Chen Yang went up the mountain this time, and didn't run down the mountain until it was dark.

But fortunately, it is worthwhile to rush up and up the mountain in such a hurry.

Chen Yang caught more than 20 plump rabbits.

And among these rabbits, there are three pregnant female rabbits!

Catching such a rabbit made Chen Yang happier than catching a big rabbit weighing six to seven catties!

"Hurry up and go home! Then sort it out! I haven't had lunch yet after a busy day." Chen Yang rubbed his shriveled belly with a smile on his face.

Although it was hard to be hungry, Chen Yang was extremely happy when he thought of today's harvest.

Back home, Chen Yang sorted the rabbits as usual, and then took a comfortable bath.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang was ready to cook a sumptuous dinner for himself.

However, when Chen Yang was about to start cooking, someone knocked on the shutter of the medical hall.

The rolling gate is made of iron, so it sounds like a thunderbolt.

"Don't knock, don't knock! Here we come." Chen Yang said impatiently, then hurried to the medical hall, and pulled up the shutter.

As soon as he opened the door, Chen Yang saw a seven or eight-year-old boy with dark skin and a thin build standing in front of his medical center.

His name is Wang Qiang, and everyone in the village calls him Qiangzi, the son of Wang Hong.

"Qiangzi, why are you here? What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

"Uncle Yang, my mother and I brought back a pheasant from my grandfather's house today, and I would like to invite you over for a meal. Thank you for helping my mother cure the snake venom last time." Qiang Zi smiled and said.

"Oh, so, then you go first, I'll go there right away after I clean up." Chen Yang nodded and agreed.

"Good Le!"

Chen Yang agreed, and Qiangzi turned around and ran away.

Looking at Qiangzi's running back, Chen Yang smiled.

"No wonder I wasn't at home yesterday, so I went back to my mother's house." Chen Yang remembered that when she wanted to find Wang Hong last night, her house was locked.

Taking the key and locking the rolling gate, Chen Yang went to Wang Hong's house.

As soon as Chen Yang approached Wang Hong's house, he immediately smelled the scent of pheasant in the air.

This kind of taste is much more fragrant than that of domestic chicken. After smelling it, Chen Yang felt his mouth watering.

"The pheasant meat is so delicious. If I can raise some, it will definitely fetch a good price in the county." Chen Yang blurted out.

Since preparing to breed today, Chen Yang wanted to raise wild game as soon as he saw it.

Walking to the door of Wang Hong's house, Chen Yang wanted to go in directly, but after thinking about it carefully, he knocked on the door anyway.

"Aunt Wang, are you home?"

"Here! Wait, I'll ask Qiangzi to open the door for you." Wang Hong's voice came from the room, and then she heard her calling Qiangzi, and then Qiangzi came to open the door.

Chen Yang also entered Wang Hong's house.

"Uncle Yang, sit down first. My mother is still cooking, so she will be here soon." Entering Wang Hong's house, Qiangzi moved a stool for Chen Yang very politely.

Chen Yang smiled and touched his head, then sat down,

Not long after, Wang Hong brought a plate of delicious pheasant to the table.

Looking at the steaming and fragrant pheasant meat, Chen Yang, who hadn't eaten all day, couldn't help swallowing.

This pheasant is really delicious!

"Yangzi, move your chopsticks first, and I'll come right after I clean up the kitchen." Wang Hong put the pheasant chicken on the table, wiped her hands and enthusiastically called Chen Yang to eat first.

"Hehe, it's okay, Aunt Wang, I'll wait for you." Although Chen Yang was very hungry, he didn't rush to move his chopsticks, but chose to wait.

"Alright! Auntie, hurry up and clean up." Wang Hong smiled, raised eyebrows at Chen Yang, then turned around and entered the kitchen again.

Looking at Wang Hong's eyes, Chen Yang seemed to have realized something.

He quickly stood up and said, "Aunt Wang, let me help you."

After speaking, Chen Yang also followed into the kitchen.

As soon as Chen Yang walked into the kitchen, he saw Aunt Wang cleaning the countertop with a rag.

Today's Wang Hong wears neither too much nor too little, but her buttocks are very attractive when she bends down to tidy up the countertop.

Looking at Wang Hong's perfect curve propped on the stove, he couldn't help swallowing, and then immediately moved forward, getting behind Wang Hong, and clinging to Wang Hong.

Chen Yang suddenly appeared behind him and stuck to his body, and Chen Yang's unique masculine aura echoed in his ears, which made Wang Hong's body shake suddenly, and two red clouds appeared on his face immediately.

"What are you doing, boy... It's time to pack up and eat..." Wang Hong turned around and said with a blushing face.

"Hey." Seeing that Wang Hong was a little shy, Chen Yang became playful.

Once he grasped Wang Hong's hand holding the rag, he cleaned up on the stove.

"Isn't this helping you clean up..."

The rag cleans the stove back and forth...

This feeling was wonderful, but Chen Yang felt a little unsatisfied and wanted to make further moves.

But Aunt Wang avoided it directly.

"Okay, bad boy... I asked you to come over for dinner today. It's not good to stay for a long time." Wang Hong looked outside the kitchen, and it was obvious that there were people outside.

Seeing this, Chen Yang had no choice but to give up.

Seriously, he helped Wang Hong clean up, and then the two walked out of the kitchen, sat at home and ate.

"Yangzi, how about this pheasant?" During the meal, Wang Hong asked Chen Yang with a smile.

"It's delicious. The pheasant meat is delicious and full of flavor, but what I admire the most is Aunt Wang's craftsmanship." Chen Yang smiled and patted Wang Hong's flattery.

But it worked.

Hearing Chen Yang's praise of his craftsmanship, Wang Hong laughed from ear to ear.

"By the way, Aunt Wang, although there are many pheasants in the mountains, they are also difficult to catch. How did you get this pheasant?" Chen Yang asked suddenly.

"Didn't you bring Qiangzi back to your mother's house yesterday? By chance, my dad and his old man caught two in a trap, so I took one back." Wang Hong replied with a smile.

"Trap? What kind of trap can catch pheasants?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

Although the pheasant is not flexible in flying, it can escape very fast.

Stronger than the hare.

Moreover, pheasants do not have a fixed activity area, and it is much more difficult to catch them than rabbits.

"I don't know about that. Anyway, my dad and his elders can often catch them." Wang Hong shook her head, expressing that she didn't know either.

Seeing this, Chen Yang didn't intend to ask any more questions.

But at this moment, Qiangzi, who was nibbling on a chicken leg, suddenly interrupted.

"Uncle Yang, I know how grandpa caught it!" Qiangzi raised his hand and said excitedly.

"Oh? How did you catch it?" Chen Yang looked at Qiangzi with a smile and asked.

"It was caught with a bamboo building connected to a rope, and corn kernels! And there are a lot of pheasants on the weedy slope! That's where grandpa caught it!" Qiangzi excitedly told all he knew. .

Through Qiangzi's description, Chen Yang seemed to understand how Qiangzi's grandfather caught the pheasant.

The simplest method is to put some corn kernels that pheasants love to eat on the ground, and then set up a bamboo basket mechanism on top of the corn kernels, waiting for the pheasants to eat ecstasy.

Just pull the rope, and then the bamboo basket falls and catches it.

"So that's the case." Chen Yang nodded lightly, thinking in his heart that he would find a way to catch some tomorrow.

This pheasant meat is so delicious, it must fetch a good price.

After dinner, Chen Yang originally wanted to get some money, but Wang Hong kept sitting in front of the TV, and Chen Yang left without giving himself a chance.

Back home, Chen Yang immediately rummaged through the boxes, trying to find some corn kernels that pheasants love to eat, but found that there were none at home.

Chen Yang had no choice but to give up.

"Since we don't have any at home, let's go to the county tomorrow and buy some things that are helpful for breeding!" Lying on the bed, Chen Yang put his hands behind his head, thinking about these things in his heart.

Breeding looks simple, but it is actually quite difficult to operate in practice.

Now it's simply because Chen Yang's scale is not large, there are only a dozen or so hares.

If you really want to make a fortune from the breeding industry, you must expand the scale and raise thousands of them.

When the scale is expanded, not only tons of fodder will be consumed every day, but also a huge site will be required for resettlement.

And the most important thing is to keep those wild animals wild.

It would be too common to just build a thermal insulation shed and raise them with feed.

And there is no competitive advantage!

If you want to really make a lot of money, you must engage in pure wild!

"Think about this later! For now, let's make a small one first, and then take a step at a time!" Chen Yang stopped his thoughts, lay on the bed and fell asleep unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, the time had come to the next day...

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