Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 389 The Beginning of a Good Day

After Wu Kexin understood what Chen Yang meant, she didn't want to choose dishes anymore, so she took Chen Yang directly to the rice shop she had reserved, and told the boss that she would return [-] bags.

When the boss saw that the amount was reduced by half, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with the beauty? Didn't you just say it was good? Why is it only half?"

"We have……"

Just as Wu Kexin wanted to answer, he had a new source of rice, but before he could say it, Chen Yang stopped him.

Chen Yang pulled Wu Kexin behind him, and explained cheerfully: "Boss, it's like this. It's also the first time we have cooperated. I don't know the taste of your rice or anything. One hundred bags at a time The quantity is still too big, so I will return [-] bags first, and if I am satisfied with the food, I will buy it again in a few days."

When the boss heard this excuse, although he was a little unhappy, he didn't dare to offend Chen Yang when he thought that Chen Yang might have a long-term cooperation in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally agreed.

"Then trouble the boss."

After the boss agreed, Chen Yang immediately thanked him.

The boss said that you are welcome without a smile, and then ordered the shop assistants to unload [-] bags of the [-] bags of rice that were originally loaded on the truck.

After everything was unloaded, the boss asked, "Shall we start now?"

The rice is the same as the table, and the amount is too much, so Chen Yang can't put it back at all, so he can only ask the boss to deliver it.

"Village Chief, have you finished shopping?"

Chen Yang looked back at Wu Kexin and said.

"It's almost there, but I still have some vegetables to pick up at the vegetable market."

Wu Kexin nodded.

"That's fine."

Chen Yang turned to look at the boss: "Let's go, you follow behind my car,"

"it is good."

The boss agreed, and then the pickup truck loaded with rice drove out of the warehouse. Chen Yang also took Wu Kexin into the van and drove towards the vegetable market.

In the car, Wu Kexin couldn't help asking curiously: "Chen Yang, why did you use such an excuse just now? We definitely won't come over to buy it next time, so just tell him no?"

She still didn't understand Chen Yang's move to pull her just now.

Chen Yang smiled lightly, and explained: "Village chief, it means that your social experience is not rich, and the owner of the rice shop is a monkey, if he knows that you won't come next time, you think he will give you a refund." Fifty bags? Even if you want to return it, I'm afraid you will have to add a lot to the price."

"But it's different if you say you'll come again next time. He doesn't dare to offend you. Doesn't he still have to sell it to you at the negotiated price? The fifty bags are also unloaded for you?"

Chen Yang's explanation made Wu Kexin enlightened.

"you're right."

Wu Kexin immediately understood what Chen Yang meant.

After that, the two drove to the vegetable market, and loaded all the vegetables Wu Kexin bought into the van.

The entire back seat of the van is full of vegetarian and meat dishes, which are very rich.

After loading the dishes, Chen Yang drove to the store that sold the tables.

The boss who bought the table was looking left and right, looking forward to Chen Yang's return.

Seeing Chen Yang jumping off the van, he couldn't close his mouth when he laughed.

"Boss, you are back. I have already installed the table you want, and I will wait for you to transport it away."

The boss laughed.

Looking at the bright smile on the boss's face, Chen Yang couldn't help showing a smile.

"Isn't this coming? Ask your people to drive and follow my car closely. When it arrives at the place, I will pay you the table money and the shipping fee."

Chen Yang said.

"Okay, boss, you lead the way, and I will ask the guy to drive behind."

The boss nodded repeatedly, then turned around and immediately went to the warehouse, and then a fairly large truck drove out from the alley next to the shop, and the pockets of the truck were full of foldable round wooden tables.

Chen Yang glanced at it intentionally or unintentionally, then turned around and got into the car, leading the way in the van.

The rice cart and the table cart followed closely behind, and returned to Liuhe Village with Chen Yang.

It was only one o'clock when Chen Yang and Wu Kexin set off.

When they came back, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

But at this time, there were not many people in the village, and most of them were still in the mine halfway up the mountain.

Chen Yang drove the van and stopped at the entrance of the medical clinic, and the two cars behind also stopped abruptly.

Chen Yang jumped out of the car in front first.

Seeing Chen Yang get off the car, the driver of the car behind quickly applied the handbrake, and then jumped off as well.

"Boss, is this it?"

The owner of the round table shop asked Chen Yang with a smile.

Chen Yang nodded: "That's right, this is it, the goods can be unloaded."

"it is good."

After being affirmed, the bosses of the two cars did not leave any ink marks, and greeted the guys to start unloading.

After a while, fifty bags of rice, 35 log tables, and hundreds of stools were unloaded from the truck and placed in front of Chen Yang's house.

After all the things were unloaded and Chen Yang counted them correctly, Wu Kexin settled the bill.

After receiving the money, the boss happily expressed his thanks twice, and then drove away in their car.

Chen Yang went to the kitchen for a while, calling for everyone to come and help with the tables and rice.

More people are more powerful, anyway, it is not tiring to move things.

When the aunts heard that Chen Yang wanted to help, they all enthusiastically came to help. After a while, all the wooden tables and benches were moved to the kitchen, and all the rice was also moved into the kitchen.

Two temporary kitchens were built.

The smaller ones are used as kitchens, and the larger ones are used to put pots and pans, rice, oil, salt and the like.

All the rice I bought was put there.

"Have everyone started making dinner? If not, I'll get the vegetables I bought in the car first, and have some fresh ones tonight?"

After moving things, Chen Yang took a short rest, then stood up and asked,

"Not yet, Yangzi, let's get it off at once, so as not to cause trouble tomorrow."

"Yeah, anyway, there's still room here, so it's okay to put a la carte."


When the aunts heard that there were still dishes that had not been unloaded, they all stood up again and wanted to move the dishes again.

Chen Yang thinks about it too, it would be troublesome to put it in his car, so he might as well get it off at once.

So Chen Yang took everyone to get all the vegetables in his van.

Then the whole kitchen officially got busy.

Washing vegetables, cooking, cooking, it's so lively.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Chen Yang and Wu Kexin were really happy.

"This is a good start, and our village will definitely become rich in a short time!"

Chen Yang sighed.

"Yes, every family has income, and within a year everyone's life will be rich."

"Moreover, the benefits that the mine can bring must be more than that. It's just started now, and I can't see it yet. When the scale of the mine grows in the future, it will definitely drive other industries. By then, Liuhe Village will be even richer."

Wu Kexin has a blueprint for Liuhe Village to get rich in her heart. In her eyes, Liuhe Village has mineral veins, and villagers like Chen Yang, it is very easy to get rich.

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