Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 355 Make up for sleep together?

With the experience of the morning, when he returned to the office this time, Li Han took the initiative much more.

Sitting directly in Chen Yang's arms, with his arms around Chen Yang's neck.

Although he took the initiative, his face was unavoidably shy and slightly red.

"Chen Yang, with the help of Mr. Li, the medicinal food business in the store will definitely be booming. Now you can rest assured."

Li Han said.

Chen Yang smiled and stretched out his hand, wrapping around Li Han's slender waist

"Yeah, it will definitely work."

Like Li Han, Chen Yang has great confidence in today's advertisement.

"I had a busy day yesterday, and I didn't sleep long last night. You worked hard. If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, why don't you go in and catch up on sleep? Don't be too tired."

The two hugged each other for a while, and then Chen Yang said so.

When it came to sleeping, Li Han knew right away that Chen Yang was up to no good.

"No... who wants to catch up with you!"

Li Han shyly slapped Chen Yang on the chest and rejected Chen Yang.

But how can this be left to her?Chen Yang directly picked up Li Han domineeringly, and entered the small room.

Then skillfully helped her remove the foreign matter...

At first, Li Han resisted a little bit, but then he just let him go...

But the bottom line is still the same as yesterday, nothing like that.

This made Chen Yang a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It is already a great enjoyment to be able to hug Li Han who has nothing else, as for other things, I can think about it later.

Just like that, Chen Yang hugged Li Han to make up for the rest of the afternoon.

It wasn't until after four o'clock in the afternoon that the two of them woke up comfortably.

Both of them woke up very hungry, so they went downstairs to have a full meal.

After eating, Chen Yang saw that it was getting late, so he prepared to go back.

I haven't been back all day, and I don't know what the house looks like.

Li Han also thought that Chen Yang was busy with his own affairs, so he didn't try to keep Chen Yang.

"Then you go back first. If there is anything to do with the medicine, I will call you at any time."

Li Han said.

"Yeah, then I'll go first, and you will have to work hard on the medicinal food."

Chen Yang nodded, and then he didn't even go up the stairs, and left directly from the hall.

Li Han looked at Chen Yang's leaving back, and felt sweet in his heart. He didn't turn back to the office until Chen Yang's back disappeared from sight.

And Chen Yang directly drove the van back to Liuhe Village.

Chen Yang basically had nothing to do when he returned to the village, except to deliver crayfish at night, and then check the growth of wild mushrooms in the new greenhouse.

After Chen Yang parked the van in front of his house, he immediately went to the new shed without stopping to check it out.

The wild mushrooms are growing very well, and they should be able to produce wild mushrooms tomorrow.

"Talk to Yang Caiyun at night to see if she still needs it."

Chen Yang smiled, then walked to the corner of the shed, picked up the water pipe and started watering the wild mushrooms.

I haven't been at home all day today, and the shed has not been taken care of.

After watering the greenhouse, Chen Yang closed the door of the greenhouse and returned home.

It was late when Chen Yang returned home, it was past five o'clock, and it was going to be dark soon.

Chen Yang had just returned from eating at Li Han's hotel, and Chen Yang didn't intend to cook, so he just sat at home for a while.

Thinking of taking a break, I will go up the mountain with Uncle Niu and Uncle Xiao to get the crayfish down later.

Around seven o'clock in the evening, Chen Yang didn't wait for Uncle Xiao and Uncle Niu, but Wu Kexin came instead.

"You're not at home all day, where did you go?"

As soon as Wu Kexin came up, she asked Chen Yang where he was today.

Chen Yang was caught off guard.

"In the city, didn't Li Han's promotion plan start? I went over to help out today. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Hearing that Wu Kexin said that he was not at home all day, Chen Yang knew that it was definitely not the first time Wu Kexin came to see him.

So there must be something wrong with Wu Kexin.

"So that's the case, I thought where did you go?"

Upon hearing that Chen Yang had gone to help, Wu Kexin didn't ask any more questions, and directly started talking about the reason for his visit.

"It's like this. Today the cable in the village is almost refurbished, and the electricity in the village is enough, so the Gu family is going to start the mine. Let me take care of the reception tomorrow, and you will be with me then."

Wu Kexin said.

"It's been refurbished so quickly? Why haven't I seen them renovate?"

Chen Yang's face was full of surprise. Ever since he took Gu Ming to see the cables near Liuhe Village that day, he didn't see anyone come to renovate them.

Chen Yang thought that something was delayed in the Gu family, but he didn't expect it to be repaired before he knew it.

Wu Kexin gave Chen Yang a blank look: "You can't see anyone all day long, how can you know when it's renovated?"

Wu Kexin spoke angrily, and seemed to be still angry about what happened yesterday.

"Hehe, I'm also busy making money."

Chen Yang laughed a few times, then agreed to Wu Kexin's request, and will accompany her to receive the Gu family tomorrow.

"Alright, get up early tomorrow, the Gu Family Mining Team should be here early."

Wu Kexin reminded.

"Okay, don't worry, you will never be late."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, Wu Kexin explained a few more words to Chen Yang, and then left Chen Yang's house.

Wu Kexin left on the front foot, and Uncle Niu and Uncle Xiao came on the back foot.

They greeted Chen Yang, then picked up the plastic baskets and were about to go up the mountain.

"Uncle Niu, Uncle Xiao, let me help you tonight, don't be too tired."

At this time, Chen Yang offered to help, and he was idle at home.

The two masters naturally expressed their gratitude for this, and even praised Chen Yang.

"We are all in the same village. On the surface, we are the boss and the employees. In fact, you are still my uncle. You should help or you must help."

Chen Yang smiled cheerfully.

When the second master heard this, he was really moved.

Just praise Chen Yang as a sensible kid, not forgetting his roots, and promising.

All kinds of compliments were pressed on Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed when he heard it.

Afterwards, Chen Yang went up the mountain with the two masters, transported all the lobsters, and loaded them into the truck.

After doing this, the second master couldn't help much, so he went back.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Chen Yang drove the van to deliver the goods by himself.

On the way to the county seat, Chen Yang also paid attention to the side of the road.

It was found that there were many construction vehicles parked around the border of Liuhe Village and the town road.

"Gaoya's speed is quite fast, the cable has been repaired, and now we are preparing to widen the road again."

Chen Yang murmured to himself, and then he didn't look at those facilities, and directly drove on the national highway, heading towards the county town.


After delivering the lobsters, Chen Yang returned home, took a shower and lay down on the bed.

Before going to bed, Chen Yang received a message from Li Han on his phone.

Chen Yang opened it and saw that most of them were pictures, which were small advertisements made by advertising companies.

At the bottom of the picture, there is also a text message: "Does it look good? If there is no problem, I will print it overnight and send it tomorrow."

Chen Yang did not rush to reply to the message, but selectively clicked on a picture and watched it carefully.

On the picture, there is a photo of Mr. Li holding the medicated diet, and there are many introductions about the functions of the medicated diet.

The whole picture still looks better, and it is more innovative.

Anyway, Chen Yang was quite satisfied after reading it.

So Chen Yang replied: "The advertisement is well done, very comprehensive, and very innovative."

Li Han replied to Chen Yang's message in seconds: "Haha, as long as it looks good, then I will directly notify the advertising company and rush to make it overnight."

"OK, alright."

Chen Yang thought there was no problem, and after chatting for a while, the two fell asleep.


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