Almost all of these temporary shed components are finished.

It didn't take much effort for Chen Yang to take Zhang Xueying and the others, just dig a few foundations, and then build these components together like building blocks. ,

A fairly solid temporary kitchen is completed.

After the kitchen was successfully built, Wu Kexin also took the other aunts, and moved all the pots and other things in the car into the kitchen one by one.

Then start tinkering.

It's safe stove again, and it's collecting firewood and so on. It's a lot of fun.

It went on like this until after ten o'clock in the morning.

The basic facilities of the kitchen have only been completed, and the formal cooking has started.

The ability to cook is the basic skill of every rural woman, so they work very hard, choosing vegetables, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, and frying vegetables.

It worked smoothly.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin stood aside even if they wanted to intervene.

Seeing that the big guy did such a good job, Wu Kexin and Chen Yang felt relieved, so they didn't stay here too long, but went directly to the village.

Back at the village office, Wu Kexin picked up the office phone and called Gao Ya.

And I briefly talked about the situation here.

Workers, aunts who cook, and kitchens are all ready.

When Gao Ya heard the news on the phone, she first expressed her thanks, and then said that she would reimburse Wu Kexin.

Buying things definitely costs money.

But Wu Kexin didn't want it.

"General Manager Gao, you have provided so many jobs in the village. As the village head, I am busy and should pay more. I am not ashamed to ask you for reimbursement. I just called to ask you if there is anything else I need to help with. ?"

Wu Kexin said politely.

Wu Kexin is so concerned about the mine, on the one hand, the mine has indeed brought great benefits to Liuhe Village.

Secondly, there are instructions from above to let her cooperate with the opening of the mine, and there is another point that she is not disgusted with elegance.

That's why she took the initiative to help, otherwise, Wu Kexin wouldn't like to find something to do for herself.

When Gao Ya heard Wu Kexin say this, she was a little moved immediately.

"Thank you very much, Village Chief Wu. We will remember your help to our Gu family, but we don't need your help right now."

Grace thanked again.

"Well, that's fine. If there is any problem in the mine and you need help from me, the village head, you can contact me at any time."

Wu Kexin said.

"Okay Village Chief Wu, thank you so much."

Gao Ya finally expressed her thanks again, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the two of them were bored sitting in the office, so they went to the mine site together.

At this time, the mine is still registering.

Gu Linshan presided over it, and the workers were in charge of registration. The scene was very lively.

Seeing Chen Yang and Wu Kexin coming, Gu Linshan came up to say hello twice.

Wu Kexin said that even after she came to have a look, Gu Linshan didn't say anything and continued with her work.

To enter the mine to work, you need to register a lot of things, such as identity certificates, and a series of things such as labor contracts.

It takes about a few minutes for one person, and it takes a long time if the time required by hundreds of people is added together.

"Look at the speed of registration. The so-called mine training will go in the afternoon."

Chen Yang whispered.

"Yeah, the speed is about to go by then, but it doesn't matter, anyway, today's salary is also in charge of food."

Wu Kexin smiled and nodded.

"makes sense."

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words, and stopped talking.

The two stood at the scene all morning, and it was past twelve noon in a blink of an eye.

At this time, lunch was already prepared in the kitchen at the foot of the mountain.

Hearing the news, Gu Linshan stopped immediately and asked everyone to go down for dinner first.

The nearby villagers, as well as the workers that the Gu family already had, went down to eat together.

Hundreds of people went down the mountain together, and the scene was a bit spectacular.

"This mine hasn't been set up yet, why does it feel like a large enterprise?"

Seeing the scene of hundreds of people going down the mountain, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing.

Wu Kexin felt the same way.

Just like a big factory in a big city after get off work, hundreds of people rushed out at once.

"The Gu family is a big company. Although this mine has just started, it will definitely become a leading company in our county in the future. There is no doubt about it. Otherwise, the Gu family would not have made such a large investment."

Wu Kexin said something, and then began to follow the large group down the mountain.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yang was slightly taken aback on the spot.

Then he seriously thought about what Wu Kexin said.

Indeed it is.

The gold mine has not been built yet, but judging from the work of the Gu family and the large equipment on site, they must have found out that there are a lot of reserves below.

Otherwise, how could so many people be recruited at once?

In order to mine and even build roads and pull cables.

Such a project is definitely not small.

After thinking about this question clearly, Chen Yang suddenly became excited.

"I'm about to get rich! If the reserves are amazing, then I'm afraid I have to share a lot of [-]% of the shares, right?"

Chen Yang whispered excitedly, and then involuntarily imagined the scene of his dividend in his mind.

tens of millions?Or hundreds of millions?

Chen Yang fantasized for a while, and then suddenly realized that Wu Kexin had gone far away.

He quickly stopped his reverie and chased after him. ,

Since the kitchen was built temporarily, there were no tables, chairs or benches for eating.

Conditions are a bit rough.

Today everyone can only hold a bowl and sit on the ground to eat.

However, there are many fields and grasslands nearby, and they are also very clean.

The most important thing is that everyone is from the countryside, and many of them are from Liuhe Village, so I don't mind this, and the food is still delicious.

But Gu Ming and Gu Linshan couldn't stand seeing such a scene.

So Gu Linshan found Chen Yang and Wu Kexin who were eating.

"Mr. Wu, what's up this afternoon?"

After finding Wu Kexin, Gu Linshan asked like this.

Wu Kexin put down her chopsticks and looked at Gu Linshan: "I'm fine this afternoon, what's the matter? Do you need my help?"

Gu Linshan had a faint smile on her face.

"Yes, Village Chief Wu, I see that everyone doesn't even have a place to sit when eating, so I want to entrust you to see if you can help me go to the county town in the afternoon to wholesale some suitable tables, chairs and benches, so that everyone will not sit on the ground when eating gone."

Gu Linshan said.

After hearing what Gu Linshan said, Wu Kexin nodded in agreement without thinking about it.

"Okay, this is no problem, I will go to the county seat to help you choose in the afternoon."

"Okay, thank you then."

Gu Linshan thanked her, then lowered her head and opened the brand-name bag in her hand, and took out a handful of money from it.

At a glance, Chen Yang guessed that there were at least tens of thousands.

"Mr. Wu, this is all the cash I have on me. I don't know if it's enough to buy it. If it's not enough, I'll pay you tomorrow."

Gu Linshan handed the money to Wu Kexin.

Seeing the money that Gu Linshan handed over, Wu Kexin smiled wryly: "It's enough, and there's no need to use so much at all."

Wu Kexin took the money, took out half of it, and returned it to Gu Linshan.

But Gu Linshan did not accept it, but said that the extra money would buy more rice and some dishes. If there are any leftovers, they will be temporarily placed in the village department, and they will be paid for in the future.

Seeing what Gu Linshan said, Wu Kexin was not polite and accepted it.

The Gu family is going to open a mine here for a long time, so the relationship with Liuhe Village will definitely not be less, and it is indeed necessary to save some money in the village.

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