Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 292 Lobster Knowledge

Yang Caiyun in the carriage was also attracted by the surrounding scenery.

"It's really beautiful. I've only heard that it's beautiful here before, but I've never been here before."

Yang Caiyun said.

After Chen Yang glanced around a large circle, he subconsciously said: "It's so beautiful, how come the county doesn't know how to use resources! How great it is to develop a tourist attraction here, a beautiful rural life."


Hearing this, Yang Caiyun couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Yangzi, are you taking money seriously? Why do you think about making money?"

Yang Caiyun complained with a smile.


Chen Yang smiled lightly: "I'm right. If such a beautiful natural landscape is used reasonably, it will not only make an individual rich, but may also drive the entire village! It also means that Liuhe Village does not have such good conditions. Otherwise, I would have acted long ago."

Chen Yang said cheerfully, but Yang Caiyun behind him couldn't help admiring Chen Yang.

It can be seen from Chen Yang's actions.

He really wants to drive the entire Liuhe Village to become rich together!

Such a responsible man who leads everyone to get rich is naturally very attractive.

"Although Liuhe Village doesn't have such a landscape, it will definitely become rich! Although it's beautiful here, it doesn't necessarily mean it."

After Yang Caiyun was stunned for a short while, she suddenly said so with certainty.

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help being happy.

"Why do you say that?"

Chen Yang asked back with a smile.

Yang Caiyun looked up at Chen Yang's back, and then said in a joking tone: "Because there are people like you in Liuhe Village, but not here."

"Hahaha, you think highly of me too."

Although I don't know if Yang Caiyun really thinks so, but this sentence is quite useful to Chen Yang.

Immediately I felt much better.

"This is not to look down on, but a fact that can be seen through some things! You must be able to drive Liuhe Village to become rich!"

This time, Yang Caiyun's tone was no longer joking, but very firm.

At this time, Chen Yang also realized that what Yang Caiyun said was serious.

So he also got serious.

"With your good words, if I really get rich by then, I will definitely sell your river fish restaurant and let you do less work,"

Chen Yang said.

Hearing what Chen Yang said, Yang Caiyun felt like eating honey in her heart.

"Your mouth is sweet."

Yang Caiyun gave Chen Yang a white look with a smile all over her face, the joy in her heart could be seen from her face.

"Haha, I'm telling the truth, it's not sweet."

Chen Yang laughed, then suddenly increased his horsepower, and went straight to the village at the end of the road.

After arriving at the village, Yang Caiyun and Chen Yang got out of the car.

Then Yang Caiyun took out her phone and called the boss who sold shrimp seedlings.

"Sister Caiyun, you guys are here so soon? Wait a minute, I'll come over after I get dressed."

Yang Caiyun was using the speakerphone, and Chen Yang could hear it.

Through the voice on the phone, Chen Yang felt that the boss was a fat man.

And the facts were not as expected by Chen Yang.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang and Yang Caiyun waited at the village for a few minutes.

Then a fat man ran out of the village in a hurry.

As soon as he saw Chen Yang and Yang Caiyun, he walked over directly.

"Sister Caiyun, your speed is too fast. I guess I will come back in the afternoon. I'm taking a nap."

The fat man cheerfully said something to Yang Caiyun, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, and gave one to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang waved his hand politely: "Sorry, I don't smoke."

"Oh, it's okay, it's a good thing not to smoke."

The fat man cheerfully found a place to go down, and then lit one himself.

Afterwards, Yang Caiyun and the fat man stood at the head of the village and exchanged pleasantries, talking about everything.

Suddenly talk about the business of the river fish restaurant, and then talk about how the fat man's river fish business is doing.

Finally, after chatting for several minutes, the topic turned to shrimp seedlings.

"Sister Caiyun, who is this brother from you? Why does he want to buy shrimp seedlings? Do he want to start a farm business?"

the fat man asked with a smile.

Yang Caiyun froze for a moment, not knowing how to introduce her relationship with Chen Yang.

lover?Or is there a partner for such a deal?

In the end, it was Chen Yang who spoke in time to resolve the embarrassment.

"This is my sister, and I'm his brother."

Chen Yang smiled all over his face, and said very seriously.

"Oh, that's right, this is one of my cousins. He wants to get some shrimp seed back and try to raise it to support my river fish restaurant business."

Yang Caiyun reacted quickly, and as soon as Chen Yang explained, she immediately stood up and spoke.

When the fat man heard that the two were siblings, he believed it without thinking too much.

After all, the two look alike.

"It turns out to be siblings, okay, let's go to the field with me and see how my lobsters are growing. By the way, I can also give you some popular science tips that need to be paid attention to in breeding, and impart some experience to you."

After knowing that Chen Yang was Yang Caiyun's younger brother, Fatty's attitude became even more enthusiastic.

He even wanted to pass on his experience to Chen Yang.

Naturally, Chen Yang would not refuse such a thing.

In terms of shrimp farming, Chen Yang is a pure novice. He listens to the opinions of his masters more, and there are only advantages and no disadvantages in experience.

"Brother, Fat Brother told you that raising lobsters is a big question..."

Walking into the field, the fat man held Chen Yang's shoulder for a while, exporting knowledge enthusiastically.

What are the habits of lobsters!What happened to the lobster, what happened? A series of things, all taught to Chen Yang,

At the same time as the introduction, he also shouted sweetly one by one.

Looking at the enthusiastic posture of the fat man, he knew that this fat man must be interested in Yang Caiyun, and he really regarded himself as Yang Caiyun's younger brother.

Regarding this situation, Chen Yang could only secretly glance at Bai Yang Caiyun.

Yang Caiyun definitely knew what the fat man was thinking, but Chen Yang didn't know why he didn't say it.

Yang Caiyun naturally knew what Chen Yangbai meant.

She just covered her mouth and smiled after the two of them, and didn't say much.

"Brother, if you buy my shrimp back, you must follow my method to raise them."

"At that time, everyone will be alive and well! Sell it for a good price,"

The fat man said enthusiastically.

"I understand, I understand, I must do as you say."

Chen Yang nodded repeatedly, agreeing with what the fat man said.

"Hmm! Let's go and see the shrimp seedlings now, shall we?"

Fatty saw that what he knew was pretty much what he said, and he immediately wanted to take Chen Yang to see the shrimp seedlings.

Chen Yang naturally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, fat brother, you lead the way, let's go and see the shrimp seedlings."

Chen Yang didn't change his expression on the surface, but in fact, he was already happy in his heart.

The progress was too smooth. In just two days, not only did he figure out Wang Laosi's exclusive shrimp breeding method, but he also found a pool with the same environment, and now he can still buy shrimp seedlings!

Really fast!

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't take a week for me to cultivate that kind of lobster with excellent taste!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a little excited.

With excitement, Chen Yang followed the fat man to a small shed.

The structure of the shed is no different from the shed used by Chen Yang's family to grow wild mushrooms.

It's just much smaller than the shed of wild mushrooms.

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