Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 65 Out of danger

After a while, the toxin oozing from Xiaoxiao's body was cleaned up.

Going to see Xiaoxiao again at this time, the blackness on Xiaoxiao's body has dissipated a lot.

"It's done, Xiaoxiao is out of danger." Looking at Xiaoxiao's body slowly returning to normal, Chen Yang said with a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, Zhang Xueying couldn't help but shed tears, and at the same time thanked Chen Yang with sobs: "Thank you, Brother Chen Yang..."

Looking at Zhang Xueying who was crying into tears, Chen Yang felt very uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Xiaoxiao, I have always treated her as my own niece, so you have a bit of a reputation," Chen Yang replied with a smile.

Zhang Xueying was moved when she heard the words.

In this Liuhe village, Chen Yang is the one who treats their mother and daughter the best.

Last time, not only did I help myself solve my 3 yuan debt, but I also gave myself 3 yuan to live on.

Xiaoxiao was suddenly poisoned today, and Chen Yang helped solve it again.

Zhang Xueying remembered all these kindnesses.

"By the way Xueying, since Xiaoxiao is fine, you can take me to your house to have a look. I have to find out how Xiaoxiao was poisoned, otherwise the environment you live in is very dangerous." Chen Yang suddenly expressed his expression. Said seriously.

"Yeah, good!" Zhang Xueying nodded quickly when she heard the words, and then wanted to take Chen Yang home to have a look.

But before leaving, Chen Yang said to Wu Kexin: "Village Chief, please help me take care of Xiaoxiao here, we will be right back."

"Well, good! Xiaoxiao, I'll watch it for you, you go and find out what poisoned Xiaoxiao first." Wu Kexin nodded and agreed.

Then Chen Yang and Zhang Xueying set off.

On the way to Zhang Xueying's house, Zhang Xueying also told Chen Yang what Xiaoxiao ate and played today.

When Chen Yang heard that Zhang Xueying went to the town with a smile today, he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Did Xiaoxiao eat anything in the town, or meet anyone?" Chen Yang asked.

"Well... I went to the town with a smile to do some shopping. It wasn't long ago, and I didn't meet any acquaintances." Zhang Xueying thought about it carefully, and then said.

Hearing this, Chen Yang didn't say anything more.

But just as she was approaching Zhang Xueying's house, Zhang Xueying suddenly remembered another thing.

"By the way, Brother Chen Yang, I suddenly remembered that when I was showing Xiaoxiao's clothes in a children's clothing store, Xiaoxiao once ran out. When I went out, I saw a gangster next to the fat man. When I got to them, I left directly, so I don't know if it was their tricks." Zhang Xueying said.

Hearing these words, Chen Yang frowned slightly.

The reason why he asked about the details of the town was because he suspected that the fat man had tampered with Xiaoxiao.

Hearing what Zhang Xueying said now, Chen Yang felt that he might have guessed right!

"Let's go to your house first! If there is no source of poison in your house, then Xiaoxiao must have been manipulated by the fat man." Chen Yang said with a cold face.

If it turns out that Fatty's hands and feet are really the tricks of the investigation, Chen Yang will definitely go to the town himself!

"Okay." Zhang Xueying nodded, and then took Chen Yang back to her home.

When Chen Yang walked into the house, he immediately began to check all the suspicious things in Zhang Xueying's house, but he didn't find any poisonous items.

"It seems that I have to take some time to go to the town! That fat man still doesn't give up and wants to die!" Chen Yang's face was cold, and his heart was already filled with murderous thoughts.

The fat man repeatedly targeted Zhang Xueying's wife, which angered Chen Yang.

Seeing Chen Yang's incomparably angry appearance, Zhang Xueying felt a little palpitated, but also a little moved.

She knew that Chen Yang did this for their mothers...

"Brother Chen Yang, as long as you are smiling, forget it. Fatty's eldest brother is the famous Wu Dabao in the county. I don't want you to get into these troubles because of me." Zhang Xueying persuaded very moved.

Chen Yang has helped her so much, and she has nothing to repay.

I really don't want Chen Yang to mess with Wu Dascar in the county again because of their mother-in-law.

Chen Yang also saw Zhang Xueying's worry, immediately smiled slightly, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I know it well!"


Zhang Xueying nodded and said nothing.

After inspecting Zhang Xueying's home, Chen Yang went back to the hospital after finding nothing.

Back at the medical hall, seeing Xiaoxiao's face getting better and better, Chen Yang was completely relieved.

The three of them were sitting near the hospital bed, watching and smiling.

And Zhang Xueying poured a basin of hot water from time to time to wipe Xiaoxiao's body.

The afternoon passed quickly, and seeing that it was about to get dark, Wu Kexin was about to go back.

"Xueying, I'll go back to the village first. If you need my help, call me anytime." Wu Kexin got up and said.

"Okay, I'll see you off." At this moment, Chen Yang also stood up, and sent Wu Kexin back to the village.

After sending Wu Kexin to the village, Chen Yang went to the forest in the backyard.

At this time, the engineering team is still busy.

And the structure of the entire forest protection net has almost been completed, just a little bit of finishing work.

When Boss Fu of the engineering team saw Chen Yang coming, he immediately came up to him with a smile and handed him a cigarette: "Boss, Linzi's protective net is almost finished, I'll come back tomorrow and open a few doors for you, that's all. "

"That's fine, you guys can come back tomorrow!" Chen Yang waved his hand to show that he doesn't smoke, and then said.

"Okay, let's leave today." Boss Fu nodded, and then began to call the guys to pack up and prepare to leave first.

After all, it was getting dark already, and it would be useless to continue working.

After dismissing the engineering team, Chen Yang also returned to the medical clinic.

"Xueying, Xiaoxiao definitely won't be able to go back today, why don't you sleep here too, Xiaoxiao needs your care at night." Chen Yang walked to the hospital bed and said to Zhang Xueying.

Chen Yang's sentence is a very normal sentence, and it has no other meaning at all.

But after Zhang Xueying heard it, she misunderstood it completely. She thought that Chen Yang had figured it out, so she wanted to stay here and sleep...


Zhang Xueying blushed and nodded slightly.

Although Xiaoxiao is still in danger, she will not refuse Chen Yang's request.

"Yeah, look and smile first, I'll get you some food." Chen Yang didn't notice the blush on Zhang Xueying's face, so he nodded and went to the backyard.

Coming to the backyard, Chen Yang chose the fattest and oldest pheasant among the pheasants everywhere!I'm going to kill Zhang Xueying tonight.

Although he is quite familiar with Zhang Xueying, but when he eats at his own house, he must have something decent to entertain him, right?

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