Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 349 Take a Walk

But the younger brother behind him is not as vindictive and tempered as he is.

Just got beaten.Chen Yang's ghostly figure seemed to be right in front of their eyes.

He was still very afraid of Chen Yang.

"Boss... I think that kid is very capable, he doesn't look like an ordinary person, why don't we go back and investigate and make a decision?"

Brother Broken Hand said tremblingly.

"What the hell are you talking about? He is not an ordinary person, but I am an ordinary person? I can't clean up a small restaurant in this county town? Call me!"

Boss Xiao, who lost his mind, didn't think about the problem at all. At this moment, he just wanted to shake people, and then rushed in to take revenge and smash the store!

"But brother... I think he is really powerful! He even asked us to find Fu Deren to inquire about him..."

Compared with Boss Xiao, his little brother is much more rational, or rather more scared.

He even remembered what Chen Yang said.

This sentence also reminded Boss Xiao.

"You're right! That kid seems to have some strength! Then I'll bear with the anger today, and I'll take revenge after I investigate clearly!"

Boss Xiao raised his head and stared fiercely at the signboard of the Heyu restaurant, then took the injured brothers and left.

In the small room of the River Fish Restaurant, Chen Yang was eating happily.

For what happened just now, it has long been thrown out of the sky.

Chen Yang was not afraid, but Yang Caiyun was worried.

She knows that Boss Xiao is not easy to mess with, so she has been patient and chooses to communicate with Boss Xiao by speaking nicely.

Now that Chen Yang hit someone directly, will he get revenge?

Yang Caiyun was very worried, worried about Chen Yang.

"Yangzi, you'd better stay in the village for a while, don't come to the county town."

Yang Caiyun suddenly spoke worriedly.

Chen Yang ate well, and raised his head when he heard this sentence.

"What's wrong, sister? Still worried about that Boss Xiao just now?"

Chen Yang guessed.

Yang Caiyun looked at Chen Yang and was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yeah, that Boss Xiao is a well-known bully in the county, a gangster, we can't afford to mess with him."

"And if you beat him today, he will definitely find a way to retaliate. You should go back quickly after dinner, and don't come to the city during this time."

After hearing Yang Caiyun's words, Chen Yang felt warm in his heart.

"Then I'm going back, what should he do if he comes to see you?"

Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Yang Caiyun struggled for a while, and said: "He came to me because he wanted this store. It's really uncertain when the time comes. At worst, I'll just transfer it to him."

Yang Caiyun gritted her teeth and said this. This restaurant is very important to her, but there is nothing she can do about it.

But at this time, Chen Yang took her hand with a smile, touched it, and said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, nothing will happen, if he really comes to harass you again, you can call me anytime, I will can handle him."

Although Chen Yang said these words with a smile, his tone was very firm, and Yang Caiyun could hear it.

Although she didn't know why Chen Yang said that, she still chose to believe in Chen Yang.

"Well then, I hope he never comes again, that's for the best,"

Yang Caiyun nodded, and the two stopped talking.

After eating, Chen Yang stayed in the store for a while, then drove the van back directly.

On the way back, Chen Yang also thought about what happened today.

I feel something is wrong.

So after returning to Liuhe Village, Chen Yang did not go back immediately, but turned a corner and drove towards Shangshan Village.

Then in the hands of the villagers in Shangshan village, they got Fu Deren's phone number.

And dialed the past.

Chen Yang wanted Fu Deren to tell him that Boss Xiao had better stop thinking about Yang Caiyun Restaurant today.

The call will be connected soon,

After Fu Deren over there heard that it was Chen Yang, he immediately knew why Chen Yang came.

And promised Chen Yang that he would definitely convey Chen Yang's meaning to Boss Xiao.

"Yeah, he has the best sense of humor, otherwise he will be arrogant with me, and I will make him crippled."

Chen Yang said coldly.

Fu Deren on the other end of the phone trembled unconsciously when he heard this sentence.

He could feel that Chen Yang was really angry.

He has already been shadowed by Chen Yang.

"I see, I will convey it, and I won't let him provoke you again."

Fu Deren took a deep breath and said.

"Okay, hang up."

Fu Deren agreed, and Chen Yang didn't say any more, just hung up the phone, and then drove back to Liuhe Village.

After calling Fu Deren, Chen Yang felt more at ease.

Although he was not afraid of Boss Xiao and the underworld, Chen Yang was worried that he would be bad for Yang Caiyun.

He was in the county seat, very close to Yang Caiyun, and he was far away in Liuhe Village. If something happened, it would be troublesome to rush there by himself.

That's why Chen Yang chose to call Fu Deren and ask him to warn Boss Xiao for himself.

I believe what Fu Deren said is more credible than what I said.

If Boss Xiao really wanted to attack Yang Caiyun, he had to think about himself.

Back to Liuhe Village, it was almost dark.

This time period can be regarded as Chen Yang's happiest time of day.

It's the most relaxed time at this time, otherwise, the rest of the time is busy.

Chen Yang stayed at home for a while, and after feeling bored, he decided to go for a walk or something for leisure.

"It's been a long time since I played with Brother Diao. Let's take him out for a walk with the village chief."

Chen Yang walked to the backyard and called Brother Diao out of his nest.

Then put it on your shoulder and take it out with you.

It is very cool for Chen Yang to walk in the village with a vulture on his shoulder. Not only the aunts and uncles are curious, but also the little dolls in the village are envious.

"Uncle Chen Yang, where did you catch this bird?"

"Can I play with this bird? Uncle Chen Yang!"

"It's so handsome! I want one too."


The children in the village surrounded Chen Yang's feet, making Chen Yang a little bit dumbfounded.

"This is an eagle, not a bird. An eagle is a bird of prey. Children can't play with it."

Chen Yang explained with a smile, and then walked straight towards the village.

The children were so curious about Brother Diao, they followed Chen Yang all the time.

Regarding this, Chen Yang was also helpless, just follow along, it's okay anyway.

In this way, Chen Yang took Brother Diao and a large group of village children to the gate of the village.

Chen Yang stood at the door and called the village chief twice.

After hearing this, Wu Kexin walked out of the office.

Seeing Chen Yang standing at the gate of the village with a large group of children, she thought something had happened.

"What's wrong, Chen Yang? What's the matter?"

Wu Kexin asked.

Chen Yang smiled: "It's okay, I want to ask you to go for a walk together, I've been busy for a few days, and I'm suffocated to death."

Upon hearing this, Wu Kexin subconsciously gave Chen Yang a supercilious look, but after thinking about it, she had been seriously busy for several days, and it was time for her to go out for a walk.

And it was just when the sun was setting, it was cool outside and the air was fine.

So she nodded: "Okay, wait for me for a while, and I will lock the door."

"Okay, wait for you."

Chen Yang agreed with a smile.

Then Wu Kexin turned around and started to lock the door of the village office.

"Uncle Chen Yang, why do you ask the village head for a walk? Do you like the village head?"

While Chen Yang was waiting, someone among the children who followed suddenly said this.


Children in rural areas are generally shy. When the child said this, the other children all laughed.

This made Chen Yang very embarrassed.

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