Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 294 Prepare to Breed

After a while, all the fifty catties of pork turned into minced meat.It was packed in five or six big bags.

"Yes boss, how much is the total?"

After feeling that the boss did a good job, Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and prepared to pay.

The boss wiped his hands with a towel, and said with a silly smile, "Hehe, the total is 150 yuan boss."

In the afternoon, pork costs 23 yuan a catty.

Fifty catties, one thousand and 150 yuan is right, Chen Yang also calculated it in his heart.

After confirming that there was no problem, Chen Yang ran over.

"Okay, the money has passed, let's go first."

"Okay! Boss, please go slowly."

Hearing the prompt sound of the money arriving in the account, the boss smiled from ear to ear.

I didn't expect such a big business in the afternoon.

After buying the meat, Chen Yang didn't stay long in the county seat, and hurried to Liuhe Village on a three-wheeler.

When passing by the field road in Liuhe Village, Chen Yang saw Wu Kexin and Yang Ruoxi helping Li Xiaoe plant seedlings.

Chen Yang saw Yang Ruoxi and Wu Kexin, and these two also saw Chen Yang.

Seeing that Chen Yang came back by bicycle, the two immediately walked out of the field and headed towards the hospital.

Chen Yang returned to the medical hall on the front foot, and Yang Ruoxi and Wu Kexin also came on the back foot.

"Chen Yang, why did you come back at this hour?"

Back home, Yang Ruoxi asked immediately.

While unloading the contents of the truck, Chen Yang replied: "No one in the county buys shrimp seedlings at all. These shrimp seedlings were brought back after a lot of hard work."

"So it took a lot of time."

"oh, I see."

Yang Ruoxi groaned, then knelt down to check the shrimp seedlings.

Seeing so many shrimp seedlings packed in round plastic bags layer by layer, and there was only a small amount of water in the plastic bags, she couldn't help but worry.

"Chen Yang, why are you pretending like this, these shrimp seedlings are going to die."

Yang Ruoxi looked up at Chen Yangdao.

"Dead? Let me see."

Upon hearing this, Wu Kexin immediately squatted down.

It seemed that after a few glances at the larvae in the plastic bag, she couldn't help laughing.

"Ruoxi, it's normal for shrimp to pretend like this, they won't die! There's still a lot of water in it."


Chen Yang laughed and said, "It's still the village head who understands this."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang asked again: "Why did you two come back? Are all the seedlings in the village ready?"

When it comes to seedlings, Yang Ruoxi is a little proud.

"That's right, it was almost done at noon today, but I was exhausted."

Yang Ruoxi raised her mouth, waiting for Chen Yang's praise.

Seeing her like that, Chen Yang understood her thoughts, so he naturally followed her will.

"It's really not easy after a busy day!"

"That's right, I just realized now that farming is so tiring."

Yang Ruoxi smacked her lips, her face was slightly tired.

Chen Yang originally wanted the two girls to help him by taking these shrimp seedlings to the mountain, but he saw that the two of them were tired after a day of work, so he couldn't bear it.

"Then sit and rest for a while, and when I go up the mountain to arrange all these shrimp seedlings, I will cook for you when I come back."

Chen Yang said.

"That can't be done,"

Seeing that Chen Yang told them to rest, Yang Ruoxi immediately shook her head.

"Yes, we came back just to help you get shrimp seedlings! Let's see how you grow shrimp seedlings."

Wu Kexin also offered to help.

Seeing the two girls who were still full of fatigue just now, they became refreshed in an instant, and Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

"That's fine, then you can help me get up the mountain together."

The two women were so enthusiastic, it was naturally impossible for Chen Yang to refuse.

So the three of them started to carry the shrimp larvae and the minced meat, and started to go up the mountain.

Shrimp fry and minced meat are added together, about seventy or eighty catties.

In order to keep the two girls from getting too tired, Chen Yang carried fifty catties by himself.

The two women are just carrying two bags of shrimp larvae each.

Still very easy.

Chen Yang led the way carrying the meat, and the two women followed behind.

At this time, it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun in the sky was still very big.

Walking in the dense forest, the three of them became hot and sweated after a while.

"Huh, how far is Chen Yang! I remember when we came last time, it wasn't so far away."

After walking for a while, Yang Ruoxi was too tired to ask questions.

Chen Yang looked back at her, her beautiful face was covered with beads of sweat, and her hot little face was flushed.

Looking at Wu Kexin's situation is similar.

Although the two women didn't mention many things, climbing the mountain just after returning from the fields is still very exhausting for the body.

"It will take a while. If you are tired, take a rest first. Don't be in a hurry."

Seeing the flushed and tired faces of the two girls, Chen Yang felt a little distressed.

So I offered to stop and have a rest.

The two women didn't refuse, they found a fairly clean grass nearby and sat down.

"Well... I'm really tired!"

After sitting down, Yang Ruoxi couldn't help but say something.

Her family conditions are good, and she has almost never done any work.

But today I was doing farm work and climbing mountains, so it's normal to be so tired.

So not only did Chen Yang not think that Yang Ruoxi was delicate, but he also looked at Yang Ruoxi with admiration.

"Haha, now you know that the countryside is not fun, right? Is it better to stay in the city and watch TV with the air conditioner?"

Chen Yang smiled.


Yang Ruoxi wiped off her sweat, shook her head and said, "It's more comfortable in the city, but I still think it's still fun here. Not only are there fun things, but also you and Sister Kexin! There is no one to play with me in the city !"

"Hahaha, I thought we'd play with you, so I'm afraid I won't be able to play with you in a few days."

Hearing what Yang Ruoxi said, Wu Kexin couldn't help laughing, thinking that Yang Ruoxi was too cute.

When Yang Ruoxi heard this, she immediately turned her head and asked, "Ah? Why, sister Kexin!"

"The rice seedlings in the village are almost done. There are still a lot of statistics to be collected and reports to be made. I have to be busy with work."

Wu Kexin said seriously.

She is the village head of Liuhe Village. Although it has been many days since the last rainstorm, her work has not been idle.

After the rainstorm, Ken had to count a lot of things and report them to the town.


After listening to what Wu Kexin said, Yang Ruoxi sighed heavily and didn't continue talking.

After the three of them sat and rested for a while, they set off again.

This time the three of them didn't take a rest, but walked straight to the entrance of the cave with the pool in one go.

Walking into the cave, the three immediately felt cool.

It turned out that the three of them were climbing outside and sweated a lot.

After walking in, the coolness in the cave instantly covered the whole body.

That feeling is really comfortable.

"Wow! So comfortable!"

It was the first time for Wu Kexin to come here, and she couldn't help sighing.

Yang Ruoxi looked at her with a smile: "Sister Kexin, it's more comfortable inside! The pool water inside is also comfortable, if it's not too shallow, I would like to swim in it."

"is it?"

As soon as Wu Kexin heard that the cave was more comfortable, she regained her spirits and stood up directly: "Then let's set off quickly and rest while walking."

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing Wu Kexin standing up, Yang Ruoxi was a little excited and wanted to go in quickly.

Seeing that the two women were in good spirits, Chen Yang naturally couldn't hold back.

He directly took out the flashlight he brought from home and turned on the light.

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