Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 383 Registration

When wandering around to the pheasant farm, I happened to meet Heipi and his party.

Judging by their tired appearance, it seems that they have just come out of the mountains.

"Heipi, how's your harvest recently? Did you find anything good?"

Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Hei Pi saw Chen Yang and walked over with a shotgun.

"Don't mention it. After two or three days in the mountains, I didn't see the big prey, so I got some small things."

Heipi said with a face full of displeasure.

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked towards the group of younger brothers behind him.

Almost all of those little brothers had killed prey in their hands.

But they are all small rabbits, pheasants and so on, they are all small game, and they don't make much money.

"Hehe, isn't there construction on the side of the mountain recently, a mine? It's normal for the big prey in the mountain to hear the noise and not come out. Just be decisive."

Chen Yang comforted with a smile.

Heipi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and lit it for himself.

"By the way, Chen Yang, speaking of this mine, I have something else I want to discuss with you."

Heipi took a deep breath and said.

"What's the matter?"

"Just a few days ago, didn't you call a meeting from all over the world, saying that you want to recruit people to work in the mine? I was in the mountains with these brothers that day, so I didn't come."

"I want to ask you for help now, see if you can get us in too."

The recent incidents in the mine have spread all over the world.

Although Heipi and the others were always wandering in the mountains, they also heard the letter.

It happened that I met Chen Yang here today, and I wanted Chen Yang to take care of him and arrange them into the group.

This must be no problem for Chen Yang, but Chen Yang was a little curious, Heipi walked well in the mountains, why did he want to be a miner?

So Chen Yang asked directly.

"You don't know, recently the wild animals in the mountains have become more and more difficult to catch. My brothers are all grown up and have to support their families. After thinking about it carefully, I still need to find a more stable job. .”

Heipi explained.


After listening to Hei Pi's explanation, Chen Yang nodded immediately: "That's no problem. You guys have good physique and strength. As long as you are willing to do it, I will definitely arrange it."

Seeing that Chen Yang agreed so readily, Hei Pi thanked him immediately: "Then thank you first, Chen Yang."

"Thank you Brother Yang!"

"Thank you thank you!"


Hei Pi thanked him, and the group of younger brothers behind him also expressed their gratitude quickly.

Chen Yang said with a smile that you're welcome, and after chatting for a while, Heipi and his party left.

They had been in the mountain for several days, and just after leaving the mountain, they wanted to go back and have a good sleep.

After watching Heipi and his party leave, Chen Yang walked around the pheasant farm.

Seeing that the pheasants were living well and each one was fatter than the other, Chen Yang felt relieved.

Walking out of the pheasant farm, he closed the iron gate and went back.

As soon as he stepped into the village, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Chen Yang picked it up and saw that it was Wu Kexin calling.

"What's wrong, village chief?"

Chen Yang answered directly.

"Are you home?"

Wu Kexin asked.

"I'm at home, what's the matter?"

"Then you come to the village quickly. General Manager Gao called just now, saying that the mine will start work tomorrow. Let us count all the people who want to go to work today, and then we have to count the people who cook, It's all arranged."

Wu Kexin's tone was a little anxious.

Chen Yang was excited when he heard that the mine was about to start.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Chen Yang quickly agreed, and then went straight to the village.

When Chen Yang walked to the village, he saw Wu Kexin moving the table.

Move out from the village building.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang immediately stepped up to help.

"Village chief, let me come."

Chen Yang took over from Wu Kexin.

Seeing Chen Yang coming, Wu Kexin was not polite, and directly handed the table to Chen Yang.

"Village chief, isn't it someone who wants to count the number of people and arrange logistics and cooking? Why are you moving tables here?"

Chen Yang asked curiously while moving.

Wu Kexin patted the dust off his hands and said, "Of course it's used to count the number of people."

"There are so many people in these four miles and eight villages, I can't go door to door to register."

When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately understood what Wu Kexin meant.

This is to set up a table at the gate of the village department and wait for others to sign up.

It is a good way to save effort.

"So it is."

Chen Yang nodded, and then moved the table to the designated position.

Then he helped Wu Kexin pull out a stool from the village building.

"Then what about the village head? What else do you need me for?"

After finishing these, Chen Yang asked what to do next.

Wu Kexin didn't answer him, but went directly to the second floor, and then brought two notebooks and two pens from the office on the second floor.

"Then just sit here with me, wait for those who want to work in the mine to sign up, and then make a registration."

Wu Kexin handed over a notebook and a pen to Chen Yang.

Then she took the first step and sat on the stool.

Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately went to the building to move a new stool, and then sat next to Wu Kexin.

The notebook and the pen are placed in front of the eyes, and the back is straight.

That appearance, very much like a veteran cadre.

Seeing Chen Yang's behavior, Wu Kexin couldn't help covering his mouth and smiling.

"What are you laughing at? Aren't all the people in your office like this?"

Chen Yang was puzzled.

Wu Kexin was very speechless, gave Chen Yang a blank look, and said with a smile: "Who told you that our office is all in this way, that's all a small part, okay? Most of them are still sitting in the normal way, how comfortable you are."

"All right……"

Chen Yang relaxed himself and sat on the chair naturally.

After waiting like this for about ten minutes, people came to the village to sign up one after another.

But at this time, most of the villagers from Liuhe Village came to sign up.

The other villages are still some distance away from Liuhe Village, so it will take a little longer to come here.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin dealt with the name of the village in their own village very quickly.

After all, both of them are very clear about the situation of every household in the village.

Those who can go to the mines will be arranged to go to the mines, and those who can't be arranged to be used for cooking.

So it didn't take much time, the situation of Liuhe Village was almost registered.

Chen Yang originally wanted most of the villagers in Liuhe Village to do light work and cook.

But everyone has a high desire to make money.

Knowing that it would be more profitable to be a miner, they all volunteered to be a miner.

Everyone has such a request, Chen Yang will naturally not refuse.

But he was also looking at people, and Chen Yang agreed with those aunts who were strong.

For those with little strength, Chen Yang will do ideological work and stay to cook.

After almost all the people in Liuhe Village had registered, villagers from other villages arrived one after another.

Most of the people in Liuhe Village are aunts, while those from other villages are almost all men who are tall and rough.

All of them are very strong, so Chen Yang and Wu Kexin all registered to go to the mine.

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