Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 77 Call it out, I ate it raw

As soon as Chen Yang made a sound, all the people around looked at Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, these people are not kind to the people who come here. We need to communicate the outcome well and not be impulsive." Seeing Chen Yang approaching, Wu Kexin hurriedly moved to his side and carefully reminded Chen Yang, lest Chen Yang fight with these people again if he was impulsive. .

Hearing Wu Kexin's reminder, Chen Yang smiled and nodded: "Okay! Don't worry, I can solve this matter."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang walked up to Wu Kexin and faced Hei Pi directly.

Seeing that it was Chen Yang who came, Hei Pi immediately said, "Chen Yang, you are finally here. I heard that you are the one who opened this farm, right?"

"That's right, I opened it!"

Chen Yang nodded and admitted.

"Okay, it's you who opened it. I'll inform you now, push all the facilities here!" Hei Pi said bluntly, as if ordering Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was very upset when he heard the words.

He is too arrogant.

"I rented this land from the village department! The money has already been given, so I have the ability to control this land. Why should I listen to you and push it all?" Chen Yang frowned.

Chen Yang's tone was also very firm, and he was not afraid of Heipi at all.

Chen Yang's resolute attitude made Hei Pi stunned for a moment.

Because he not only has a background in the underworld, but also has a team of mountain walkers under his command.

In recent years, basically no one from all over the world dared to offend him, but they never expected to meet Chen Yang today and dare to speak to him like this!

"Chen Yang, are you tired of living? Dare to talk to me like that?" Heipi's expression changed, and he said fiercely: "Your farm has destroyed the ecological balance! It will cause the nearby pheasants to become extinct!"

"I asked you to dismantle it for the sake of the ecology of the four miles and eight towns, do you understand?"

Hei Pi pointed at Chen Yang word by word and said, the ferocity on his face seemed to strike at the slightest disagreement.

If someone else encounters him like this, he will definitely be terrified and frightened.

But this set has no effect on Chen Yang.

He even wanted to laugh a little bit.

"Hei Pi, if you want to find fault, you have to find a reasonable reason, right? You say that I destroy the ecological balance, do you believe this?" Chen Yang said with a faint smile.

Heipi's mountain walking team makes a living by hunting in the mountains every day, or digging some precious herbs or wild animals.

There are countless wild animals that died under their hands.

They even wanted to empty out all the wild animals in the whole mountain and exchange them for money.

Chen Yang didn't expect him to be so brazen, accusing himself of destroying the ecological balance.

Seeing his threat, Heipi not only said it was useless to Chen Yang, but also had a faint smile on Chen Yang's face, and he couldn't help but get annoyed.

"Chen Yang, you really want to die, don't you? I said you will break the ecological balance and you will!" Heipi roared angrily: "Everyone knows that there are a lot of pheasants living in Weedy Slope! You started a breeding Didn’t all these pheasants fly away?”

"Besides, this season is the season for pheasants to lay eggs. A lot of pheasants will die when they leave their nests! Do you understand?"

Hei Pi roared again and again, and at the same time, there were a lot of great truths in his mouth.

But Chen Yang could tell that this black skin was definitely not looking for faults for the purpose of protecting the surrounding environment.

There must be some other reason.

Otherwise, it would be like stepping on his tail.

"Hei Pi, you are really overthinking this worry. During my construction, pheasants did not fly out all the time. They are still living in the weed slope." Chen Yang responded without changing his face.

"Hahahaha, Chen Yang, you are a college student anyway, can you say such nonsense?" Heipi laughed out loud when he heard this, and mocked: "Even a three-year-old child knows that construction will scare everyone away." Pheasant, don't you know?"

"You're so stupid, you're still a college student, it's embarrassing."

"Hurry up, don't delay our time, we still have to go into the mountains."

While Hei Pi laughed and taunted, the mountain walkers around him also sneered.

They thought that Chen Yang was a fool who didn't understand such a simple truth.

The sound of the construction team's construction is so loud, how could all the pheasants stay inside?

Faced with the ridicule of Heipi's group, the villagers of Liuhe Village looked unhappy, and Wu Kexin wanted to go up and speak for Chen Yang.

But at this moment, Chen Yang spoke first.

"Because I am a college student, I have a way to keep all the pheasants in the weedy slope."

Chen Yang continued to insist on saying this, and the smile on Hei Pi's face suddenly froze.

What followed was a face full of anger!

"Are you a fucking fool? If there is a pheasant in it, you can grab one and show it to me? If there is a pheasant in it, I will eat it raw on the spot!" Heipi said angrily.

He felt that he was talking to a fool at the moment, so he lost his patience,

Like push the barbed wire over quickly so he can go.

"Okay! That's what you said. If there is any pheasant in it, you can eat it raw for me." Chen Yang said loudly.

"Okay, I have eaten the pheasant raw for you all the time! If you don't have it, I will push it! And the hare farm behind your house, I will push it all." Heizi sneered.

Hearing this, Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

How did this black skin know, the hare farm?

The hare farm is right behind my house, and it is difficult for outsiders to know about it except the villagers.

This black skin came prepared!

Chen Yang didn't think carefully about how Hei Pi knew about it, but just nodded and agreed: "Okay, I promise you."


When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

The surrounding villagers of Liuhe Village were all dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang dared to agree to such a bet.

"Chen Yang, don't be impulsive, the hare farm has already been built, it would be a pity if it is rejected." Wu Kexin anxiously stepped forward to persuade.

But just after she finished speaking, Chen Yang didn't respond, but Hei Pi interrupted directly.

"Okay! That's what you said! Then go in and catch two pheasants for me and come out to have a look! I didn't push all your farms to me!" Heipi sneered again and again, feeling that he had already won in his heart.

He has traveled the mountains for so many years, and he already knows the habits of pheasants like the back of his hand.

He was [-]% sure that such a big movement by the construction team must have scared all the pheasants away.

Just as he sneered, Chen Yang had already walked in front of Weedy Slope under everyone's gaze.

Everyone thought that Chen Yang would go in and catch them, but they didn't expect that standing in front of Weedy Slope, Chen Yang opened his throat and shouted inside: "Come out!"

If Chen Yang's previous actions were said, he thought they were stupid or impulsive.

So at this moment, they feel that Chen Yang is mentally retarded...

Otherwise, which normal person would be able to do this?

Heipi and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they were about to laugh.

But just when they were about to laugh, there was a commotion in the weedy slope.

Immediately afterwards, under the watchful eyes of everyone, countless pheasants rushed out of the weeds frantically.


At the same time as the pheasant rushed out, it kept making clucking noises. The scene almost shocked everyone's jaws.

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the pheasants rushing out in groups, they were shocked and speechless.

At this time, Chen Yang turned around with a sneer on his face, and said to Hei Pi: "Look, there are so many, which one do you start eating raw?"

Heipi's eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Yang in disbelief: "You...what's going on? How did you do it?"

"It doesn't matter how I did it, what matters is whether you will fulfill your promise and eat all these pheasants on the spot?" Chen Yang sneered again and again, he wanted to see how this black guy would end up.

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