Chen Yang came to the village with the money, and knocked on the window of the canteen.

"Uncle Niu, are you home?"

"At... at home."

There was a sleepy voice from inside the canteen, and then an old man with dark skin appeared at the window.

Uncle Niu gave a hello, glanced at Chen Yang through the window, and said with a smile, "Hey, college students are here, what do you want?"

" you have cold beer at home?" Chen Yang replied.

"Yes, how much do you want? Uncle will get it for you." Uncle Niu said.

"Give me a box first."

"Hey, so much? Are there any guests at home?" Uncle Niu asked with some surprise.

There are not many men in Liuhe Village, so the canteen rarely sells alcohol and tobacco.

There is only a small part, usually Uncle Niu keeps it for himself to drink.

"No, buy more and store them at home, if you don't have anything to do, make a bottle or two." Chen Yang replied with a smile.

"That's it, then you wait, uncle will go to the freezer to get it for you." Uncle Niu also chuckled, then turned his head and left the window.

Chen Yang waited at the window for a while, and the door of Uncle Niu's canteen opened.

Then I saw Uncle Niu walking out carrying a case of cold beer.

"Yoko, your beer."

"Okay." Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly responded, and then went up to take the beer.

He also took out a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket and handed it over, and then Uncle Niu stuffed it into his pocket without looking at it, and then took out a handful of change and gave it to Chen Yang.

"Okay, Uncle Niu, I'll go first, you need to rest first." After receiving the change, Chen Yang returned with a case of beer.

When walking through the medical hall, Wu Kexin saw the beer in Chen Yang's arms.

Suddenly stunned.

"Didn't you say you went to buy drinks? Why did you bring a case of beer back?" Wu Kexin asked unexpectedly.

"Hehe." Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "There are no beverages sold in the village, and this beer is no different from beverages!"

In fact, Chen Yang didn't ask about the drink at all.

When we set off, we planned to buy beer.

Seeing this, Wu Kexin couldn't say much, so she could only watch Chen Yang walk into the inner room with a beer in his arms.

After Chen Yang went back to the inner room to put down the beer, he walked to the cauldron and lifted the lid of the cauldron, wanting to see how the stewed rabbit meat was.

As soon as the lid was lifted, a strong smell of meat wafted out.

This is the unique aroma of wild game.

"Hmm... very good, the ingredients are just right." Chen Yang sniffed his nose and smelled the wafting fragrance, and then couldn't help but commented.

And just when Chen Yang was full of satisfaction, Wu Kexin, who was outside the medical clinic, also smelled the smell of meat, and walked in at that time.

Looking at the meat in the cauldron that was as tempting as the wolf meat last time, I couldn't help swallowing,

Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly pulled Wu Kexin in, brought Wu Kexin a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and then the two began to sit in front of the cauldron, feasting on it.

Although the rabbit meat was not as good as the wolf meat last time, it still tasted much better than ordinary meat.

So the two couldn't stop eating for a while.

But on this hot day, the two of them were eating hot pot, and they were sweating profusely after a while.

At this time, Chen Yang took out the cold beer that had been put aside, and opened a bottle and placed it in front of Wu Kexin.

Seeing this, Wu Kexin immediately shook her head: "I don't drink."

"Oh! In that case, let's put it here, I'll drink it later," Chen Yang smiled slightly, not intending to persuade Wu Kexin to drink at all.

Then he picked up a bottle and gulped it down.

After drinking the cold beer, the temperature on Chen Yang's body dropped a lot in an instant, and even Wu Kexin who was beside him could feel the coolness.

"Hi... Sure enough, summer hot pot goes well with cold beer."

Chen Yang said happily, and then started to eat with chopsticks.

Wu Kexin, who was at the side, saw that Chen Yang drank so well and could cool down, so he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He looked at the cold beer beside him, then picked it up and drank it.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

The reason why he didn't try to persuade him to drink was that he had already expected that Wu Kexin would definitely not be able to bear it.

The temperature outside is more than 30 degrees, and there is still hot pot inside the house. How can it be possible not to drink some cold beer?

"How do you feel? Is it good?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Wu Kexin put down the wine bottle and nodded, "Excellent!"

"Hey, eat more if you feel comfortable, finish this pot this afternoon, don't waste it." Chen Yang picked up another large piece of rabbit meat for Wu Kexin.


Wu Kexin nodded, and then continued to bury his head in eating.


After the two of them ate like this, they ate from two or three o'clock in the afternoon until the sun went down, and then they ate all the rabbit meat in the pot.

And under the feet of the two of them, there were also empty beer bottles.

Chen Yang didn't feel anything after drinking a few bottles of beer.

But Wu Kexin's entire face turned red, and it could be seen from her hazy eyes that she seemed a little drunk.

"Chen Yang, is there any more beer? I feel like I'm so hot." After eating the meat, Wu Kexin asked Chen Yang for beer in a lisp.

Seeing Wu Kexin's hazy, flushed face, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

Just now who said he would not drink, but now he is drinking more vigorously than anyone else.

"Village Chief, there is no more wine." Chen Yang looked at the empty bottles on the ground, and then said.

"Then...then you go to the village again and buy me some wine. Cold beer and hot pot are really comfortable." Wu Kexin said drunkenly.

"Village Chief, you are already drunk, you can't drink anymore, lie down and have a rest." Chen Yang refused Wu Kexin, and at the same time wanted to help Wu Kexin go to the hospital bed outside to lie down for a while.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Wu Kexin suddenly regained consciousness.

He stretched out his hands in a hazy state, holding his fiery face, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

If I was not careful, I was really drunk, and I didn't realize what Chen Yang didn't say.

"I seem to be really drunk... The things in front of me are dangling, what happened..."

Wu Kexin said drunkenly.

Chen Yang smiled secretly, did not answer Wu Kexin, but directly helped Wu Kexin to the hospital bed.

"Village chief, please rest for a while, you will wake up after lying down for a while."

The intoxication of beer is not deep, as long as you rest for a while, you can be sober.

After letting Wu Kexin lie down on the hospital bed, Chen Yang turned around and entered the inner room, and cleaned up the two people's tableware, beer bottles and so on.

After all this was done, it was almost dark.

At this time, there was a sudden roar of an engine outside the house.

Chen Yang went out to see that it was Boss Fu and the others who were about to go back. They came here to say hello to him.

"Boss, the barbed wire fence over there should be finished tomorrow, so I'll go back today first." Boss Fu said with a smile on his face.

This sentence actually has a deep meaning inside.

On the surface, they came to say hello to Chen Yang, but in fact they were also informing Chen Yang that the project would be completed tomorrow.

It's time to settle wages.

Chen Yang naturally understood Boss Fu's meaning, and patted Boss Fu on the shoulder: "Okay, then come over tomorrow, and then calculate the square, and then pay you the wages."

When Boss Fu heard this, the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Okay, okay, then trouble the boss."

Boss Fu nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and got into the pickup truck, and left with the construction team.

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