Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 45 Taming the Golden Eagle

After that, Chen Yang continued to rush home with baskets like a normal person.

When Chen Yang arrived home, the entire Liuhe Village was already shrouded in darkness.

Back home, Chen Yang didn't rush to feed the rabbits, but quickly took out the golden eagles from the basket and put them on the ground.

The injured foot of the golden eagle could not stand at all, so it could only crawl on the ground.

It seemed very uncomfortable to see it gasping for air in and out.

Without wasting time, Chen Yang immediately took some disinfectant liquid and gauze from his clinic, and began to treat the golden eagle's wound.

The process of treating the wound is very painful, but fortunately, there is the effect of the taming pill, otherwise Chen Yang would definitely be pecked into a sieve by this fierce golden eagle.

After applying a layer of disinfection and some anti-inflammatory lotion, Chen Yang carefully wrapped it with gauze.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang hugged it in his arms and brought it to the backyard.

When it came to the backyard, it was still sick just now, but it became excited in an instant.

Looking at the pheasant running all over the yard, it shows its fierce face!He broke free from Chen Yang's arm, spread his wings more than one meter long, and rushed straight at one of the fleeing pheasants.

But the speed of the pheasant is not as fast as the golden eagle!

Chen Yang didn't even have time to control it!It had already pinned the pheasant to the ground, its claws like golden hooks penetrated into the pheasant's skin.

The pheasant was killed on the spot,

Chen Yang, who was belatedly aware, couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"This thing is indeed a famous bird of prey! It's not an exaggeration to say that the speed of the shot is as fast as lightning." Chen Yang grinned, and rushed over.

"Let it go!"

Chen Yang ordered.

call out.

As soon as Chen Yang opened his mouth, the golden eagle calmed down instantly, let go of its claws, and jumped off the pheasant.

But the pheasant is dead...

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, then turned to look at the golden eagle beside him and said, "Any animal in this yard is not your prey, understand?"

The golden eagle tapped its long neck twice, as if it understood what Chen Yang said.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang picked it up again, and sent it to the pigsty where the pheasants were kept.

"Before your injury recovers, stay here honestly, understand?"

huh huh.

The golden eagle clumsily clicked twice.

With that said, Chen Yang turned his head and walked to the corpse of the pheasant just now.

Seeing the pheasant that had no signs of life at all, Chen Yangti slipped up and threw it into the pig house as food.

"Just eat this one. You can tell from the way you look like a starving ghost that you haven't eaten for a long time."

This time the golden eagle didn't nod.

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, it immediately stood on the dead pheasant with its wings fluttering, and started directly...

"It seems that he is also a foodie."

Chen Yang complained, then closed the door of the pig house, then went back home through the backyard and started cooking for himself.

Seeing how the golden eagle was feasting, Chen Yang remembered that he was also hungry.

After making a casual meal for himself at home, Chen Yang lay comfortably on the bed again, and began to think about things,

Ever since he started preparing to set up a breeding farm, basically whenever Chen Yang had free time, he would think about how to set up his own breeding farm in his mind.

After thinking about it for several days, Chen Yang already had an idea of ​​the general appearance of the farm and the process.

He planned to collect more spiritual essence grass in the next few days, and then refine more taming pills.

Afterwards, he went to the village again and discussed with Wu Kexin, contracting out the weedy slope in the village and a large piece of flat mountain forest behind his house to himself.

The weedy slope is a paradise for pheasants. You can find a construction team and surround it with some barbed wire as a pheasant breeding base.

And the forest behind my house has to be surrounded by a construction team and used as a breeding base for wild rabbits.

After doing this, throw some taming pills into it by yourself, and it's OK!

"That's it! Go to bed early, find more spirit essence grass tomorrow, refine more taming pills, and then go to the county to find a construction team! It will be perfect." Chen Yang stopped thinking, closed his eyes and fell asleep up.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Yang got up one step earlier than all the villagers in Liuhe Village as usual.

After some simple washing, I made myself a simple breakfast.

Then I ran to the backyard, threw some goosegrass to the hare, and sprinkled some corn kernels to the pheasant.

Then he checked the golden eagle's injury again.

After finding that the golden eagle's injury was not serious, Chen Yang set off with a basket on his back and a medicine hoe, ready to enter the mountain.

Chen Yang's speed was very fast. It took about half an hour to enter the mountain, and then searched for the Lingyuancao in the vast forest.

Lingyuan grass is actually not particularly rare.

But for some reason, it was difficult for Chen Yang to find the trace of Lingyuancao.

He went up the mountain early in the morning, and it wasn't until around noon that he found three lingyuan grasses, which would be sixty taming pills according to yesterday's refining effect.

That's really too little.

If you want to open a breeding farm, you need thousands of domestication pills!

And I only found three Lingyuan grasses all morning...

"This Lingyuan grass is too hard to find. If it continues at this rate, when will my farm start?" Chen Yang couldn't help but shook his head, and then sat under a big tree to take a rest.

Get a wild rabbit at random, and then look for it after it's full.

But I never thought that the weather in this summer is unpredictable.

Not long after Chen Yang sat down to rest under the big tree, there was a sudden burst of thunder in the sky. Hearing the movement in the sky, Chen Yang's face suddenly changed, and he looked up at the sky.

Seeing that the sky had begun to gather dark clouds, Chen Yang felt bad, and it seemed that there might be another heavy rain next.

Summer thunderstorms are very normal.

But what made Chen Yang very uncomfortable was that he was still in the mountains.

This mountain is full of trees, if there is a heavy rain and lightning strikes, it will be very dangerous to hide under the trees.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang picked up the backpack and wanted to go down the mountain first.

But at this time, it seems that it is too late.

At this time, the sky had already begun to fall in small pieces. Seeing this situation, Chen Yang quickly turned around and walked towards the depths of the mountain instead.

Because Chen Yang remembered that there was a cave near him.

Since it was too late to go down the mountain, it would be much safer to hide in the cave by myself, and it could also shelter from the rain.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang quickly approached the cave in his memory. It didn't take long before he found the cave.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Yang rushed in.

But as soon as he rushed in, his blood was spurted by the glamorous scene in the cave...

He saw a naked young woman with her back turned to him.

The young woman's slender figure, fair skin, and the curved curves in some places made Chen Yang feel hot all over, and in his heart, he had the desire to rush up desperately and throw the beautiful young woman in front of him down!

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