After the waiter left, Chen Yang chatted with Wang Jingman for a while.

Although Chen Yang didn't have much contact with Wang Jingman, they chatted very well, as if they had known each other for a long time.

The two chatted and chatted, and the waiter served the food.

The speed of serving food in this hotel is quite good.

After Chen Yang's order was served, the waiter brought a bottle of white wine along the way.

Looking at the white wine put on the table by the waiter, Chen Yang was slightly taken aback: "Did you send it wrong? I didn't order wine?"

Chen Yang raised his head and said to the waiter.

Before the waiter could speak, Wang Jingman picked up the white wine and unscrewed it skillfully.

"I ordered this bottle of wine! I want to toast you a few glasses for Mr. Li."

Wang Jingman laughed.

Chen Yang knew it after hearing the words.

"It's unnecessary. I'll have to drive later. Drinking is not good."

Chen Yang said.

"It's okay, just drink something that won't affect you, it's just a formality."

Wang Jingman insisted.

"All right, let's just go through the motions and have a drink."

Seeing what Wang Jingman said, Chen Yang couldn't say anything more, so he had to push the cup in front of him forward to let Wang Jingman pour the wine.

Wang Jingman filled her own cup, and took advantage of the opportunity to fill it up for Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, I would like to respect you for this glass of wine on behalf of Teacher Li, thank you for curing my teacher's wife." Wang Jingman stood up and raised his glass.

Seeing this, Chen Yang quickly raised his wine glass and stood up.

"Too polite."


Wang Jingman laughed.


Chen Yang responded, then clinked glasses together, and drank it all in one gulp.

At noon, I was hungry, and after a glass of white wine, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Chen Yang immediately picked up the chopsticks to pick up vegetables to rest his stomach.

But Wang Jingman continued to pour wine like a normal person.

He filled his own glass and filled it up for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang had just eaten two mouthfuls of food, and seeing Wang Jingman's posture, he couldn't help being astonished.


Wang Jingman was amused by Chen Yang's stunned look.

"That's right, the first cup is for Teacher Li! This second cup is for you!"

Wang Jingman nodded with a smile, then raised her glass and stood up.

The other party said so, Chen Yang, a big man, naturally couldn't be twitchy.

So he had no choice but to put down his chopsticks, raised his glass and stood up.

"Okay, then drink!"

Chen Yang boldly touched Wang Jingman again, and then drank it down again.

This is already two glasses of white wine in a row.

"Can we eat now?"

Chen Yang asked with a wry smile.

Wang Jingman smiled and nodded: "Haha, it's fine."

"That's fine, eat, and you should eat more, there is nothing in your stomach, drinking will hurt your stomach."

Chen Yang sat down, picked up a piece of meat naturally, and put it into Wang Jingman's bowl.

Chen Yang's move was very natural, he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

After Wang Jingman was slightly taken aback, she didn't say anything.

Gladly accepted Chen Yang's pickle.

"Okay, let's eat."

Wang Jingman nodded with a smile, and then the two began to eat.

When eating, the two of them talked very little, and there was almost no communication, just eating.

After the dishes were finished, Wang Jingman's eyes suddenly fixed on the half bottle of white wine that was put aside.

"Chen Yang, why don't we drink some more, wouldn't it be a waste to have so much left?"

Wang Jingman said with a smile.

Chen Yang had almost eaten at this time, and he couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Wang Jingman's words.

I thought, isn't this Wang Jingman a bar elite?

Why do you like drinking so much?

"Let's forget it. You'll have to drive later. It won't be easy if you get drunk."

After thinking about Wang Jingman, Chen Yang said so.

But Wang Jingman suddenly laughed when he heard this.

"Don't worry, this little wine can't help me, but if you can't drink it, then we'll just waste it. Anyway, half a bottle is only worth a thousand dollars."

Wang Jingman said very calmly.

Chen Yang didn't have any mood changes at first, but seeing Wang Jingman's calm appearance, he couldn't calm down anymore.

What do you mean you can't drink?

I am a big man, how can I be looked down upon by you?

"Who said I can't drink? I'm just thinking about you. If you can, I can too."

Chen Yang believed himself.

"That's fine, then come on."

As soon as Chen Yang agreed, Wang Jingman immediately picked up the wine bottle and started pouring wine.

There are still some faint smiles on the face, and the conspiracy has succeeded.

But at this time, Chen Yang didn't think too much about it, it was just a half-drinking wine, and it was gone after two drinks.

Although I don't really want to drink it, I can still drink it if I can.

After Wang Jingman filled the cup, Chen Yang raised his glass directly.

"Come on, let's do it."

"Okay, done."

Wang Jingman was right, she raised her glass and poured it faster than Chen Yang.

Seeing Wang Jingman's posture, Chen Yang knew it.

This Wang Jingman must be a bar elite.

Otherwise, this high-alcohol liquor is the same as drinking water?

It's a stubble.

Chen Yang sighed in his heart, and then slowly poured the wine in the glass into his mouth.

Half a bottle of wine, the two drank it all within a few minutes.

After drinking, Wang Jingman's face was neither red nor out of breath, which was quite normal.

This also confirmed Chen Yanggen's guess that Wang Jingman is a master at drinking.

But Chen Yang was not bad, and there was nothing unusual after drinking it.

Very normal.

"Let's go after drinking?"

Looking at the empty wine bottle, Chen Yang stood up and said.

We've had enough food, we've finished our wine, and we should go.

"Well, let's go."

Wang Jingman nodded, then picked up the bag on the side, walked out of the box with Chen Yang, and went to the front desk to check out.

What a coincidence.

While Wang Jingman was checking out, Gao Ya and Gu Linshan suddenly walked out of the hotel elevator.

Chen Yang is sober in his heart, he can leave immediately, and he won't meet Gao Ya again.

Unexpectedly, during the checkout, Gao Ya walked out of the elevator.

Seeing Gao Ya, Chen Yang turned his head subconsciously, not wanting to let Gao Ya see it.

But Gao Ya, who came out of the elevator, still saw him.

"Chen Yang? Why are you here?"

Gao Ya took Gu Linshan to the front desk and said to Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang saw that Gao Ya saw him, he had no choice but to turn around.

"Hehe, Miss Gao, what a coincidence that you are here too."

Chen Yang said with a sneer.

Gao Ya was baffled by Chen Yang's words.

Doesn't Chen Yang know that he lives here?

"Yeah, what a coincidence, what are you doing here? Looking for me?"

Gao Ya didn't ask the question in her heart, but continued to ask why Chen Yang was here.

Chen Yang was about to say that he came to eat.

It just so happened that Wang Jingman had finished checking out at this time, and she also looked over.

Seeing that Chen Yang was talking to Gao Ya, she walked over to Chen Yang curiously.

As soon as Gao Ya saw Wang Jingman approaching Chen Yang, she immediately asked curiously, "Who is this?"

"This is my friend. Wang Jingman is a doctor. I'm here to have dinner with her."

Chen Yang explained with a smile.

"Oh, like this."

After listening to Chen Yang's explanation, Gaoya felt a slight strangeness in her eyes, but it was not obvious.

"Then go ahead, I have to leave first."

Gao Ya's expression was a little cold, and she turned around and took Gu Linshan away after speaking.

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