In the daydream, he fell asleep without knowing it, and he didn't wake up until the next day when the sunlight outside came in.

The first thing he did when he woke up was the same as usual. After some simple washing, Chen Yang hurried to the backyard to sprinkle some corn kernels on the pheasants.

Then I went to the wild rabbit breeding ground and observed the situation of the rabbits for a while.

I found that after more than a day of adaptation, the rabbits have returned to their wildness, and they are no longer listless in the cowshed.

When the hares saw Chen Yang coming, they all turned into an afterimage, and then disappeared without a trace in the woods.

Seeing the hares in such a state, Chen Yang felt relieved.

After leaving the farm, Chen Yang made himself a simple breakfast when he returned home.

At about 08:30 in the morning, the construction team came.

After saying hello to Chen Yang, he went to the weedy slope for construction.

Originally, Chen Yang wanted to go there together, but when he thought that Nizi would come to find him today, he didn't go.

"With Nizi's help, I should be much more relaxed. In the future, I will also have Nizi to help me look after some medical clinics when I go out." Chen Yang muttered alone while sitting at the door of the medical clinic.

Chen Yang sat in front of the medical hall for a while, it was around nine o'clock.

A figure appeared on the village road not far away. Chen Yang took a closer look, and found that the figure was the slim and attractive big girl Nizi.

Today's girl is wearing a very fashionable midriff-baring dress, and underneath is wearing a very short pair of blue jeans.

This outfit shows off her perfect figure

The slender white chopstick legs, and the seductive vest line around the waist!Just looking at it makes people unconsciously dream about it.

But these two points are not the most attractive.

The most alluring thing is the bulging curve of the skinny crop top... The scale seems to blow up the whole thin piece of clothing!

Looking at the bulging clothes, Chen Yang couldn't move his eyes away.

It wasn't until Nizi came closer that Chen Yang realized it.

"Brother Chen Yang..." Nizi, who walked closer, noticed Chen Yang's eyes, and her face immediately turned slightly red.

"Ahem, you're here, girl," Chen Yang laughed, and looked away from the clothes.

"Yeah, I'm here to report." Nizi nodded.

"Then come in with my brother. First, I will introduce the facilities of the medical center to you, and then there are some uses of some medicines!" Chen Yang stood up and said.

Nizi nodded, and followed Chen Yang into the medical hall.

After entering the medical hall, Chen Yang became serious and didn't think about other things.

Taking care of things like medical clinics must be done with caution, otherwise, if Nizi made a mistake and cured someone, it would be a serious matter.

Chen Yang gave a serious introduction, and introduced all the facilities and some medicines in the medical center to Nizi.

Nizi followed behind Chen Yang, listening carefully to Chen Yang's explanation, and nodded from time to time.

After introducing the facilities of the medical center, Chen Yang turned his head and said with a smile: "Brother's medical center is all about these things. I believe it is not difficult for you, a college student, to understand."

"Well, these are really not difficult, and I have studied most of them in school, and I know the purpose of these things."

Nizi nodded with a smile.

"Well, since you understand everything, that's good. From now on, your job is to help me look after the clinic. When I'm here, you follow me to learn clinical experience. When I'm not, you have to see the doctor yourself." Chen Yang said.

"Okay Brother Chen Yang, I have been studying for several years, and I have always wanted to see a doctor."

With an excited smile on Nizi's face, she looks very sweet and lovely.

At the same time, it can be seen that Nizi is really eager to see a doctor.

"Hehe, then you will have more opportunities in the future. Recently, my brother has been busy opening two breeding farms, so you will have plenty of opportunities to see a doctor alone in the future." Chen Yang said.

"Alright Brother Chen Yang! I'll take care of your small clinic for you in the future!"

The excitement on Nizi's face intensified again.

Looking at the excited Nizi, Chen Yang smiled lightly and didn't say much.

He conveniently pulled a stool aside, and let Nizi sit down.

Then I found a few books about medicine from my counter drawer, and handed them to Nizi: "These books are all collected by my brother in recent years! I believe they will be of some help to you."

"When you are free in the medical hall, you can take a look."

"Thank you Chen Yang!"

Nizi raised her head and took the old book in Chen Yang's hand, and immediately started to read it.

After setting up Nizi, Chen Yang also went to the rocking chair in front of the counter and lay down.

At the same time, he took out a very simple medical book from the drawer and read it.

Today is the first day Nizi came to help in her clinic, so Chen Yang naturally wanted to be here with her, and she couldn't leave.

There were no patients in the medical center, so he naturally relied on these books to pass the time.

Originally, Chen Yang thought it would be a very boring day, but who knew, it was near noon.

Supported by two or three villagers, Wang Hong came to Chen Yang's clinic.

"Yangzi! Quickly show Wang Hong's leg! Hurry up and deal with it." Walking into the hospital, the aunt who helped Wang Hong yelled at Chen Yang who was lying on the rocking chair.

Hearing this, Chen Yang immediately ejected from the rocking chair, and seeing Wang Hong being supported, his face turned pale.

Looking down at Wang Hong's feet again, she found that her entire right foot was stained red with blood.

"What's going on?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

"Your Aunt Wang was working in the field, and suddenly stepped on a piece of glass! I don't know who threw the glass into the rice field!" Facing Chen Yang's inquiry, the aunt at the side immediately told the truth The whole story, while still cursing in the mouth.

What rural people hate most is throwing debris into paddy fields.

Especially dangerous glass shards.

"Hurry up, help Aunt Wang to the hospital bed, I will help her treat the wound now." Knowing what happened, Chen Yang quickly motioned for them to help her to the bed so that he could handle it himself.

Because Wang Hong's injury was very serious, bright red blood flowed all the way.


The aunts nodded immediately, and then helped Aunt Wang to the small room in the medical hall, and let her lie on the bed.

Chen Yang squatted down, raised Wang Hong's right foot and began to check.

It was discovered that there was a wound about eight centimeters wide on the sole of Wang Hong's right foot!At this time, the residue of the glass was still embedded in the wound.

Chen Yang saw that this kind of wound was fine, but didn't respond.

But Nizi at the side couldn't help but shuddered when she saw such a penetrating wound, and said at the same time: "Brother Chen Yang... For such a big wound, I must go to the county hospital for treatment! It needs stitches. "

In Nizi's perception, such a large wound must be treated with modern equipment.

Otherwise, this kind of wound must not be treated well.

After all, there are a lot of glass residues left in the wound, which cannot be cleaned with the naked eye.

But when Chen Yang saw the wound, he was silent for a while, and then turned his head to Nizi and said, "Nizi, go and get me a basin of clean water now, and then help me put tweezers, gauze, iodine Fu, bring all the painkillers and other medicines for wound treatment!"

"it is good……"

Hearing this, Nizi was stunned for a moment, but she didn't dare to delay, she turned around and went to get it.

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