The two of them ate like this for more than an hour. The big pot of meat that was originally full was now only left with some small pieces of meat.

At this time, Chen Yang's belly was already round.

Wu Kexin on the side, although not as exaggerated as Chen Yang, but she is also very full!

If it wasn't for the limited volume of her stomach, she would still be able to eat so many bowls!

"It's really delicious. It seems that the way of breeding is really promising. Just put this taste in the city, and it will definitely sell for a lot of money." Wu Kexin, who is full of food and drink, is still thinking about this afternoon Talk about farming.

It seems that Wu Kexin is very concerned about this matter.

"Wild game is a good way out. As long as it can be made, there will be no situation where no one wants it." Chen Yang replied.

"Yeah! You're right, I must make a good plan when I go back today!" Wu Kexin nodded.

After eating and drinking enough, the two of them lay down and rested for a while, Wu Kexin suddenly stood up and said goodbye.

"Then I'll give it to you. It's late at night, and there are no street lights in the village." Chen Yang suggested it in a very gentlemanly manner.

For Chen Yang's proposal, Wu Kexin naturally would not refuse, and nodded in agreement.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness, Chen Yang sent Wu Kexin to the village.

There are no resettlement houses in the village, only the village head is vacant, so Wu Kexin, the village head, can only live in some vacant rooms in the village head.

"Thank you Chen Yang, today's wolf meat is delicious! And thank you for accompanying me into the mountains today to understand the situation of Liuhe Village." Back at the village, Wu Kexin expressed his gratitude to Chen Yang for his help.

Chen Yang waved his hand indifferently: "From now on, we will all belong to the same village. Why are you so polite? You can still come to me if you have any questions in the future. I will definitely help you if you can! Just do your part for the village."

"Okay, thank you so much."

Wu Kexin smiled slightly, she had a good impression of Chen Yang.

"Yeah, then I'll go first, village chief, you should rest early." Chen Yang waved his hand, turned around and went back.

Seeing the back of Chen Yang leaving, Wu Kexin also turned and went back to her room.

After sending Wu Kexin back, Chen Yang went straight back to his home, and went to the backyard to feed the rabbits and pheasants.

Looking at the little guys who were honestly staying in the cowshed and pigpen, Chen Yang was very happy.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart that he still had 22 yuan in his hand!Can the 22 yuan be used to expand the scale of some farming?

Anyway, I want to open a breeding farm, and judging by Wu Kexin's intentions today, I also want to rely on the breeding industry to lead Liuhe Village to become rich.

Why didn't I become the vanguard of the village and start breeding in advance when Wu Kexin, the village head, supported me?

Thinking about this, Chen Yang returned to the room and lay down on the bed.

Staring at the ceiling, I kept thinking.

"It's easy to open a farm, but the technology is the most difficult! If I want to learn farming technology! I won't be able to learn it in a short time! This is a difficult problem!"

"And I want to raise wild rabbits, pheasants and so on! Keep animals wild, so that they have a competitive advantage."

"But the management of wild animals is very difficult, and this kind of beast will not listen to you at all. This is a very important point."

Chen Yang muttered some difficult problems about breeding, and at the same time he was thinking hard about the countermeasures.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with a solution.

"Look at the King of Medicine Sutra! Maybe there are obedient pills or something like that! Can help me manage these wild things." Chen Yang closed his eyes and began to look through the King of Medicine Sutra in his mind.

Originally, Chen Yang just went to have a look with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

But who knew, he actually found a pill that could make animals eat obediently in the King of Medicine Sutra!

The name of this pill is Taming Pill!It is a pill made by refining dozens of common herbal medicines, and the difficulty of refining is not high!

As long as this kind of pill is given to the wild animal, the wild animal can understand and be obedient!

Knowing this situation, Chen Yang almost jumped out of bed excitedly!

"Tomorrow, I will try to see if this pill can work. If it works, I will open this farm!" Chen Yang said excitedly.

Chen Yang was excited for a while lying on the bed, and he didn't calm down until he went to the bathroom to take a bath again.

But just after calming down, in a hidden corner of the bathhouse, two pieces of pure white clothes were hanging, making Chen Yang's blood spurt again...

Those are two pure white privacy garments with lace trims!Out of curiosity, Chen Yang subconsciously leaned over to smell it.

The fragrance attached to it told him that it was left by Wu Kexin...

"By the way, it rained heavily today, and the underwear must have been wet. There was no place to put it in the shower, so I put it here, and then forgot to take it when I went back." Chen Yang analyzed the reason why these things were here, At the same time, he couldn't help but leaned forward and sniffed it twice.

It wasn't until he felt that he was going to become a pervert if he continued like this, that he left the bathhouse reluctantly, and hung those two pieces of clothing with his own to dry.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang returned to the bed, lay down, and soon fell asleep.

When he got up early the next morning, Chen Yang immediately put on his back basket, took a small hoe and went into the mountain to dig for medicinal materials, preparing to refine domestication pills.

This elixir is very important, it is related to whether he can get rich in the future!Naturally, it's time for dessert!

Chen Yang walked into the mountain and began to search for all the herbs related to the Taming Pill.

Although dozens of herbs are needed to refine the domestication pill, the most important herb is still a herb called Lingyuan grass.

This kind of herb is the most important herb for refining domestication pills!

So, the main purpose of Chen Yang entering the mountain today is to find this Lingyuan grass!

Chen Yang went up the mountain early in the morning, and searched around the mountain for more than two hours!

A large area of ​​more than ten auxiliary medicines has been harvested, but there is no trace of Lingyuan grass, which makes Chen Yang very worried.

"Lingyuan grass is the most important part of Taming Pill. Without this herbal medicine, Taming Pill would not be possible!" Chen Yang frowned and continued to search in the deep mountains.

After searching for about an hour, Chen Yang finally found a Lingyuan grass next to a small stream in the mountain!

It was a tall and long green grass, which looked like a simple weed, but in Chen Yang's eyes, it was a cash cow!

Chen Yang saw the Lingyuan grass from a distance, and immediately rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and picked it off.

"I searched for noon! I finally found one!" Holding the Lingyuan grass in his hand, Chen Yang had a smile on his face, and at the same time he turned and started back to the village.

He couldn't wait to go back and refine the taming pill, and then try to see if it worked.

Chen Yang rushed all the way back from the mountain, and when he got home, it was already noon.

Chen Yang, who didn't even eat breakfast, was already growling with hunger, but he didn't care about it!

Prepare all the medicinal materials, sit cross-legged on the ground in the inner room and start refining domestication pills.

After some refining, fusion, and refining, more than a dozen dark brown pills the size of mung beans appeared in Chen Yang's hands.

Looking at the small pill in his hand, Chen Yang couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

"Catch a pheasant first and try it!" Chen Yang stood up, rushed to the pig house in the backyard, and selected the thinnest pheasant to experiment.

The caught pheasant kept cooing, and at the same time, its two wings kept flapping.

Chen Yang forced it into his creaking nest, then opened its mouth with one hand, and stuffed the pills he had prepared in his hand into it.

The tiny pills slid down the throat.

The pheasant that ate the taming pills immediately trembled, and then the body immediately calmed down, and it was no longer the crazy thumping it was before.

Although the medicine seems to have begun to take effect, Chen Yang did not let go of the pheasant directly, but chose to keep it in his hand for a while, just in case.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Chen Yang tentatively put down the pheasant, pointed at the pheasant and said, "Don't leave this yard!"

The pheasant didn't respond when it landed, but it didn't run away crazily. Instead, it walked in the yard with long legs like an ordinary domestic chicken, looking for bugs to eat.

"Come back tonight. If you really haven't left this yard, it means that my taming pill is useful!"

After saying that, Chen Yang didn't care about the pheasant anymore, turned around and went back to the inner room, and started cooking for himself.

After a busy day, Chen Yang was already hungry.

And at this time, he didn't have the heart to cook for himself, he just fished out the leftover wolf meat from yesterday and ate it.

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