Seeing Wu Kexin being so direct, Chen Yang smiled, and then told Li Han's phone call today, as well as Yang Ruoxi's reaction, and so on.

Wu Kexin was in a good mood at first, with a smile all over his face.

But after hearing Chen Yang say that Yang Ruoxi was very emotional and even cried, his brows furrowed tightly.

After a few days of getting along, the relationship between her and Yang Ruoxi has become as close as sisters.

Now knowing that Yang Ruoxi is like this, she is naturally very worried.

"Ruoxi's mood is very strange. I wanted to ask some inside information but couldn't find out, so I want to take the opportunity of inviting you to dinner and let you have a private chat with Ruoxi to see if I can find out something."

"After all, this is her family's business. When her father comes over tomorrow, I can't forcefully stop him and prevent him from taking Ruoxi away, can I?"

"You still have to understand the cause and effect clearly before you can figure out a solution."

After Chen Yang explained the situation, he expressed his intention for coming.

After Wu Kexin finished listening, she stood up and agreed.

"I have already regarded Ruoxi as my younger sister. I will naturally help her if she has something to do. Let's go there now."

After finishing speaking, Wu Kexin walked out of the desk, dragged Chen Yang to the medical clinic.

Looking at her like that, just like Chen Yang, she was very worried about Yang Ruoxi and wanted to help Yang Ruoxi solve this problem.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin went back to the hospital, where Yang Ruoxi was boiling water in the kitchen.

Seeing that Chen Yang and Wu Kexin came back together, excitement and joy immediately appeared on his originally dull face.

"Sister Kexin! You came here so soon!"

Yang Ruoxi stood up excitedly, and hugged Wu Kexin.

"Yeah, Ruoxi, Chen Yang said he wanted to eat hot pot, so I just wanted to come and help out. I can't just eat and not work every time, can I?"

Wu Kexin smiled all over her face, as if she didn't know anything about Yang Ruoxi's family affairs.

"Haha, yes, it should be much faster with your help."

Yang Ruoxi smiled happily.

Seeing Wu Kexin's arrival made Yang Ruoxi happy immediately, and Chen Yang's mood also improved a lot.

"Forget it, you guys go to your room and stay there. Leave all the things in the kitchen to me, and I can handle it by myself."

Chen Yang smiled.

"How is this possible? If you are busy alone, you don't know how long you will be busy. Let me and Sister Kexin help you."

Yang Ruoxi immediately turned her head and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled again, and then said with a disgusted expression: "You don't know anything, what can you do for me? It's better to sit in the room and eat when I'm done."

Seeing that she was kind enough to help, but Chen Yang didn't appreciate it, Yang Ruoxi also lost her temper.

He snorted softly: "Hmph, just sit and sit, if you don't want to help out, then I won't help."

Yang Ruoxi snorted softly, and then directly took Wu Kexin's hand: "Sister Kexin, let's go, let him go alone, we won't help him."

After speaking, he dragged Wu Kexin away and went to the inner room.

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, then went to the backyard with the pheasant.

It was Chen Yang's intention to make Yang Ruoxi not help.

Only by letting the two girls go to the inner room and stay alone together, can Wu Kexin have a chance to enlighten Yang Ruoxi and know what happened to Yang Ruoxi.

Otherwise, if the two girls offered to help in normal times, Chen Yang would probably not be able to close his mouth when he smiled.

"I hope the village head can ask something, otherwise her father, the richest man Yang, will come tomorrow, and the situation will definitely be embarrassing."

Chen Yang shook his head and came to the backyard, and then brought all the boiled water that Yang Ruoxi had boiled in advance to the backyard.

Then start processing.

Chen Yang is very skillful at killing chickens, scalding them, plucking them, and removing their viscera.

Recently, I eat big meals every now and then, and I don't even know how to be skilled.

Chen Yang threw all the processed internal organs to Brother Diao, and then returned to the kitchen with a clean pheasant.

And mince, prepare seasoning.

It took Chen Yang more than an hour to complete a set of procedures.

Seeing that the condiments were ready and the muscles were all cut into pieces, Chen Yang set up a pot to boil water.

Then put all the seasoning meat pieces into the pot one by one and cook.

"Simmer for an hour on high heat, the meat is absolutely delicious!"

Chen Yang smiled and added two handfuls of firewood to the stove, then turned his head out of the kitchen and went to the village.

Still the same, I bought some iced drinks from Uncle Niu's house and went back.

"The last time Nizi wanted to buy a refrigerator when she was at home, but she forgot about it later. It seems that I should buy one if I have time, otherwise it will be inconvenient in the summer."

Chen Yang held the ice drink and said as he walked.

It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, almost six o'clock.

The sun in the sky has already started to set, and the busy villagers around are also carrying farm tools home one after another.

When passing by the village, seeing Chen Yang couldn't help but greet him warmly.

"Yangzi, you bought so much beer, is there a visitor at home?"

When Wang Hong passed by Chen Yang, she asked curiously.

Chen Yang looked at her.

Today's Wang Hong is wearing very simple clothes, which is a typical rural woman's dress when she goes to the fields to do farm work.

It's just that the fiery red nail polish on the toenails and fingernails looks a bit charming.

"Yes, Aunt Wang, there are guests at home."

Chen Yang glanced around Wang Hong's body with a smirk, then nodded.

Seeing Chen Yang's smirk, Wang Hong knew what Chen Yang was thinking.

But Chen Yang didn't make it too obvious, so naturally she couldn't say anything.

He could only give Chen Yang a white look, and then asked with a smile: "What kind of guest is here, is it the two girls in the city?"

Chen Yang still nodded: "It's them, but it's just one of them."

"You boy, you are really blessed. Those two girls look good, so I can tell Aunt Wang about it, isn't that it?"

When Wang Hong heard that there was only one, her expression instantly became intriguing.

Only then did Chen Yang realize what Wang Hong was thinking.

"Aunt Wang, don't think about it, I am just a simple friend relationship with him, it's nothing at all."

Chen Yang explained calmly.

But how could Wang Hong believe such an explanation?

"Okay, okay, don't I understand your aunt? There are so many bad thoughts, such a beautiful girl is a guest at your house alone? Why don't you eat her?"

Wang Hong's expression is still very intriguing.

This made Chen Yang a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to change the topic to Wang Hong.

"Aunt Wang, what you said is wrong. I am very responsible, okay? You see, the two of us have been alone so many times, and I haven't eaten you yet, have I?"

Now that the topic changed, it was Chen Yang's turn to smile badly.

Wang Hong's face instantly turned red.

The two walked on the village road and talked about these, and it was about themselves.

Even if Wang Hong doesn't care anymore, she feels guilty, doesn't she?

"You kid is not only evil-minded, but also has a bad mouth. My aunt won't talk to you anymore, and I have to mow the grass for your farm!"

Wang Hong glared at Chen Yang with a blushing face, then hastily quickened her pace, wanting to leave here with a hoe on her shoulders.

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