Half an hour passed quickly.

Wu Kexin yelled twice in the inner room, and Chen Yang walked into the inner room from the backyard.

Chen Yang walked up to the hospital bed, and he could feel it without touching it with his hands. The silver needles on Wu Kexin's body had already become extremely cold.

This was all due to the coldness in Wu Kexin's body.

Chen Yang endured the cold and pulled Wu Kexin's needle.

Although the silver needle is full of cold air, it is much more relaxed than when the needle was inserted.

So Chen Yang has enough thoughts to walk around Wu Kexin's body and reminisce about the whole process...

Although Wu Kexin sensed something was wrong, she couldn't do anything except blush.

Because she knew that if she said something, Chen Yang would definitely not admit it.

So in order to avoid embarrassment, she could only blushed, gritted her teeth and endured.

Five or six minutes passed like this, and all the needles on Wu Kexin's body were removed.

With the withdrawal of the last needle, Wu Kexin suddenly felt comfortable and no longer felt cold.

This feeling is like the turbidity that has accumulated in the body for decades, and it feels very relaxing once it is forced out.

"Chen Yang, I didn't expect that you could really cure my body cold, thank you so much." Wu Kexin was pleasantly surprised, but still did not forget to thank you.

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter," Chen Yang waved his hand with a smile, and said modestly with some complacency.

Seeing Chen Yang's complacent look, Wu Kexin smiled slightly, and then said: "Body-cold disease is also called an incurable disease by doctors in the city. You cured my body-cold disease and saved my life." There is no difference between life and death! So I decided to promise you one thing to repay you!"

"As long as I can do it, you can ask for any reward."

Wu Kexin said seriously.

"Oh? Really?" Chen Yang asked in surprise.

"Of course, what the village chief says doesn't count?" Wu Kexin didn't notice Chen Yang's eyes at all, so she confirmed it with her chest straight.

But as soon as she patted her chest to assure her, she noticed that Chen Yang's squinting eyes had been fixed on her body...

Wu Kexin was shocked immediately.

"Of course, except for that." Wu Kexin quickly added.

"Cut, it's boring." Seeing that the idea was useless, Chen Yang lost his mind in an instant, and turned around to pack the silver needles.

The silver needles that have been used to treat body cold are contaminated with a lot of cold air.

If you want to continue to use it, you must take good care of it, otherwise this set of silver needles cannot be used by other patients.

Chen Yang put those silver needles in a washbasin, then turned his head and walked to the kitchen, wanting to scald them with boiling water first,

Seeing that Chen Yang was indifferent to his reward, Wu Kexin suddenly became a little unconvinced.

"Chen Yang, don't think that I'm a small village chief who doesn't pay attention to the conditions I just offered! Maybe you will regret it in the future!" Wu Kexin chased the back kitchen and said to Chen Yang with a proud face.

Chen Yang laughed immediately when he heard the words.

This Wu Kexin is really interesting.

She doesn't want it, but she still wants to chase after it?

"Don't worry, I won't regret it. I know that your family has a background, maybe rich or powerful, but what does that have to do with me?" Chen Yang said expressionlessly.

Wu Kexin's family has a background, Chen Yang knew it when he met Wu Kexin.

A young beauty in her early twenties came to a mountain village to become the village head.

He still wears a brand-name watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Anyone can know that Wu Kexin's family conditions are not ordinary.

Seeing that Chen Yang had already seen through her unusual background, she couldn't help but blushed again.

"You... Anyway, I owe you a favor. If you need any help in the future, you can come to me! I still have something to do in the village, so I will leave first," Wu Kexin blushed and ran away without saying a word.

Because she felt that she couldn't chat with Chen Yang no matter what.

It felt like I was being bullied.

But this feeling of being bullied doesn't make her feel disgusted, on the contrary, she finds it very strange.

It was precisely because she couldn't understand this feeling that she blushed and ran away.

However, Chen Yang was unaware of Wu Kexin's thoughts.

Seeing that Wu Kexin insisted on repaying him and saying that he owed him a condition, Chen Yang could only shake his head helplessly, and then continued to clean up his silver needles.

Silver needles are more troublesome to handle.

Chen Yang first scalded it three times with hot water, and then scalded it twice with disinfectant water, then took it to the yard and put it in a spare place, ready to burn it all afternoon.

After putting away the silver needle, the time has come to noon.

The hot sun in the sky is very hot.

Chen Yang went under the cowshed and looked up at Brother Diao's den, and found that Brother Diao was not in the den, probably because he was hunting.

"This foodie is either eating or looking for something to eat." Chen Yang shook his head with a smile, and then ignored it.

After grabbing two handfuls of goosegrass from the basket beside the cowshed and throwing them to the rabbits, Chen Yang left the backyard.

"When there is no one around at noon, go to the weedy slope to scatter some corn kernels! Go to the mountain again in the afternoon, find some herbs and prepare two medicines for Wu Kexin." Chen Yang was thinking about what to do today.

After making the plan, Chen Yang immediately began to stir the corn kernels and mixed the domestication pills into it.

After stirring the corn kernels, Chen Yang carried them to the Weedy Slope.

These pheasants eat very fast. The corn kernels that Chen Yang sprinkled this morning have basically disappeared in the afternoon.

But this is exactly what Chen Yang wants to see.

The more these pheasants eat, the greater the chances of eating domestication pills, and the greater the chances of keeping them on the weed slope!

"Eat it, eat it! Eat more!" Chen Yang grinningly picked up the corn kernels mixed with the taming pills, and began to sprinkle them into the weeds.

After wandering around the weedy slope again, Chen Yang went back with the empty bucket.

After returning home, Chen Yang took a short rest, and when the temperature outside was not so high, Chen Yang set off up the mountain with a basket on his back.

On the way up the mountain, Chen Yang saw Brother Diao in the field.

It is hovering over the mountain forest not far away.

"Brother Diao! Come here!" Chen Yang shouted at Brother Diao at the top of his voice.

Chen Yang's voice is also loud enough.

Roared from a distance, Brother Diao who was high in the sky actually heard it.

As soon as it saw Chen Yang calling it, it immediately stopped circling and flew towards Chen Yang.


Brother Eagle's wings are more than one meter wide!Before the body reached the front, the strong wind had already reached the front.

The power and power of the golden eagle swooping down is very frightening.

Although Chen Yang was not afraid of it, he was still a little worried that its sharp claws like iron hooks would hook him.

But fortunately, brother Diao is very human.

So it didn't regard Chen Yang as its landing point, but landed on the ground not far away.

"You bastard, can't you pay more attention! It makes me so nervous every time!" Chen Yang scolded with a smile.


Brother Diao didn't seem to understand what Chen Yang meant.

He looked at Chen Yang curiously with his neck tilted, as if he was asking what Chen Yang said just now.

"I said you are so fierce!" Chen Yang said another sentence angrily, then patted the back basket behind him and said: "Come up! I will take you into the mountains to play!"


Brother Diao still didn't understand what Chen Yang said earlier.

But Brother Diao understood the meaning of Chen Yang's slap on the back basket. It jumped up, then firmly grabbed the back basket, and stood behind Chen Yang like this.

"Hey, it's quite cool." Standing behind a majestic golden eagle, Chen Yang felt a sense of accomplishment.

He laughed, carried Brother Diao on his back and continued into the mountain.

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