Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Magical medical skills


Chen Yang nodded lightly, and then said: "Then can I go and have a look?"

Wang Jingman nodded naturally: "Of course it is possible. I called you here because I wanted you to help me take a look. Also, your medical skills are so superb, maybe you have a better way to treat it."

Hearing that Wang Jingman was so sure of him, Chen Yang was naturally very happy, but he just smiled lightly and didn't show it too much.

With Wang Jingman's approval, Chen Yang moved towards the hospital bed.

At this time, the hospital bed was surrounded by a large group of doctors.

Seeing a young man approaching, a doctor frowned.

"Family, the current patient's condition is very dangerous, please keep a certain distance, and don't delay our confirmation of the patient's condition."

The doctor's tone was a little harsh.

However, Chen Yang ignored him and glanced at the patient seriously.

Seeing that Chen Yang ignored him, the doctor frowned even deeper.

However, he did not continue talking to Chen Yang, but turned to look at the crying girl.

"Miss Leng, what's the situation? Is this a family member? How did you get here?"

The doctor said to the girl.

The girl was still sobbing, and when she heard the doctor's words, she subconsciously looked towards Chen Yang.

She wanted to explain, but how could she speak when she was choked up?

"Ao is such a doctor. This is a friend of mine who is also a doctor, so I asked him to come over and take a look."

The girl couldn't speak, so Wang Jingman helped explain.


But just as Wang Jingman finished speaking, the doctor scolded her.

"This is a hospital, the best hospital in our county! I can understand your anxiety for the patients, but how can you just find someone to show the patients? What kind of place is our hospital?"

The doctor's expression was a little excited, and he seemed a little anxious.

Wang Jingman chuckled and said, "Doctor, my friend just came here to take a look. It's not that serious, right? And his medical skills are really good, maybe he can help you quickly determine the patient's injury. "

"Just him? Can he help us quickly determine the patient's injury?"

The doctor smiled disdainfully, then waved his hands disdainfully, as if to repel flies.

"Let him go quickly, don't delay our determination of the patient's injury, if he messes around here, no one will be responsible for the medical accident."

After finishing speaking, the doctor waited for Chen Yang to be dragged away.

And just when Wang Jingman wanted to explain that Chen Yang had real skills, Chen Yang spoke up.

"The patient was hit by a car, causing multiple fractures on his body. Although the situation is critical, it is not life-threatening. It only needs to connect the multiple broken bones on his body."

In one breath, Chen Yang directly told the general situation of the patient on the bed.

The doctor had always disdained Chen Yang, but now he saw Chen Yang brazenly talking about the patient's condition, and he became even more upset.

"Okay, since you believe in this kid's medical skills so much, then you can ask him to treat him, and come to us when he can't heal."

That doctor is also a ruthless person, just because of Chen Yang's appearance, he was upset, so he took all the doctors away...

The weeping girl saw this posture and wanted to go up to persuade her.

After all, they are genuine doctors with top knowledge and clinical experience.

But at this moment, Chen Yang spoke again.

"Let's go, I can handle this situation."

After Chen Yang said something, he immediately walked to the hospital bed, reached out his hand to the patient, and quickly tapped it a few times.

Click on the key points.

After Chen Yang went down a few times, the man who was still full of pain suddenly relaxed a lot, and his face was no longer as ugly as before.

Chen Yang has miraculous effects with one strike, which opened Wang Jingman's horizons.

At the same time, she is also a doctor, she knows Chen Yang's medical skills, so she trusts Chen Yang very much!

"Chen Yang, do you have a way to help Uncle Leng with Chinese medicine?"

Wang Jingman asked expectantly.

Chen Yang nodded directly.

"Yeah, it's just a simple fracture. It's because the doctors overcomplicated things, so they observed it for so long."

Chen Yang said.

"Then please help me. It would be the best if you can quickly cure Uncle Leng and reduce Uncle Leng's pain."

Wang Jingman said.

"Yeah, let me try."

Chen Yang nodded again, then carefully observed the wound, and after confirming where there were fractures on his body, Chen Yang took out several pills of the same size from his pocket.

Then it was fed to middle-aged people.

This is the continuation bone pill, which was refined by Chen Yang before, and it is always carried with him, so that it can be taken at any time when it is convenient.

The middle-aged man ate Chen Yang's elixir, and then Chen Yang tapped a few key acupoints on the middle-aged man's body to help the middle-aged man quickly absorb the medicinal effect of the elixir.

About ten minutes later, the expression on the middle-aged man's face quickly recovered, and his face became rosy like a normal person.

Even the rhythm of breathing has become normal.

Chen Yang's set of operations directly stunned Wang Jingman and the girl.

What kind of miraculous cure is this?Can a patient who feels like his life is hanging by a thread just now become a normal person in an instant?

The girl couldn't be more surprised, and Wang Jingman was even more surprised!

She is a medical student and has a better understanding of this area of ​​knowledge.

But she has never seen such a miraculous treatment.

How did Chen Yang do it?

She was very curious!

"Uncle Leng? How do you feel?"

Wang Jingman stepped forward in surprise and asked about the situation of the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes naturally, looked at Wang Jingman, and then at the crying girl next to Wang Jingman.


"I feel good, my body doesn't hurt all of a sudden... and it's warm and comfortable."

The middle-aged man said comfortably.

Hearing this, the girl was pleasantly surprised.

"Really? How do you feel about the wound?"

the girl asked in surprise.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man slowly tried to move his body, and then the range of his movements became larger and larger.

In the end, it swings directly and presumptuously!

His injuries are completely healed!

It's like never being hurt!


The girl didn't think much about it, knowing that her father was back to normal and all the injuries on her body were healed, she hugged the middle-aged man excitedly.

At this time, Wang Jingman still felt that this was unrealistic, but she knew it clearly.

Everything in front of me is real.

In just a few minutes, Chen Yang cured Uncle Leng, who had many fractures... like a normal person...

It's really amazing.

"Chen Yang...you...how did you do it?"

Wang Jingman asked in astonishment.

Seeing Wang Jingman's astonished look, Chen Yang smiled lightly: "This is my ancestral secret recipe, which has a miraculous effect on healing fractures."

"Secret recipe passed down from the ancestors? This is too amazing! It is simply unreasonable."

Wang Jingman still couldn't accept what happened before her eyes.

Chen Yang's medical methods really overturned her understanding of medicine.

Where is such a powerful treatment.

But the truth is right in front of her eyes, and she can't believe it.

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