Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 337 Conspiracy

Chen Yang watched Li Han's meeting from the sidelines, and also heard the content of their meeting.

The most important thing is to talk about some medicinal food, such as push, introduction, service in place, some very basic things.

The meeting lasted for about ten minutes, and then the meeting was adjourned.

After everyone walked out of Li Han's office, Li Han walked over with a smile.

"Why is your face so tired? Did you work late yesterday?"

Li Han was concerned.

Chen Yang nodded with a smile: "I didn't finish it until two o'clock in the morning, of course I was very tired."

"It's past two o'clock? Actually, it doesn't have to be done all at once. You can also do it slowly today."

Hearing that Chen Yang was busy until two o'clock yesterday, Li Han felt a little embarrassed.

"The sooner I finish my work, the sooner I relax. I still have a lot of things to do."

But Chen Yang gave her a look of nothing. After all, he also owns shares in this medicinal diet, so he should work hard.

"Okay, have you had breakfast? If not, I'll ask the back kitchen to make you a breakfast."

Li Han said.

Chen Yang shook his head: "I came here after eating breakfast, so I'm not hungry."


Seeing that Chen Yang didn't need it, Li Han didn't say anything, but turned around and went back to the desk, and continued to work.

The medicated diet needs to be launched, and the corresponding services of the hotel must also be connected, so Li Han is a little busy, and has to dispatch the entire hotel staff to push the medicated diet.

So Chen Yang didn't bother Li Han, sat in Li Han's office for a while, and felt that Wang De and the others had almost finished unloading, then Chen Yang got up and said goodbye.

"I'm leaving first, there's something else at home."

Chen Yang said.

Chen Yang wanted to leave suddenly, Li Han was a little surprised, originally he wanted to have lunch with Chen Yang.

"Okay, if you have something to do at home, let's go first, and I will contact you when there is something to do."

Li Han smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Ok, bye."

Chen Yang waved his hand, left the office, took the elevator to the lobby, and walked to the backyard through the back door.

Taking back the keys to his van from Wang De, Chen Yang drove back.

The nutrient layer of the greenhouse was almost done yesterday, and it was time for Chen Yang to find some free time today to spread the bacteria.

That's why he hurried back home from Lintianxia.

After returning home, Chen Yang immediately took the fungus tube to the new greenhouse at the head of the village.

After wandering around the interior of the greenhouse for a long time, Chen Yang began to spread the bacteria after he felt that the nutrient layer was almost fermented.

Chen Yang was halfway through his work when Wu Kexin suddenly came.

"I can't find anyone at your house, so I know you are here."

Wu Kexin came in and said.

Chen Yang raised his head and smiled: "How do you know?"

"The greenhouse has been completed in the past two days, of course you are busy growing wild mushrooms, otherwise what else can you do?"

Wu Kexin said.


Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and then asked, "What can you do with me?"

"Just now I received a notice from the town that the county is planning to renovate the cables for our four miles and eight townships, and also asked me to cooperate with the Gujia Group to expand the road. Do you know about this?"

Wu Kexin expressed his intention.

Hearing this news, Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Gao Ya's speed was so fast. It took more than a day for the notification to come down.

It's really money ability.

"I know something about this. I met with the general manager of the Gu family in the county a few days ago, chatted with each other, and talked about it."

Chen Yang nodded.

"Have you chatted with the general manager in private?"

Wu Kexin's face was full of surprise.

Chen Yang nodded while spreading the flora: "Yes, it was the day I went to the city to practice medicine. I happened to meet and chatted for a while. She asked me some opinions, and I said that if I want to start a mining company, I will definitely The cable had to be widened and the road had to be repaired, otherwise large equipment would definitely not be able to get in, so she agreed to repair the road and also agreed to help us renovate the cable along the way."

Chen Yang explained it carefully, and Wu Kexin nodded after listening to it: "So it was because of you that the Gu family changed the cable for us. I thought the Gu family had some kind of conspiracy, otherwise how could they be so kind."

Wu Kexin had an expression on her face that she didn't want to see the Gu family, and she didn't have a good impression of the Gu family.

"It's just a cable, what kind of conspiracy can there be, and since the town has come to notify, we will cooperate. Anyway, the Gu family's mining company has really opened up, which is still good for our Liuhe Village."

Ever since he had such a relationship with Gao Ya, Chen Yang felt very at ease with the Gu family.

Chen Yang knew that Gu Ming might have some tricks, but Gao Ya would definitely not harm him.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

Wu Kexin nodded reassuringly, then turned around and was about to leave the shed.

But as soon as she turned around, it seemed that she remembered something again and turned back again.

"By the way, Chen Yang, have you come up with any new ways to make money recently? The time is running out, and it can't be delayed."

Wu Kexin's face became worried again, worried that Chen Yang would not earn 1000 million.

"I thought of a way, but it's still in the experiment, and it's not sure whether it will work or not."

Chen Yang said calmly.

"any solution?"

As soon as she heard that there was a solution, Wu Kexin immediately asked.

Chen Yang looked at her, and said: "Yesterday, I made a medicinal meal with Li Han, and launched it in their hotel. If the business is good, I can earn a lot."


Wu Kexin frowned, she didn't expect Chen Yang to come up with such a thing in the past few days.

"Is this medicinal diet reliable? As far as I know, this kind of thing can only be sold in big cities. Are you sure it's okay?"

Wu Kexin was still a little worried.

But don't talk about Wu Kexin, even Chen Yang himself has no idea.

The method of this medicated diet was thought up by Li Han, and he just helped to get a few recipes of the medicated diet.

Whether the customer will buy it or not, how does Chen Yang know.

"I don't know, but seeing Li Han's swearing, it seems to be very clever, and my medicinal food formula tastes good, and the effect is good. It can be more or less effective, and I can make some money."

Chen Yang said.


Wu Kexin saw that Chen Yang didn't understand, and didn't ask any more questions. He turned around and left the shed, busy with his work.

Chen Yang finished spreading all the bacteria by himself, and it was already noon.

After lunch, Chen Yang was lying down thinking about what else he needed to do, when he suddenly received a call from the old man at the supper shop.

Chen Yang thought that the old man had helped him attract business again, so he told himself to send more lobsters tonight.

But who knew, as soon as the phone was connected, the old man's anxious voice came from inside.

"Boss Chen, please come and help me out. Wang Laosi knows that I am working with you, and even solicited business for you. Now he is bringing people to make trouble."

The old man's voice was extremely anxious, and Chen Yang could tell that the surrounding environment was very noisy, not only shouting, but even smashing!

"What? There is such a thing? Just wait, I'll be right there."

After Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, he immediately became angry.

This Wang Lao Si is too rampant, dare to lead people to make trouble in broad daylight!

No matter what, Chen Yang had to come forward to help solve this matter, otherwise, no one would dare to do the night snack business with him.

Chen Yang hung up the phone, got into the van, and drove towards the county.

Along the way, Chen Yang frowned coldly, filled with anger.

This Wang Lao Si is really too bold.

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