Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 360 The effect of the first day

Chen Yang sent Wu Kexin to the gate of the village department.

"I'm pretty busy today, go back and rest quickly, Li Han will definitely contact you tomorrow, and I will ask you to help with the hotel."

Walking to the village, Wu Kexin suddenly said this to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang thinks about it too. The advertisement is pushed out today, and it will definitely have an effect tomorrow.

When the time comes, the hotel will be too busy, so I must go to help.

"That's fine, you should go to bed earlier, and if there is anything in the village, please call me at any time."

Chen Yang nodded.

Wu Kexin smiled: "Although the mine has started work, the road has not been repaired yet. There will definitely be no major incidents in the near future. I can handle it by myself. You can fix the medicinal food with peace of mind."

"Yeah, okay."

Chen Yang nodded again, and then the two waved to each other, and Chen Yang went home.

Wu Kexin stood at the door and looked at Chen Yang for a while, then turned and went back to the village.


Early the next morning, it was as expected by Wu Kexin.

Early in the morning, Li Han called Chen Yang.

I told Chen Yang that the effect of yesterday's advertisement was very satisfactory, and the hotel's orders rose rapidly early this morning.

Received many, many orders.

The hotel was supposed to go to work at nine o'clock.

In the morning, I dealt with some trivial matters, but today, with the rapid increase of orders, the whole hotel was busy early in the morning.

Especially the back kitchen is almost crazy busy.


Chen Yang couldn't help being excited when he heard the news, and then asked: "Then do you need me to come and help now?"

"I need it, I need it so much, I'm so busy that I'm so dizzy."

Li Han laughed.

"Okay, then I'll come over now, just wait a moment."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang drove the van and rushed to the city.

When Chen Yang arrived at Lintianxia, ​​the place had completely changed.

In just one day, the theme of the entire hotel has become medicinal food.

All kinds of medicated food signs and introductions can be seen everywhere.

There is a large LED screen in the hall, and there are many signboards in the hall.

Even in the elevator, there are advertisements for medicated food.

"Carpet promotion."

Chen Yang smiled and whispered, and then the elevator reached the top floor.

Chen Yang went out and entered Li Han's office.

There are a lot of people in Li Han's office, and Li Han is in a meeting again.

Still the same as last time, after a simple gesture with his eyes, Chen Yang sat on the sofa and waited for Li Han to finish speaking.

"Everyone has to work harder today, but we won't make everyone's hard work in vain, and we will give everyone a unified wage increase at that time."

Li Han talked about the precautions, and after many personnel were transferred, he also promised a salary increase.

Those who come to work in the hotel must be doing it to make money.

As soon as they heard that there was a salary increase, everyone's enthusiasm suddenly rose.

Full of energy.

After a few simple greetings, Li Han dismissed the meeting, and the many foremen left to work on their own.

"Okay, this has mobilized everyone's emotions. It seems that I am really busy at noon today."

Chen Yang stood up and smiled.

At this time, Li Han showed a tired face.

"I advertised all day yesterday, and I'm almost exhausted. What if it doesn't work?"

Li Han rubbed his temples and sat on the chair.

Seeing Li Han's tired face, Chen Yang felt distressed.

He hurried up and helped Li Han hold down his temple.

"I'm busy at work, so I need to pay more attention to rest, that's not okay!"

Chen Yang's tone was somewhat reproachful.

Then he helped Li Han to go to the small room in the office.

"You take a rest first, I'll help you with the morning affairs,"

Chen Yang said seriously.

"How does this work."

Li Han just wanted to refuse, but Chen Yang interrupted directly.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I don't have your experience and I can't command you during the peak period. Isn't it already noon? You should have a good sleep first, so you'll be busy at noon, understand?"

Chen Yang smiled and comforted him.

Hearing this, Li Han thought about it too, how could he be energetic at noon if he didn't sleep?

So he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then listen to you, take a rest first, and wake me up at noon."

Li Han smiled sweetly.

She felt very warm about Chen Yang's concern.

"Yeah, you can sleep peacefully, leave it to me in the morning, and wake you up at noon."

Chen Yang agreed with a smile.

Li Han took off his shoes and went to bed.

After watching Li Han fall asleep, Chen Yang gently exited Li Han's room.

The hotel's affairs are almost handled, and there are also some personnel transfers and other minor matters to be dealt with.

Chen Yang knows all these things in his heart and can make decisions.

So Chen Yang stayed in the office all morning instead of Li Han.

During the period, many hotel foremen came to the office to ask for instructions, and Chen Yang gave them corresponding instructions.

They all knew that Chen Yang had a good relationship with Li Han, so they completely trusted what Chen Yang said.

He did exactly what Chen Yang said.

The time soon reached noon, and the hotel's peak hour came.

The guests who came to order in the morning entered the hotel one after another.

All of a sudden, the whole hotel has the sense of sight of a train station, and it is almost crowded.

Although Chen Yang was not at the scene, it could be seen from the hotel's monitoring that the business was booming!

The waiters in the hotel are almost crazy busy.

"It's amazing. A single ad can have such an effect, and this is still the first day. If the ad is more in-depth in a few days, is it still worth it?"

Chen Yang clicked his tongue in amazement.

At that moment the door of the office cubicle opened.

Li Han came out drowsily.

"It's noon, why didn't you call me?"

Li Han came over and asked.

Chen Yang glanced at the time, and then said with a smile: "I don't want you to sleep longer, it's only twelve o'clock."

After speaking, Chen Yang immediately waved.

"Come and see, our business is booming!"

Chen Yang said excitedly.

Hearing this, Li Han was shocked and instantly sobered up.

Then he immediately came over and watched the hotel's camera at the desk with Chen Yang.

I saw that the lobby of the hotel and the restaurant on the second floor were almost all overcrowded.

Even outside the hotel, there are queues.

"My God! How could this happen!"

Li Han's eyes widened in surprise.

She didn't even think that such a situation would happen at noon.

"This is all thanks to you. If you hadn't thought of a way to advertise, you wouldn't have the effect you are seeing."

Chen Yang smiled and gave Li Han a thumbs up.

Hearing Chen Yang's praise, Li Han was excited for a while, and then immediately started to get busy.

"Today is the first hot day, we must do our job well, otherwise it will affect our reputation."

Li Han's face was full of seriousness, and he was not complacent about this situation.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of facing a greater challenge.

Chen Yang also knew that he had to do his job well, so he didn't bother Li Han, but helped him fight from the sidelines.

Help Li Han direct the entire hotel operation in the office.

serve customer.

Even at the peak, Li Han couldn't sit still at all, and took Chen Yang directly to the restaurant on the second floor to direct the work on the spot.

The popularity of the hotel is evident.

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