Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 806 Parents Meeting

Chapter 806

The mellow man leaning on the car was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

He didn't react until Chen Yang walked away.

Looking at Chen Yang's back, he was extremely angry.

"Okay! How the hell do you dare to fight with me? I insist on giving you some flair today." The mellow man stared at Chen Yang's back resentfully, gritted his teeth and said a harsh word, then turned around and got into the car. Out of the phone.

"Hey, where..."


After Chen Yang left the parking space, he took Zhang Xueying directly into Xiaoxiao's kindergarten without thinking.

Although the episode just now affected my mood a bit, it was harmless.

"Xueying? Are you smiling? Are you in the classroom?"

Walking into the campus, looking at the children running back and forth, Chen Yang turned around and asked Zhang Xueying.

"It should be in the classroom, my dad sent it over early." Zhang Xueying replied.

"Okay, then let's go directly to the classroom."

Chen Yang took Zhang Xueying's hand and went directly to Xiaoxiao's class.

When Xiaoxiao started school, Chen Yang had been to the class, so he knew where it was.

Chen Yang thought that he and Zhang Xueying had come early enough, but he never thought that when he walked to the door, he found that most of the parents in the class had already arrived.

The children were playing in a circle, and the parents were chatting with each other.

The atmosphere of the whole class is still very good.

Chen Yang scanned the class, and finally saw Xiaoxiao who was playing around among the children.

Originally, when Chen Yang saw Xiaoxiao, he wanted to walk over slowly and give her a surprise.

But she didn't expect that when Chen Yang saw her, she felt as if Chen Yang and Zhang Xueying were coming, and immediately turned her head to look in the direction of the door, and saw Chen Yang and Zhang Xueying.

"Mom! Uncle Chen Yang."

Seeing the two, Xiaoxiao immediately ran towards the door and hugged Chen Yang's legs.

Seeing the smile on Xiaoxiao's face, Chen Yang was in a very good mood.

He reached out and hugged her.

"Xiaoxiao, I haven't seen it for a while, do you miss Uncle Chen Yang?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

"I want to! I really miss Uncle Chen Yang!"

Xiaoxiao almost didn't think about it, and immediately answered Chen Yang firmly.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and continued to make fun of it.

Ask her how she's been doing lately, whether school was fun or not.

Zhang Xueying looked at Chen Yang and smiled, the happy smile on his face could not be contained at all.

If it weren't for maintaining the image, I'm afraid I would have cried.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao's parents are here?"

"Xiaoxiao parents, come and sit here."


At this time, other parents who were chatting with each other in the class noticed that Chen Yang and Zhang Xueying had come.

These people are still familiar with Chen Yang, because they almost met and chatted with Chen Yang at the opening ceremony last time.

So they all waved at Chen Yang, wanting Chen Yang to sit with them.

They were so enthusiastic, of course, because they knew that Chen Yang was very capable.

Adults are very realistic, knowing that Chen Yang is capable, they naturally want to have a good relationship with Chen Yang, make friends and so on.

But Chen Yang is not disgusted with this, after all, it is human nature.

So he smiled and walked over with Zhang Xueying.

But he didn't sit next to someone on purpose, but sat in Xiaoxiao's original position.

"Xiaoxiao's parents, you Xiaoxiao are amazing, you are born lively and smart, and after a look, you are the kind with good academic performance."

"Hehe, Xiaoxiao parents, I went back and tried the method you said last time, and my body is indeed much better."


As soon as Chen Yang sat down, the nearby parents immediately chatted with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang immediately became the center of the entire classroom, and all the parents greeted him and wanted to talk to him.

Faced with such a scene, Chen Yang naturally had no problem. He responded to almost everyone with a smile.

But Zhang Xueying seemed a little unnatural.

Because she never thought that such a scene would appear.

So in the face of other people's warm greetings and conversations, she just smiled and nodded, or said hello.

The classroom was buzzing for a while.

Teacher Yue, the head teacher of the class, walked into the classroom on time.

As soon as Teacher Yue appeared, the classroom became quite quiet, and most of the parents who chatted around Chen Yang returned to their seats.

"Parents, good morning everyone..."

The scene became quiet, and Teacher Yue immediately stood on the podium and began to speak.

First of all, I was polite, and then I called the names to see whose parents didn't show up.

After a while, only one boy's parents did not arrive.

Seeing this, Teacher Yue wanted to take out his phone to contact any parents who hadn't arrived yet.

But before he dialed out, he saw a hurried man walking in from outside the classroom.

While walking in, he smiled and said to Teacher Yue: "Mr. Yue, I'm sorry, the parking space outside is really too tight today. I searched for a long time and couldn't find a parking space."

Teacher Yue glanced at the man, smiled and said it's okay, and then made a gesture for the man to sit down.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Yue."

The man politely said thank you, then strode towards his own child with big strides, and then sat down.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect his child to be in the same class as Xiaoxiao."

Seeing the man seated, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

Because the person who was late was none other than the round man with the smelly mouth who was outside just now.

Originally, Chen Yang knew that he was here to attend the school parent meeting when he saw his anxious appearance outside, but he didn't expect such a coincidence that he was still in the same class.

Chen Yang glanced at it more, but didn't pay much attention afterwards.

His eyes turned to Teacher Yue on the podium again.

Now that all the parents in the class are here, Teacher Yue will naturally start the parent meeting.

In fact, the children's parent meeting didn't have any important things, so I just talked about it, let the parents care more about their children's growth, and also talked about her understanding of no children.

Talk to each parent about their child's strengths and weaknesses.

After communicating with every parent, the parent-teacher meeting will be over.

"Parents, let's end this parent meeting. Be careful on the way back."

Teacher Yue announced with a smile that the parent-teacher meeting was over, and everyone could take their children back home.

So all the parents got up, started to take their children, walked out of the class, and walked out of the campus to go back.

Of course, this also includes Chen Yang and Zhang Xueying.

"Smile, the parent meeting is over, Uncle Chen Yang will take you to buy toys, buy new clothes, and eat some delicious food, okay?"

Chen Yang walked out with a smile in his arms.

When Xiaoxiao heard that buying new toys, new clothes, and eating delicious food, she immediately became excited, clapped her little hands and nodded: "Okay, okay! Buy new toys."

"Haha, okay, let's go."

Chen Yang laughed, walked out of the school with a smile and Zhang Xueying, and then went to the parking place.

Before he got close to the car, Chen Yang saw several burly men standing around his van from a distance.

All of them have dragon and tiger tattoos on their bodies, and they look a bit intrusive.

Of course, this has no deterrent effect on Chen Yang.

He just glanced at it, and then he followed Zhang Xueying to the car with a smile, took out the key and prepared to get in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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