Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 333 Medicated Diet

Then carefully checked and accepted the situation of the greenhouse.

After finding that there were no quality problems and the nutrient layer was very good, Chen Yang settled the accounts with Boss Lin, and directly settled the settlement with Boss Lin.

Boss Lin couldn't close his mouth when he looked at the information in the account.

"I like working with you, Boss Chen, so refreshing! You don't procrastinate at all."

Boss Lin said with a smile, then turned around and handed the wild fungus barrel to Chen Yang.

"Boss Chen, this is the flora barrel. If there is nothing else, we will leave first. If there is any problem, let Village Chief Wu call me at any time."

"Okay, then you guys go slowly! No more!"

Chen Yang waved his hand, and then Boss Lin took the workers, loaded all the construction tools into the car, and drove away.

Watching Boss Lin and the others leave, Chen Yang returned home with the mushroom tube.

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't sleep anymore, so he didn't take a nap, and went directly to the old pagoda tree forest with a hoe and a basket.

After the nutrient layer of the new greenhouse is finished, it is necessary to seize the time to transform the nutrient layer, so as to quickly ferment and quickly produce new wild mushrooms.

Like other greenhouses, Chen Yang covered the nutrient layer with soil dug from the old pagoda tree forest, and then some chopped pagoda tree branches and so on.

This busyness took up the whole afternoon.

By the time Chen Yang finished his work, it was already completely dark.

Chen Yang returned home, took a short rest, and immediately made a meal.

After dinner, Chen Yang immediately went up the mountain with a basket to catch lobsters.

Throughout the whole day, Chen Yang was busy almost without stopping.

Although very tired, Chen Yang felt very fulfilled.

As usual, after transporting the lobsters down the mountain, Chen Yang dragged them to the county seat.

On the way to the county seat, Chen Yang received a call from Li Han.

"Chen Yang, are you busy?"

As soon as the call was connected, Li Han first asked Chen Yang if he was busy.

"It's okay, I'm driving to deliver lobsters in the county, what's wrong?"

Chen Yang replied.

"Oh, then give me a call when you get home after delivering the lobsters. I have something to ask you for help. Maybe it can help you make some money."

Li Han said.

When he heard about making money, Chen Yang became interested and wanted to ask what it was about.

But I was driving, so I had to hang up.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang accelerated his horsepower, drove into the county town, and quickly gave the lobster to Lao Zhang, and settled the account at the same time.

Afterwards, Chen Yang drove the car to the house quickly.

Back home, after taking a quick shower, Chen Yang lay on the bed and called Li Han back.

"Li Han, what can I do for you?"

When the phone was connected, Chen Yang asked.

"Is the lobster out?"

Li Han asked back.

"Yeah, I'm lying on the bed now, just tell me, don't make me hungry."

Chen Yang smiled.

"Hehe, let's go."

Li Han also smiled, and then said: "Chen Yang, you are a doctor, have you ever heard of medicinal food?"

"What? Medicinal diet?"

Chen Yang sat up from the bed.

"That's right, Yaoshan, you are a doctor, and you are also a Chinese medicine doctor, so you should know something about this thing."

Li Han continued.

Hearing this, Chen Yang was a little puzzled, and Li Han asked what the medicinal food was for.

I just ate it yesterday.

"Ahem, I have some understanding. What's the matter? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Chen Yang stopped his thoughts, and asked Li Han how he found out about this.

"It's like this. Medicinal diets are very popular in the society recently. Many hotels have launched medicinal diets. The business is very booming. I just thought about getting some in Lintianxia."

"Besides, the price of medicated diet is very expensive and the profit is very high. I just want to ask if you know how to use medicated diet. If so, we can cooperate directly, and then I will pay dividends. I will definitely make a lot of money."

After Li Han explained, she suddenly asked the reason for the medicinal diet.

After listening to these, Chen Yang probably understood what Li Han meant.

"So it is."

Chen Yang nodded slightly, and then thought about it in his heart. If there is really a market for medicinal food recently, then maybe it is really a good way to make money.

Even if you can't make money, you can still help Li Han.

"Chen Yang, will you know?"

When Chen Yang was thinking, Li Han suddenly urged.

It interrupted Chen Yang's thoughts.

"Uh... wait a moment, I think about it, I think I will." Chen Yang prevaricated, then closed his eyes, and began to read the Medicine King Sutra in his mind.

There are many prescriptions recorded in the King of Medicine, and there may be prescriptions for medicinal food.

Chen Yang was looking for Fang Zi, while Li Han on the other side of the phone was speechless.

Yes means yes, no means no, what does it mean?

Although Li Han was speechless, he didn't say anything, but quietly waited for Chen Yang's answer.

And after Chen Yang flipped through the Medicine King Sutra in his mind for a while, he found several formulas of medicinal food.

And the medicinal effects of those formulas are very powerful, such as beautifying, aphrodisiac...blood-generating!

Basically, it has a nourishing function in the aspects that everyone pays most attention to in life.

Although he didn't know much about medicinal food, Chen Yang knew it well.

The things that can be recorded in the Medicine King Classic must be extraordinary. Even if you want to help Li Han and make money, you can't easily leak the formula.

"Li Han, are you still there?"

After finding the formula, Chen Yang opened his eyes.

"I'm here, do you remember? Will it be?"

Li Han immediately answered Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled: "I will."

Upon hearing Chen Yanghui, Li Han immediately became excited.

"You will? Then you come over tomorrow. Let's discuss this matter. There must be something wrong."

Li Han said excitedly.

"Okay, then I'll come over tomorrow morning."

Chen Yang agreed, and after the two said a few other things to each other, they hung up the phone.


The next day, after Chen Yang woke up and cleared up all the family affairs, he drove the van directly to the county town to find Li Han.

After making an appointment yesterday, Li Han also waited for Chen Yang in the office early in the morning.

As soon as Chen Yang came, the two discussed it carefully.

Li Han said that Chen Yang's medicinal diet should be tested first. If there is no problem with the taste and efficacy, it can be launched as a signature dish tomorrow. If one is sold at that time, Chen Yang will share half of the profit.

This profit is very high.

Normally, Chen Yang would definitely not accept it, but now that he is short of money, he has no choice but to accept it.

"Thank you, Li Han."

Chen Yang thanked you.

Li Han replied with a smile: "Why are you being polite to me, I don't want to see Ruoxi never being able to meet you."

After speaking, Li Han went to the office, brought a piece of paper and a pen, and placed them in front of Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, please write down your medicinal diet formula, so that I can order someone to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine, and then I can try it."

Li Han said.

Chen Yang nodded: "OK."

After taking the pen, Chen Yang began to write on the paper.

The formula of medicinal food is very precious, and it is usually not easily revealed, but Chen Yang's formula is a little different.

His formula has a medicine, which must be refined by Chen Yang before it can be used in dishes.

Only in this way can these medicinal diets achieve the corresponding effects, so Chen Yang is not afraid of others stealing his lessons.

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