Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 326 The Rich Man With Serious Illness

Originally, Chen Yang thought that Yang Tiancheng and Li Han could be regarded as a family, and Yang Ruoxi and Li Han were as close as sisters, they could talk about everything.

Li Han would definitely know about this.

But after Chen Yang said this, Li Han's face was full of astonishment, and he said that he didn't know about this matter.

"There is still such a thing? I thought that the last time I went back with Ruoxi, and there was no more to follow, so I haven't bothered you recently."

"Otherwise, if I wanted to know, I would have helped you figure out a way."

Li Han said in surprise.

"So that's the case. I always thought you knew about it."

Chen Yang took another sip of water, Li Han didn't know about this, and Chen Yang was stunned.

"Of course I don't know. Tell me quickly, what happened that day, and why there was another 1000 million agreement after that."

After Li Han knew about the 1000 million, he couldn't help asking curiously.

Afterwards, Chen Yang seriously told Li Han everything that happened that day.

After Li Han finished listening, his face was full of surprise and astonishment, which was very exciting.

"I didn't expect that so many things happened that day. No wonder Uncle and Ruoxi came back so late that day."

Li Han was stunned for a while, and after absorbing everything Chen Yang said, he looked at Chen Yang again.

Then he couldn't help laughing and said: "So because of 1000 million, you want to come to the county to practice medicine to make money?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly and nodded: "Yes, otherwise, why would I be so downcast?"

"Hahahaha, that's enough for you, you can come up with this method."

Seeing Chen Yang nodding, Li Han laughed all of a sudden and trembled.

I think Chen Yang is so interesting that he still wants to earn 1000 million by practicing medicine. Isn't this a dream?

You must know that the central hospital in D County only makes a few hundred million yuan a year.

They still have so many customers, Chen Yang is alone, if he wants to earn 1000 million, when will he go?

After Li Han smiled at Chen Yang, his expression unconsciously became serious.

1000 million, this is not a small amount, but she must not be able to see that Yang Ruoxi really stopped contacting Chen Yang.

And the attitude that both of them are interested in each other has been very obvious.

Although on the surface, it seemed that Yang Tiancheng prevented Yang Ruoxi from contacting Chen Yang.

In fact, it was also a test of Chen Yang's ability.

Let's see if Chen Yang is really capable, if so, Yang Tiancheng will also admit their relationship.

If Chen Yang can't reach it, Yang Tiancheng will let the two of them sever their relationship.

The two of them can't even have contact, and the rest is naturally just a dream.

Thinking of this, Li Han felt the same strange feeling as Wu Kexin.

It was hard to describe that feeling, but it made her very uncomfortable.

But even so, she still wanted to help Chen Yang achieve her goal.

"Then how much money do you have with you now?"

After being silent for a while, Li Han suddenly looked at Chen Yang seriously and asked a question.


Chen Yang thought for a while, and then replied: "If you add your 75, I get exactly 600 million."

"What? 600 million?"

Li Han was shocked when he heard that Chen Yang revealed his family background. He never thought that Chen Yang had such a family background.

"Where did you get 600 million yuan? You can make so much money by opening a greenhouse farm?"

Li Han asked in surprise.

Chen Yang shook his head: "It's not from greenhouses and farms. If greenhouses and farms can really make so much money, why do I need to practice medicine?"

Chen Yang explained helplessly, and then immediately began to explain the origin of his family.

"Yesterday, I met with the village chief and the Gu family, and finally transferred the gold mine to them for 500 million yuan, so I have 600 million yuan."

"Oh, it turns out that's the case. I thought it would be so profitable to open a greenhouse farm, earning 600 million in just one month."

After knowing the origin of 600 million, the two talked about the details of the discussion with the Gu family yesterday.

Originally, Li Han thought that 500 million was a cheap sale, but it was a gold mine.

But after knowing that Chen Yang still has [-]% of the shares, he was relieved.

"It doesn't matter if you sell it, not only can you earn warm money, but you can also lose the enemy of the Gu family."

Li Handao,

Chen Yang nodded expressionlessly: "Yeah, that's true, but there's one thing I'm sorry about. If I wasn't in a hurry to spend money, I definitely wouldn't have negotiated with them so quickly, and it wouldn't be 500 million yuan. this price."


Hearing this sentence, Li Han couldn't help laughing.

I thought to myself that this Chen Yang is really brave and careful, the Gu family has regressed so much, and they are still not satisfied.

Still want to go further.

"Since it's sold, there's nothing to say. Next, think about how to earn the remaining 400 million. Four or five days have passed in a blink of an eye, and you don't have much time left."

Li Han brought the topic to 1000 million.

"Yeah, that's why I came here to look for you. I want you to think about it for me. Is there any quick way to make money, or a rich man with a serious illness. I am very short of money now."

Chen Yang nodded, looked at Li Han with a serious face and said.

But hearing these words of Chen Yang, Li Han couldn't help but want to laugh.

What is a rich man with a serious illness?

Li Han smiled and shook his head: "I don't know a rich man who is seriously ill, but there should be a way to make money quickly, but I can't think of it in a short time."

Chen Yang was a little speechless, and couldn't think of it for a short time, so it was just a waste of time.

Just when he felt that Li Han had nothing to do, and was about to say goodbye, and went out for a few laps, Li Han spoke first: "Well, let's have a meal here at noon today, and I will help you think about it , when the time comes to figure out a good way, I'll call you directly, how about it?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yang glanced out the window and found that it was really late and it was time for lunch.

"Okay, let's have lunch, and I'll go out in the afternoon, maybe I will meet a rich man who is seriously ill."

Chen Yang was full of anticipation, while Li Han was speechless.

After the two agreed, they didn't stay in the office for too long. They went downstairs together and found a private room to have dinner together.

Noon is the time when the hotel business is good, people come and go, very lively.

"The business of your hotel is really good. There is a lot of traffic in a day, right?"

Looking at the bustling hall, Chen Yang asked curiously.

Li Han also glanced at the lobby downstairs and nodded: "My hotel has a lot of customers, it is considered the best hotel in our county, and it is full almost every day! As for holidays and so on, we need more reserve."

"That was hot enough."

Chen Yang nodded, then suddenly his mood moved, and he asked curiously: "Then how much money does your hotel make a day?"

Li Han and Chen Yang looked at each other, then made a yes gesture, and said, "20!"

"20? That's not much. I thought it was hundreds of thousands a day."

Hearing that it was only 20 a day, Chen Yang was a little disappointed, it was still far from what he had expected.

Li Han smiled helplessly and didn't answer.

I took Chen Yang to a relatively remote box for dinner.

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