaoya's tone became quite cold at once. She understood Chen Yang's personality, so she didn't ask any questions, and said directly: "Give him the phone and let him talk to me."

"Hello Miss Gao Ya."

Chen Yang agreed with a smile, and then handed the phone directly to the mellow man.

"Pick up the phone, I'll give you a chance to ask for help."

Chen Yang said with a smile.

At this time, the mellow man was terrified to the extreme, because he heard Chen Yang say the word elegant.

He is the general manager of Gu Family Hotel, so he naturally knows who Gao Ya is.

But others had a little luck, hoping that it was just Chen Yang putting on airs.

Yu Xiangfu took the phone tremblingly, and put it to his ear to answer.

"Hello...I'm Yu Xiangfu, you are..."

"Yu Xiangfu, you should be able to recognize my voice."

Listening to the elegant and cold voice on the phone, the little luck left in Yu Xiangfu's heart was completely shattered.

At the same time, it also made him fall into an ice cellar!Back chills.

" can tell, Mr. Gao..."

Yu Xiangfu trembled completely, unable to speak a complete sentence.

"It's good if you can hear my voice. I'm telling you now that you've been fired. From now on, you're not the general manager of the hotel. Find time to pack things in the afternoon." Gao Ya said indifferently.

Yu Xiangfu was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Mr. Gao! Mr. Gao, please listen to me to explain Mr. Gao. Things are not as you imagined..." Yu Xiangfu was stunned for a second or two, and immediately wanted to explain when he realized it.

But Gao Ya didn't give a chance at all, and hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the beeping sound from the phone, Yu Xiangfu's face turned ashen instantly, as if his blood had been drained, his complexion was frighteningly pale.

"Hehe, I hung up the phone. Give me the phone back. Go to the hotel early to pack up, so as not to be thrown out." Chen Yang sneered, and directly grabbed the phone from his hand.

For Yu Xiangfu, he didn't feel sorry for him at all, but he still felt that it was his own fault.

Why do you have to rely on people's power?

"Deserving it."

Chen Yang shook his head, turned around and wanted to leave here.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt something pressed against his foot.

Looking back, at some point, Yu Xiangfu had already hugged his leg.

"Chen Yang...Mr. Chen! Don't rush to leave, okay, I was the one who didn't know Mount Tai just now, please don't be as knowledgeable as me, give me another chance..." Yu Xiangfu hugged Chen Yang's leg , begged bitterly.

Chen Yang's face was indifferent, unmoved at all, only two cold words: "Let go."

"I really beg you, Mr. Chen! I can't lose the position of general manager, you spare me! Give me one more chance, I got into this position with great difficulty, I can't just lose it, Mr. Chen."

At this time, Yu Xiangfu knew very well that Chen Yang was the only way for him to hold on to his position, so he couldn't miss the opportunity no matter what.

"Mr. Chen, it's my dog's eyes that see people as inferior, and my dog's power. I offended you. I deserve to die, I deserve to die, I apologize to you, and I punish myself! Please go speak kindly to Mr. Gao and don't fire me." Yu Xiangfu panicked to the extreme.

After saying these words, he even raised his hand and slapped himself across the face.

And it's still the kind of bow left and right, with an unambiguous snapping sound.

You can tell by the sound that this is really cruel.

Such a person is really not worthy of sympathy, but Chen Yang glanced at Yu Xiangfu's luxury car parked on the side of the road, and his heart was still slightly moved.

His child is still inside, and he is in the same class as Xiaoxiao.

Thinking of this, and seeing how Yu Xiangfu kept slapping himself, Chen Yang finally waved his hand, intending to give him a chance.

"Okay, stop, I will talk to Mr. Gao about this matter."

When Yu Xiangfu heard these words, he was immediately overwhelmed with excitement, and at the same time, a trace of relaxation flashed across his face.

"Thank you Mr. Chen, thank you Mr. Chen, thank you for giving me the opportunity!"

"You can take care of yourself. I will give you a chance this time, but if I see something similar happen next time, I won't give it another chance." Chen Yang said.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will definitely change my past and never dare to do this again, as long as you give me this chance."

Yu Xiangfu was so excited that he felt like he was about to cry.

But Chen Yang didn't care about him anymore, he just turned around and got into the car, then drove the van and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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